@@ -154,34 +154,19 @@ If you are upgrading your installation of Django from a previous version,
you will need to uninstall the old Django version before installing the
new version.
-If you installed Django using ``setup.py install``, uninstalling
-is as simple as deleting the ``django`` directory from your Python
+If you installed Django using pip_ or ``easy_install`` previously, installing
+with pip_ or ``easy_install`` again will automatically take care of the old
+version, so you don't need to do it yourself.
-If you installed Django from a Python egg, remove the Django ``.egg`` file,
-and remove the reference to the egg in the file named ``easy-install.pth``.
-This file should also be located in your ``site-packages`` directory.
+If you previously installed Django using ``python setup.py install``,
+uninstalling is as simple as deleting the ``django`` directory from your Python
+``site-packages``. To find the directory you need to remove, you can run the
+following at your shell prompt (not the interactive Python prompt):
-.. _finding-site-packages:
+.. code-block:: bash
-.. admonition:: Where are my ``site-packages`` stored?
+ python -c "import sys; sys.path = sys.path[1:]; import django; print django.__path__"
- The location of the ``site-packages`` directory depends on the operating
- system, and the location in which Python was installed. To find out your
- system's ``site-packages`` location, execute the following:
- .. code-block:: bash
- python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"
- (Note that this should be run from a shell prompt, not a Python interactive
- prompt.)
- Some Debian-based Linux distributions have separate ``site-packages``
- directories for user-installed packages, such as when installing Django
- from a downloaded tarball. The command listed above will give you the
- system's ``site-packages``, the user's directory can be found in
- ``/usr/local/lib/`` instead of ``/usr/lib/``.
.. _install-django-code:
@@ -253,6 +238,15 @@ Installing an official release manually
run the command ``python setup.py install``. This will install Django in
your Python installation's ``site-packages`` directory.
+ .. admonition:: Removing an old version
+ If you use this installation technique, it is particularly important
+ that you :ref:`remove any existing
+ installations<removing-old-versions-of-django>` of Django
+ first. Otherwise, you can end up with a broken installation that
+ includes files from previous versions that have since been removed from
+ Django.
.. _download page: https://www.djangoproject.com/download/
.. _bsdtar: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/bsdtar.htm
.. _7-zip: http://www.7-zip.org/
@@ -291,44 +285,26 @@ latest bug fixes and improvements, follow these instructions:
This will create a directory ``django-trunk`` in your current directory.
-3. Next, make sure that the Python interpreter can load Django's code. The most
- convenient way to do this is to `modify Python's search path`_. Add a ``.pth``
- file containing the full path to the ``django-trunk`` directory to your
- system's ``site-packages`` directory. For example, on a Unix-like system:
+3. Make sure that the Python interpreter can load Django's code. The most
+ convenient way to do this is via pip_. Run the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
- echo WORKING-DIR/django-trunk > SITE-PACKAGES-DIR/django.pth
+ sudo pip install -e django-trunk/
- (In the above line, change ``SITE-PACKAGES-DIR`` to match the location of
- your system's ``site-packages`` directory, as explained in the
- :ref:`Where are my site-packages stored? <finding-site-packages>` section
- above. Change ``WORKING-DIR/django-trunk`` to match the full path to your
- new ``django-trunk`` directory.)
+ (If using a virtualenv_ you can omit ``sudo``.)
-4. On Unix-like systems, create a symbolic link to the file
- ``django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py`` in a directory on your system
- path, such as ``/usr/local/bin``. For example:
- .. code-block:: bash
+ This will make Django's code importable, and will also make the
+ ``django-admin.py`` utility command available. In other words, you're all
+ set!
- ln -s WORKING-DIR/django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py /usr/local/bin/
- (In the above line, change WORKING-DIR to match the full path to your new
- ``django-trunk`` directory.)
- This simply lets you type ``django-admin.py`` from within any directory,
- rather than having to qualify the command with the full path to the file.
- On Windows systems, the same result can be achieved by copying the file
- ``django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py`` to somewhere on your system
- path, for example ``C:\Python27\Scripts``.
+ If you don't have pip_ available, see the alternative instructions for
+ `installing the development version without pip`_.
.. warning::
Don't run ``sudo python setup.py install``, because you've already
- carried out the equivalent actions in steps 3 and 4. Furthermore, this is
- known to cause problems when updating to a more recent version of Django.
+ carried out the equivalent actions in step 3.
When you want to update your copy of the Django source code, just run the
command ``git pull`` from within the ``django-trunk`` directory. When you do
@@ -336,3 +312,61 @@ this, Git will automatically download any changes.
.. _Git: http://git-scm.com/
.. _`modify Python's search path`: http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#modifying-python-s-search-path
+.. _installing-the-development-version-without-pip:
+Installing the development version without pip
+If you don't have pip_, you can instead manually `modify Python's search
+First follow steps 1 and 2 above, so that you have a ``django-trunk`` directory
+with a checkout of Django's latest code in it. Then add a ``.pth`` file
+containing the full path to the ``django-trunk`` directory to your system's
+``site-packages`` directory. For example, on a Unix-like system:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ echo WORKING-DIR/django-trunk > SITE-PACKAGES-DIR/django.pth
+In the above line, change ``WORKING-DIR/django-trunk`` to match the full path
+to your new ``django-trunk`` directory, and change ``SITE-PACKAGES-DIR`` to
+match the location of your system's ``site-packages`` directory.
+The location of the ``site-packages`` directory depends on the operating
+system, and the location in which Python was installed. To find your system's
+``site-packages`` location, execute the following:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()"
+(Note that this should be run from a shell prompt, not a Python interactive
+Some Debian-based Linux distributions have separate ``site-packages``
+directories for user-installed packages, such as when installing Django from
+a downloaded tarball. The command listed above will give you the system's
+``site-packages``, the user's directory can be found in ``/usr/local/lib/``
+instead of ``/usr/lib/``.
+Next you need to make the ``django-admin.py`` utility available in your
+shell PATH.
+On Unix-like systems, create a symbolic link to the file
+``django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py`` in a directory on your system
+path, such as ``/usr/local/bin``. For example:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ln -s WORKING-DIR/django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py /usr/local/bin/
+(In the above line, change WORKING-DIR to match the full path to your new
+``django-trunk`` directory.)
+This simply lets you type ``django-admin.py`` from within any directory,
+rather than having to qualify the command with the full path to the file.
+On Windows systems, the same result can be achieved by copying the file
+``django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py`` to somewhere on your system
+path, for example ``C:\Python27\Scripts``.