@@ -1294,8 +1294,9 @@ n Month without leading zeros. ``'1'`` to ``'12'``
N Month abbreviation in Associated Press ``'Jan.'``, ``'Feb.'``, ``'March'``, ``'May'``
style. Proprietary extension.
o ISO-8601 week-numbering year, ``'1999'``
- corresponding to
- the ISO-8601 week number (W)
+ corresponding to the ISO-8601 week
+ number (W) which uses leap weeks. See Y
+ for the more common year format.
O Difference to Greenwich time in hours. ``'+0200'``
P Time, in 12-hour hours, minutes and ``'1 a.m.'``, ``'1:30 p.m.'``, ``'midnight'``, ``'noon'``, ``'12:30 p.m.'``
'a.m.'/'p.m.', with minutes left off