@@ -274,10 +274,14 @@ Forms
* :class:`django.forms.DateTimeField` now accepts dates in a subset of ISO 8601
- datetime formats, including optional timezone (e.g. ``2019-10-10T06:47``,
- ``2019-10-10T06:47:23+04:00``, or ``2019-10-10T06:47:23Z``). Additionally, it
- now uses ``DATE_INPUT_FORMATS`` in addition to ``DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS``
- when converting a field input to a ``datetime`` value.
+ datetime formats, including optional timezone, e.g. ``2019-10-10T06:47``,
+ ``2019-10-10T06:47:23+04:00``, or ``2019-10-10T06:47:23Z``. The timezone will
+ always be retained if provided, with timezone-aware datetimes being returned
+ even when :setting:`USE_TZ` is ``False``.
+ Additionally, ``DateTimeField`` now uses ``DATE_INPUT_FORMATS`` in addition
+ to ``DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS`` when converting a field input to a ``datetime``
+ value.
* :attr:`.MultiWidget.widgets` now accepts a dictionary which allows
customizing subwidget ``name`` attributes.