@@ -260,15 +260,6 @@ class CaseInsensitiveMixin:
class JSONExact(lookups.Exact):
can_use_none_as_rhs = True
- def process_lhs(self, compiler, connection):
- lhs, lhs_params = super().process_lhs(compiler, connection)
- if connection.vendor == 'sqlite':
- rhs, rhs_params = super().process_rhs(compiler, connection)
- if rhs == '%s' and rhs_params == [None]:
- # Use JSON_TYPE instead of JSON_EXTRACT for NULLs.
- lhs = "JSON_TYPE(%s, '$')" % lhs
- return lhs, lhs_params
def process_rhs(self, compiler, connection):
rhs, rhs_params = super().process_rhs(compiler, connection)
# Treat None lookup values as null.
@@ -340,7 +331,13 @@ class KeyTransform(Transform):
def as_sqlite(self, compiler, connection):
lhs, params, key_transforms = self.preprocess_lhs(compiler, connection)
json_path = compile_json_path(key_transforms)
- return 'JSON_EXTRACT(%s, %%s)' % lhs, tuple(params) + (json_path,)
+ datatype_values = ','.join([
+ repr(datatype) for datatype in connection.ops.jsonfield_datatype_values
+ ])
+ return (
+ "(CASE WHEN JSON_TYPE(%s, %%s) IN (%s) "
+ ) % (lhs, datatype_values, lhs, lhs), (tuple(params) + (json_path,)) * 3
class KeyTextTransform(KeyTransform):
@@ -408,7 +405,10 @@ class KeyTransformIn(lookups.In):
sql = sql % 'JSON_QUERY'
sql = sql % 'JSON_VALUE'
- elif connection.vendor in {'sqlite', 'mysql'}:
+ elif connection.vendor == 'mysql' or (
+ connection.vendor == 'sqlite' and
+ params[0] not in connection.ops.jsonfield_datatype_values
+ ):
sql = "JSON_EXTRACT(%s, '$')"
if connection.vendor == 'mysql' and connection.mysql_is_mariadb:
sql = 'JSON_UNQUOTE(%s)' % sql
@@ -416,15 +416,6 @@ class KeyTransformIn(lookups.In):
class KeyTransformExact(JSONExact):
- def process_lhs(self, compiler, connection):
- lhs, lhs_params = super().process_lhs(compiler, connection)
- if connection.vendor == 'sqlite':
- rhs, rhs_params = super().process_rhs(compiler, connection)
- if rhs == '%s' and rhs_params == ['null']:
- lhs, *_ = self.lhs.preprocess_lhs(compiler, connection)
- lhs = 'JSON_TYPE(%s, %%s)' % lhs
- return lhs, lhs_params
def process_rhs(self, compiler, connection):
if isinstance(self.rhs, KeyTransform):
return super(lookups.Exact, self).process_rhs(compiler, connection)
@@ -440,7 +431,12 @@ class KeyTransformExact(JSONExact):
func.append(sql % 'JSON_VALUE')
rhs = rhs % tuple(func)
elif connection.vendor == 'sqlite':
- func = ["JSON_EXTRACT(%s, '$')" if value != 'null' else '%s' for value in rhs_params]
+ func = []
+ for value in rhs_params:
+ if value in connection.ops.jsonfield_datatype_values:
+ func.append('%s')
+ else:
+ func.append("JSON_EXTRACT(%s, '$')")
rhs = rhs % tuple(func)
return rhs, rhs_params