@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import sys
from unittest import skipIf, skipUnless
from django.db import connection, transaction, DatabaseError, IntegrityError
-from django.test import TransactionTestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature
+from django.test import TransactionTestCase, skipIfDBFeature, skipUnlessDBFeature
from django.test.utils import IgnoreDeprecationWarningsMixin
from django.utils import six
@@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ class AtomicTests(TransactionTestCase):
with transaction.atomic(savepoint=False):
"SELECT no_such_col FROM transactions_reporter")
- transaction.savepoint_rollback(sid)
- # atomic block should rollback, but prevent it, as we just did it.
+ # prevent atomic from rolling back since we're recovering manually
+ transaction.savepoint_rollback(sid)
self.assertQuerysetEqual(Reporter.objects.all(), ['<Reporter: Tintin>'])
@@ -267,11 +267,19 @@ class AtomicMergeTests(TransactionTestCase):
with transaction.atomic(savepoint=False):
raise Exception("Oops, that's his last name")
- # It wasn't possible to roll back
+ # The third insert couldn't be roll back. Temporarily mark the
+ # connection as not needing rollback to check it.
+ self.assertTrue(transaction.get_rollback())
+ transaction.set_rollback(False)
self.assertEqual(Reporter.objects.count(), 3)
- # It wasn't possible to roll back
+ transaction.set_rollback(True)
+ # The second insert couldn't be roll back. Temporarily mark the
+ # connection as not needing rollback to check it.
+ self.assertTrue(transaction.get_rollback())
+ transaction.set_rollback(False)
self.assertEqual(Reporter.objects.count(), 3)
- # The outer block must roll back
+ transaction.set_rollback(True)
+ # The first block has a savepoint and must roll back.
self.assertQuerysetEqual(Reporter.objects.all(), [])
def test_merged_inner_savepoint_rollback(self):
@@ -283,36 +291,22 @@ class AtomicMergeTests(TransactionTestCase):
with transaction.atomic(savepoint=False):
raise Exception("Oops, that's his last name")
- # It wasn't possible to roll back
+ # The third insert couldn't be roll back. Temporarily mark the
+ # connection as not needing rollback to check it.
+ self.assertTrue(transaction.get_rollback())
+ transaction.set_rollback(False)
self.assertEqual(Reporter.objects.count(), 3)
- # The first block with a savepoint must roll back
+ transaction.set_rollback(True)
+ # The second block has a savepoint and must roll back.
self.assertEqual(Reporter.objects.count(), 1)
self.assertQuerysetEqual(Reporter.objects.all(), ['<Reporter: Tintin>'])
- def test_merged_outer_rollback_after_inner_failure_and_inner_success(self):
- with transaction.atomic():
- Reporter.objects.create(first_name="Tintin")
- # Inner block without a savepoint fails
- with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, Exception, "Oops"):
- with transaction.atomic(savepoint=False):
- Reporter.objects.create(first_name="Haddock")
- raise Exception("Oops, that's his last name")
- # It wasn't possible to roll back
- self.assertEqual(Reporter.objects.count(), 2)
- # Inner block with a savepoint succeeds
- with transaction.atomic(savepoint=False):
- Reporter.objects.create(first_name="Archibald", last_name="Haddock")
- # It still wasn't possible to roll back
- self.assertEqual(Reporter.objects.count(), 3)
- # The outer block must rollback
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Reporter.objects.all(), [])
"'atomic' requires transactions and savepoints.")
class AtomicErrorsTests(TransactionTestCase):
- available_apps = []
+ available_apps = ['transactions']
def test_atomic_prevents_setting_autocommit(self):
autocommit = transaction.get_autocommit()
@@ -336,6 +330,29 @@ class AtomicErrorsTests(TransactionTestCase):
with self.assertRaises(transaction.TransactionManagementError):
+ def test_atomic_prevents_queries_in_broken_transaction(self):
+ r1 = Reporter.objects.create(first_name="Archibald", last_name="Haddock")
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ r2 = Reporter(first_name="Cuthbert", last_name="Calculus", id=r1.id)
+ with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
+ r2.save(force_insert=True)
+ # The transaction is marked as needing rollback.
+ with self.assertRaises(transaction.TransactionManagementError):
+ r2.save(force_update=True)
+ self.assertEqual(Reporter.objects.get(pk=r1.pk).last_name, "Haddock")
+ @skipIfDBFeature('atomic_transactions')
+ def test_atomic_allows_queries_after_fixing_transaction(self):
+ r1 = Reporter.objects.create(first_name="Archibald", last_name="Haddock")
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ r2 = Reporter(first_name="Cuthbert", last_name="Calculus", id=r1.id)
+ with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
+ r2.save(force_insert=True)
+ # Mark the transaction as no longer needing rollback.
+ transaction.set_rollback(False)
+ r2.save(force_update=True)
+ self.assertEqual(Reporter.objects.get(pk=r1.pk).last_name, "Calculus")
class AtomicMiscTests(TransactionTestCase):