@@ -49,12 +49,11 @@ Multiple template engines
Django 1.8 defines a stable API for integrating template backends. It includes
-built-in support for the Django template language and for Jinja2_. It supports
-rendering templates with multiple engines within the same project. Learn more
-about the new features in the :doc:`topic guide </topics/templates>` and check
-the :doc:`upgrade instructions </ref/templates/upgrading>` for details.
-.. _Jinja2: http://jinja.pocoo.org/
+built-in support for the Django template language and for
+:class:`~django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2`. It supports rendering
+templates with multiple engines within the same project. Learn more about the
+new features in the :doc:`topic guide </topics/templates>` and check the
+:doc:`upgrade instructions </ref/templates/upgrading>` for details.
Security enhancements