@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ of the model's :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.__init__` method.
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The model class that just had an instance created.
+ The model class that just had an instance created.
- ``args``
- A list of positional arguments passed to
- :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.__init__`:
+ A list of positional arguments passed to
+ :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.__init__`:
- ``kwargs``
- A dictionary of keyword arguments passed to
- :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.__init__`:.
+ A dictionary of keyword arguments passed to
+ :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.__init__`:.
For example, the :doc:`tutorial </intro/tutorial01>` has this line:
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ Like pre_init, but this one is sent when the :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.__in
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- As above: the model class that just had an instance created.
+ As above: the model class that just had an instance created.
- ``instance``
- The actual instance of the model that's just been created.
+ The actual instance of the model that's just been created.
@@ -108,14 +108,16 @@ method.
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The model class.
+ The model class.
- ``instance``
- The actual instance being saved.
+ The actual instance being saved.
- ``using``
- The database alias being used.
+.. versionadded:: 1.3
+ The database alias being used.
@@ -128,17 +130,19 @@ Like :data:`pre_save`, but sent at the end of the
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The model class.
+ The model class.
- ``instance``
- The actual instance being saved.
+ The actual instance being saved.
- ``created``
- A boolean; ``True`` if a new record was created.
+ A boolean; ``True`` if a new record was created.
- ``using``
- The database alias being used.
+.. versionadded:: 1.3
+ The database alias being used.
@@ -151,14 +155,16 @@ method.
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The model class.
+ The model class.
+ The actual instance being deleted.
- ``instance``
- The actual instance being deleted.
+.. versionadded:: 1.3
- ``using``
- The database alias being used.
+ The database alias being used.
@@ -171,17 +177,19 @@ Like :data:`pre_delete`, but sent at the end of the
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The model class.
+ The model class.
+ The actual instance being deleted.
- ``instance``
- The actual instance being deleted.
+ Note that the object will no longer be in the database, so be very
+ careful what you do with this instance.
- Note that the object will no longer be in the database, so be very
- careful what you do with this instance.
+.. versionadded:: 1.3
- ``using``
- The database alias being used.
+ The database alias being used.
@@ -199,51 +207,53 @@ when it comes to tracking changes to models, it is included here.
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The intermediate model class describing the :class:`ManyToManyField`.
- This class is automatically created when a many-to-many field is
- defined; you can access it using the ``through`` attribute on the
- many-to-many field.
- ``instance``
- The instance whose many-to-many relation is updated. This can be an
- instance of the ``sender``, or of the class the :class:`ManyToManyField`
- is related to.
- ``action``
- A string indicating the type of update that is done on the relation.
- This can be one of the following:
- ``"pre_add"``
- Sent *before* one or more objects are added to the relation
- ``"post_add"``
- Sent *after* one or more objects are added to the relation
- ``"pre_remove"``
- Sent *after* one or more objects are removed from the relation
- ``"post_remove"``
- Sent *after* one or more objects are removed from the relation
- ``"pre_clear"``
- Sent *before* the relation is cleared
- ``"post_clear"``
- Sent *after* the relation is cleared
- ``reverse``
- Indicates which side of the relation is updated (i.e., if it is the
- forward or reverse relation that is being modified).
- ``model``
- The class of the objects that are added to, removed from or cleared
- from the relation.
- ``pk_set``
- For the ``pre_add``, ``post_add``, ``pre_remove`` and ``post_remove``
- actions, this is a list of primary key values that have been added to
- or removed from the relation.
- For the ``pre_clear`` and ``post_clear`` actions, this is ``None``.
- ``using``
- The database alias being used.
+ The intermediate model class describing the :class:`ManyToManyField`.
+ This class is automatically created when a many-to-many field is
+ defined; you can access it using the ``through`` attribute on the
+ many-to-many field.
+ The instance whose many-to-many relation is updated. This can be an
+ instance of the ``sender``, or of the class the :class:`ManyToManyField`
+ is related to.
+ A string indicating the type of update that is done on the relation.
+ This can be one of the following:
+ ``"pre_add"``
+ Sent *before* one or more objects are added to the relation
+ ``"post_add"``
+ Sent *after* one or more objects are added to the relation
+ ``"pre_remove"``
+ Sent *after* one or more objects are removed from the relation
+ ``"post_remove"``
+ Sent *after* one or more objects are removed from the relation
+ ``"pre_clear"``
+ Sent *before* the relation is cleared
+ ``"post_clear"``
+ Sent *after* the relation is cleared
+ Indicates which side of the relation is updated (i.e., if it is the
+ forward or reverse relation that is being modified).
