@@ -98,6 +98,55 @@ In addition to being able to add custom command line options, all
:doc:`management commands</ref/django-admin>` can accept some
default options such as :djadminopt:`--verbosity` and :djadminopt:`--traceback`.
+.. admonition:: Management commands and locales
+ The :meth:`BaseCommand.execute` method sets the hardcoded ``en-us`` locale
+ because the commands shipped with Django perform several tasks
+ (for example, user-visible content and database population) that require
+ a system-neutral string language (for which we use ``en-us``).
+ If your custom management command uses another locale, you should manually
+ activate and deactivate it in your :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle` or
+ :meth:`~NoArgsCommand.handle_noargs` method using the functions provided by
+ the I18N support code:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
+ from django.utils import translation
+ class Command(BaseCommand):
+ ...
+ self.can_import_settings = True
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ # Activate a fixed locale, e.g. Russian
+ translation.activate('ru')
+ # Or you can activate the LANGUAGE_CODE
+ # chosen in the settings:
+ #
+ #from django.conf import settings
+ #translation.activate(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
+ # Your command logic here
+ # ...
+ translation.deactivate()
+ Take into account though, that system management commands typically have to
+ be very careful about running in non-uniform locales, so:
+ * Make sure the :setting:`USE_I18N` setting is always ``True`` when running
+ the command (this is one good example of the potential problems stemming
+ from a dynamic runtime environment that Django commands avoid offhand by
+ always using a fixed locale).
+ * Review the code of your command and the code it calls for behavioral
+ differences when locales are changed and evaluate its impact on
+ predictable behavior of your command.
Command objects