@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+from __future__ import with_statement
+from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
+from django.test import TestCase
+from django.utils import unittest
+from models import (Author, Book, Reader, Qualification, Teacher, Department,
+ TaggedItem, Bookmark, AuthorAddress, FavoriteAuthors,
+ AuthorWithAge, BookWithYear, Person, House, Room,
+ Employee)
+class PrefetchRelatedTests(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.book1 = Book.objects.create(title="Poems")
+ self.book2 = Book.objects.create(title="Jane Eyre")
+ self.book3 = Book.objects.create(title="Wuthering Heights")
+ self.book4 = Book.objects.create(title="Sense and Sensibility")
+ self.author1 = Author.objects.create(name="Charlotte",
+ first_book=self.book1)
+ self.author2 = Author.objects.create(name="Anne",
+ first_book=self.book1)
+ self.author3 = Author.objects.create(name="Emily",
+ first_book=self.book1)
+ self.author4 = Author.objects.create(name="Jane",
+ first_book=self.book4)
+ self.book1.authors.add(self.author1, self.author2, self.author3)
+ self.book2.authors.add(self.author1)
+ self.book3.authors.add(self.author3)
+ self.book4.authors.add(self.author4)
+ self.reader1 = Reader.objects.create(name="Amy")
+ self.reader2 = Reader.objects.create(name="Belinda")
+ self.reader1.books_read.add(self.book1, self.book4)
+ self.reader2.books_read.add(self.book2, self.book4)
+ def test_m2m_forward(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ lists = [list(b.authors.all()) for b in Book.objects.prefetch_related('authors')]
+ normal_lists = [list(b.authors.all()) for b in Book.objects.all()]
+ self.assertEqual(lists, normal_lists)
+ def test_m2m_reverse(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ lists = [list(a.books.all()) for a in Author.objects.prefetch_related('books')]
+ normal_lists = [list(a.books.all()) for a in Author.objects.all()]
+ self.assertEqual(lists, normal_lists)
+ def test_foreignkey_reverse(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ lists = [list(b.first_time_authors.all())
+ for b in Book.objects.prefetch_related('first_time_authors')]
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.book2.authors.all(), [u"<Author: Charlotte>"])
+ def test_survives_clone(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ lists = [list(b.first_time_authors.all())
+ for b in Book.objects.prefetch_related('first_time_authors').exclude(id=1000)]
+ def test_len(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ qs = Book.objects.prefetch_related('first_time_authors')
+ length = len(qs)
+ lists = [list(b.first_time_authors.all())
+ for b in qs]
+ def test_bool(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ qs = Book.objects.prefetch_related('first_time_authors')
+ x = bool(qs)
+ lists = [list(b.first_time_authors.all())
+ for b in qs]
+ def test_count(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ qs = Book.objects.prefetch_related('first_time_authors')
+ [b.first_time_authors.count() for b in qs]
+ def test_exists(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ qs = Book.objects.prefetch_related('first_time_authors')
+ [b.first_time_authors.exists() for b in qs]
+ def test_clear(self):
+ """
+ Test that we can clear the behavior by calling prefetch_related()
+ """
+ with self.assertNumQueries(5):
+ with_prefetch = Author.objects.prefetch_related('books')
+ without_prefetch = with_prefetch.prefetch_related(None)
+ lists = [list(a.books.all()) for a in without_prefetch]
+ def test_m2m_then_m2m(self):
+ """
+ Test we can follow a m2m and another m2m
+ """
+ with self.assertNumQueries(3):
+ qs = Author.objects.prefetch_related('books__read_by')