+ The class of the objects that are added to, removed from or cleared
+ from the relation.
+ For the ``pre_add``, ``post_add``, ``pre_remove`` and ``post_remove``
+ actions, this is a list of primary key values that have been added to
+ or removed from the relation.
+ For the ``pre_clear`` and ``post_clear`` actions, this is ``None``.
+.. versionadded:: 1.3
+ The database alias being used.
For example, if a ``Pizza`` can have multiple ``Topping`` objects, modeled
like this:
@@ -351,32 +361,32 @@ handlers are registered anywhere else they may not be loaded by
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The ``models`` module that was just installed. That is, if
- :djadmin:`syncdb` just installed an app called ``"foo.bar.myapp"``,
- ``sender`` will be the ``foo.bar.myapp.models`` module.
+ The ``models`` module that was just installed. That is, if
+ :djadmin:`syncdb` just installed an app called ``"foo.bar.myapp"``,
+ ``sender`` will be the ``foo.bar.myapp.models`` module.
- ``app``
- Same as ``sender``.
+ Same as ``sender``.
- ``created_models``
- A list of the model classes from any app which :djadmin:`syncdb` has
- created so far.
+ A list of the model classes from any app which :djadmin:`syncdb` has
+ created so far.
- ``verbosity``
- Indicates how much information manage.py is printing on screen. See
- the :djadminopt:`--verbosity` flag for details.
+ Indicates how much information manage.py is printing on screen. See
+ the :djadminopt:`--verbosity` flag for details.
- Functions which listen for :data:`post_syncdb` should adjust what they
- output to the screen based on the value of this argument.
+ Functions which listen for :data:`post_syncdb` should adjust what they
+ output to the screen based on the value of this argument.
- ``interactive``
- If ``interactive`` is ``True``, it's safe to prompt the user to input
- things on the command line. If ``interactive`` is ``False``, functions
- which listen for this signal should not try to prompt for anything.
+ If ``interactive`` is ``True``, it's safe to prompt the user to input
+ things on the command line. If ``interactive`` is ``False``, functions
+ which listen for this signal should not try to prompt for anything.
- For example, the :mod:`django.contrib.auth` app only prompts to create a
- superuser when ``interactive`` is ``True``.
+ For example, the :mod:`django.contrib.auth` app only prompts to create a
+ superuser when ``interactive`` is ``True``.
For example, yourapp/signals/__init__.py could be written like::
@@ -407,10 +417,10 @@ Sent when Django begins processing an HTTP request.
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The handler class -- e.g.
- :class:`django.core.handlers.wsgi.WsgiHandler` -- that handled
- the request.
+ The handler class -- e.g.
+ :class:`django.core.handlers.wsgi.WsgiHandler` -- that handled
+ the request.
@@ -422,8 +432,8 @@ Sent when Django finishes processing an HTTP request.
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The handler class, as above.
+ The handler class, as above.
@@ -435,11 +445,11 @@ This signal is sent whenever Django encounters an exception while processing an
Arguments sent with this signal:
- ``sender``
- The handler class, as above.
+ The handler class, as above.
- ``request``
- The :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` object.
+ The :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` object.
Test signals
@@ -460,15 +470,15 @@ normal operation of a Django server -- it is only available during testing.
Arguments sent with this signal:
- sender
- The :class:`~django.template.Template` object which was rendered.
+ The :class:`~django.template.Template` object which was rendered.
- template
- Same as sender
+ Same as sender
- context
- The :class:`~django.template.Context` with which the template was
- rendered.
+ The :class:`~django.template.Context` with which the template was
+ rendered.
Database Wrappers
@@ -494,12 +504,12 @@ connection commands to the SQL backend.
Arguments sent with this signal:
- sender
- The database wrapper class -- i.e.
- :class:`django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2.DatabaseWrapper` or
- :class:`django.db.backends.mysql.DatabaseWrapper`, etc.
- connection
- The database connection that was opened. This can be used in a
- multiple-database configuration to differentiate connection signals
- from different databases.
+ The database wrapper class -- i.e.
+ :class:`django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2.DatabaseWrapper` or
+ :class:`django.db.backends.mysql.DatabaseWrapper`, etc.
+ The database connection that was opened. This can be used in a
+ multiple-database configuration to differentiate connection signals
+ from different databases.