+ lists = [[[unicode(r) for r in b.read_by.all()]
+ for b in a.books.all()]
+ for a in qs]
+ self.assertEqual(lists,
+ [
+ [[u"Amy"], [u"Belinda"]], # Charlotte - Poems, Jane Eyre
+ [[u"Amy"]], # Anne - Poems
+ [[u"Amy"], []], # Emily - Poems, Wuthering Heights
+ [[u"Amy", u"Belinda"]], # Jane - Sense and Sense
+ ])
+ def test_overriding_prefetch(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(3):
+ qs = Author.objects.prefetch_related('books', 'books__read_by')
+ lists = [[[unicode(r) for r in b.read_by.all()]
+ for b in a.books.all()]
+ for a in qs]
+ self.assertEqual(lists,
+ [
+ [[u"Amy"], [u"Belinda"]], # Charlotte - Poems, Jane Eyre
+ [[u"Amy"]], # Anne - Poems
+ [[u"Amy"], []], # Emily - Poems, Wuthering Heights
+ [[u"Amy", u"Belinda"]], # Jane - Sense and Sense
+ ])
+ with self.assertNumQueries(3):
+ qs = Author.objects.prefetch_related('books__read_by', 'books')
+ lists = [[[unicode(r) for r in b.read_by.all()]
+ for b in a.books.all()]
+ for a in qs]
+ self.assertEqual(lists,
+ [
+ [[u"Amy"], [u"Belinda"]], # Charlotte - Poems, Jane Eyre
+ [[u"Amy"]], # Anne - Poems
+ [[u"Amy"], []], # Emily - Poems, Wuthering Heights
+ [[u"Amy", u"Belinda"]], # Jane - Sense and Sense
+ ])
+ def test_get(self):
+ """
+ Test that objects retrieved with .get() get the prefetch behaviour
+ """
+ # Need a double
+ with self.assertNumQueries(3):
+ author = Author.objects.prefetch_related('books__read_by').get(name="Charlotte")
+ lists = [[unicode(r) for r in b.read_by.all()]
+ for b in author.books.all()]
+ self.assertEqual(lists, [[u"Amy"], [u"Belinda"]]) # Poems, Jane Eyre
+ def test_foreign_key_then_m2m(self):
+ """
+ Test we can follow an m2m relation after a relation like ForeignKey
+ that doesn't have many objects
+ """
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ qs = Author.objects.select_related('first_book').prefetch_related('first_book__read_by')
+ lists = [[unicode(r) for r in a.first_book.read_by.all()]
+ for a in qs]
+ self.assertEqual(lists, [[u"Amy"],
+ [u"Amy"],
+ [u"Amy"],
+ [u"Amy", "Belinda"]])
+ def test_attribute_error(self):
+ qs = Reader.objects.all().prefetch_related('books_read__xyz')
+ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError) as cm:
+ list(qs)
+ self.assertTrue('prefetch_related' in str(cm.exception))
+ def test_invalid_final_lookup(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.prefetch_related('authors__first_book')
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
+ list(qs)
+ self.assertTrue('prefetch_related' in str(cm.exception))
+ self.assertTrue("first_book" in str(cm.exception))
+class DefaultManagerTests(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.qual1 = Qualification.objects.create(name="BA")
+ self.qual2 = Qualification.objects.create(name="BSci")
+ self.qual3 = Qualification.objects.create(name="MA")
+ self.qual4 = Qualification.objects.create(name="PhD")
+ self.teacher1 = Teacher.objects.create(name="Mr Cleese")
+ self.teacher2 = Teacher.objects.create(name="Mr Idle")
+ self.teacher3 = Teacher.objects.create(name="Mr Chapman")
+ self.teacher1.qualifications.add(self.qual1, self.qual2, self.qual3, self.qual4)
+ self.teacher2.qualifications.add(self.qual1)
+ self.teacher3.qualifications.add(self.qual2)
+ self.dept1 = Department.objects.create(name="English")
+ self.dept2 = Department.objects.create(name="Physics")
+ self.dept1.teachers.add(self.teacher1, self.teacher2)
+ self.dept2.teachers.add(self.teacher1, self.teacher3)
+ def test_m2m_then_m2m(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(3):
+ # When we prefetch the teachers, and force the query, we don't want
+ # the default manager on teachers to immediately get all the related
+ # qualifications, since this will do one query per teacher.
+ qs = Department.objects.prefetch_related('teachers')
+ depts = "".join(["%s department: %s\n" %
+ (dept.name, ", ".join(unicode(t) for t in dept.teachers.all()))
+ for dept in qs])
+ self.assertEqual(depts,
+ "English department: Mr Cleese (BA, BSci, MA, PhD), Mr Idle (BA)\n"
+ "Physics department: Mr Cleese (BA, BSci, MA, PhD), Mr Chapman (BSci)\n")
+class GenericRelationTests(TestCase):
+ def test_traverse_GFK(self):
+ """
+ Test that we can traverse a 'content_object' with prefetch_related()
+ """
+ # In fact, there is no special support for this in prefetch_related code
+ # - we can traverse any object that will lead us to objects that have
+ # related managers.
+ book1 = Book.objects.create(title="Winnie the Pooh")
+ book2 = Book.objects.create(title="Do you like green eggs and spam?")
+ reader1 = Reader.objects.create(name="me")
+ reader2 = Reader.objects.create(name="you")
+ book1.read_by.add(reader1)
+ book2.read_by.add(reader2)
+ TaggedItem.objects.create(tag="awesome", content_object=book1)
+ TaggedItem.objects.create(tag="awesome", content_object=book2)
+ ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Book)
+ # We get 4 queries - 1 for main query, 2 for each access to
+ # 'content_object' because these can't be handled by select_related, and
+ # 1 for the 'read_by' relation.
+ with self.assertNumQueries(4):
+ # If we limit to books, we know that they will have 'read_by'
+ # attributes, so the following makes sense:
+ qs = TaggedItem.objects.select_related('content_type').prefetch_related('content_object__read_by').filter(tag='awesome').filter(content_type=ct, tag='awesome')
+ readers_of_awesome_books = [r.name for tag in qs
+ for r in tag.content_object.read_by.all()]
+ self.assertEqual(readers_of_awesome_books, ["me", "you"])
+ def test_generic_relation(self):
+ b = Bookmark.objects.create(url='http://www.djangoproject.com/')
+ t1 = TaggedItem.objects.create(content_object=b, tag='django')
+ t2 = TaggedItem.objects.create(content_object=b, tag='python')
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ tags = [t.tag for b in Bookmark.objects.prefetch_related('tags')
+ for t in b.tags.all()]
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(tags), ["django", "python"])
+class MultiTableInheritanceTest(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.book1 = BookWithYear.objects.create(
+ title="Poems", published_year=2010)
+ self.book2 = BookWithYear.objects.create(
+ title="More poems", published_year=2011)
+ self.author1 = AuthorWithAge.objects.create(
+ name='Jane', first_book=self.book1, age=50)
+ self.author2 = AuthorWithAge.objects.create(
+ name='Tom', first_book=self.book1, age=49)
+ self.author3 = AuthorWithAge.objects.create(
+ name='Robert', first_book=self.book2, age=48)
+ self.authorAddress = AuthorAddress.objects.create(
+ author=self.author1, address='SomeStreet 1')
+ self.book2.aged_authors.add(self.author2, self.author3)
+ def test_foreignkey(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ qs = AuthorWithAge.objects.prefetch_related('addresses')
+ addresses = [[unicode(address) for address in obj.addresses.all()]
+ for obj in qs]
+ self.assertEquals(addresses, [[unicode(self.authorAddress)], [], []])
+ def test_m2m_to_inheriting_model(self):
+ qs = AuthorWithAge.objects.prefetch_related('books_with_year')
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ lst = [[unicode(book) for book in author.books_with_year.all()]
+ for author in qs]
+ qs = AuthorWithAge.objects.all()
+ lst2 = [[unicode(book) for book in author.books_with_year.all()]
+ for author in qs]
+ self.assertEquals(lst, lst2)
+ qs = BookWithYear.objects.prefetch_related('aged_authors')
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ lst = [[unicode(author) for author in book.aged_authors.all()]
+ for book in qs]
+ qs = BookWithYear.objects.all()
+ lst2 = [[unicode(author) for author in book.aged_authors.all()]
+ for book in qs]
+ self.assertEquals(lst, lst2)
+ def test_parent_link_prefetch(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
+ qs = list(AuthorWithAge.objects.prefetch_related('author'))
+ self.assertTrue('prefetch_related' in str(cm.exception))
+class ForeignKeyToFieldTest(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.book = Book.objects.create(title="Poems")
+ self.author1 = Author.objects.create(name='Jane', first_book=self.book)
+ self.author2 = Author.objects.create(name='Tom', first_book=self.book)
+ self.author3 = Author.objects.create(name='Robert', first_book=self.book)
+ self.authorAddress = AuthorAddress.objects.create(
+ author=self.author1, address='SomeStreet 1'
+ )
+ FavoriteAuthors.objects.create(author=self.author1,
+ likes_author=self.author2)
+ FavoriteAuthors.objects.create(author=self.author2,
+ likes_author=self.author3)
+ FavoriteAuthors.objects.create(author=self.author3,
+ likes_author=self.author1)
+ def test_foreignkey(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ qs = Author.objects.prefetch_related('addresses')
+ addresses = [[unicode(address) for address in obj.addresses.all()]
+ for obj in qs]
+ self.assertEquals(addresses, [[unicode(self.authorAddress)], [], []])
+ def test_m2m(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(3):
+ qs = Author.objects.all().prefetch_related('favorite_authors', 'favors_me')
+ favorites = [(
+ [unicode(i_like) for i_like in author.favorite_authors.all()],
+ [unicode(likes_me) for likes_me in author.favors_me.all()]
+ ) for author in qs]
+ self.assertEquals(
+ favorites,
+ [
+ ([unicode(self.author2)],[unicode(self.author3)]),
+ ([unicode(self.author3)],[unicode(self.author1)]),
+ ([unicode(self.author1)],[unicode(self.author2)])
+ ]
+ )
+class LookupOrderingTest(TestCase):
+ """
+ Test cases that demonstrate that ordering of lookups is important, and
+ ensure it is preserved.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.person1 = Person.objects.create(name="Joe")
+ self.person2 = Person.objects.create(name="Mary")
+ self.house1 = House.objects.create(address="123 Main St")
+ self.house2 = House.objects.create(address="45 Side St")
+ self.house3 = House.objects.create(address="6 Downing St")
+ self.house4 = House.objects.create(address="7 Regents St")
+ self.room1_1 = Room.objects.create(name="Dining room", house=self.house1)
+ self.room1_2 = Room.objects.create(name="Lounge", house=self.house1)
+ self.room1_3 = Room.objects.create(name="Kitchen", house=self.house1)
+ self.room2_1 = Room.objects.create(name="Dining room", house=self.house2)
+ self.room2_2 = Room.objects.create(name="Lounge", house=self.house2)
+ self.room3_1 = Room.objects.create(name="Dining room", house=self.house3)
+ self.room3_2 = Room.objects.create(name="Lounge", house=self.house3)
+ self.room3_3 = Room.objects.create(name="Kitchen", house=self.house3)
+ self.room4_1 = Room.objects.create(name="Dining room", house=self.house4)
+ self.room4_2 = Room.objects.create(name="Lounge", house=self.house4)
+ self.person1.houses.add(self.house1, self.house2)
+ self.person2.houses.add(self.house3, self.house4)
+ def test_order(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(4):
+ # The following two queries must be done in the same order as written,
+ # otherwise 'primary_house' will cause non-prefetched lookups
+ qs = Person.objects.prefetch_related('houses__rooms',
+ 'primary_house__occupants')
+ [list(p.primary_house.occupants.all()) for p in qs]
+class NullableTest(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ boss = Employee.objects.create(name="Peter")
+ worker1 = Employee.objects.create(name="Joe", boss=boss)
+ worker2 = Employee.objects.create(name="Angela", boss=boss)
+ def test_traverse_nullable(self):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(2):
+ qs = Employee.objects.select_related('boss').prefetch_related('boss__serfs')
+ co_serfs = [list(e.boss.serfs.all()) if e.boss is not None else []
+ for e in qs]
+ qs2 = Employee.objects.select_related('boss')
+ co_serfs2 = [list(e.boss.serfs.all()) if e.boss is not None else []
+ for e in qs2]
+ self.assertEqual(co_serfs, co_serfs2)