@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
How is Django Formed?
-This document explains how to release Django. If you're unluky enough to
+This document explains how to release Django. If you're unlucky enough to
be driving a release, you should follow these instructions to get the
package out.
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ There are three types of releases that you might need to make
* Pre-releases, e.g. 1.6 beta or something.
-In general the steps are about the same reguardless, but there are a few
+In general the steps are about the same regardless, but there are a few
differences noted. The short version is:
#. If this is a security release, pre-notify the security distribution list
at least one week before the actual release.
#. Proofread (and create if needed) the release notes, looking for
- organiztion, writing errors, deprecation timelines, etc. Draft a blog post
+ organization, writing errors, deprecation timelines, etc. Draft a blog post
and email announcement.
#. Update version numbers and create the release package(s)!
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ You'll need a few things hooked up to make this work:
* Access to the admin on ``djangoproject.com``.
-* Access to post to ``django-announe``.
+* Access to post to ``django-announce``.
* If this is a security release, access to the pre-notification distribution
-If this is your first release, you'll need to corrdinate with James and Jacob
+If this is your first release, you'll need to coordinate with James and Jacob
to get all these things ready to go.
Pre-release tasks
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ This stuff starts about a week before the release; most of it can be done
any time leading up to the actual release:
#. If this is a security release, send out pre-notification **one week**
- before the release. We maintain a list of who gets these pre-notifcation
+ before the release. We maintain a list of who gets these pre-notification
emails at *FIXME WHERE?*. This email should be signed by the key you'll use
for the release, and should include patches for each issue being fixed.
-#. As the release aproaches, watch Trac to make sure no release blockers
+#. As the release approaches, watch Trac to make sure no release blockers
are left for the upcoming release.
#. Check with the other committers to make sure they don't have any
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ before release:
#. Write the announcement blog post for the release. You can enter it into
the admin at any time and mark it as inactive. Here's a few examples:
- `example security release accouncement`__, `example regular release
+ `example security release announcement`__, `example regular release
announcement`__, `example pre-release announcement`__.
__ https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2013/feb/19/security/
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ OK, this is the fun part, where we actually push out a release!
``git checkout stable/<release>`` (e.g. checkout ``stable/1.5.x`` to issue
a release in the 1.5 series.)
-#. If this is a security release, merge the apropriate patches from
+#. If this is a security release, merge the appropriate patches from
``django-private``. *FIXME: actual commands here - make sure to --ff-
only right?*. Make sure the commit messages explain that the commit
is a security fix and that an announcement will follow (`example
@@ -172,10 +172,13 @@ OK, this is the fun part, where we actually push out a release!
#. Make sure you have an absolutely clean tree by running ``git clean -dfx``.
-#. Run ``python setup.py sdist`` to generate the release package.
+#. Run ``python setup.py sdist`` to generate the release package. This will
+ create the release package in a ``dist/`` directory.
-#. Generate the MD5 and SHA1 hashes of the release package. *FIXME
- actual commands for doign this?*
+#. Generate the MD5 and SHA1 hashes of the release package::
+ $ md5sum dist/Django-<version>.tar.gz
+ $ sha1sum dist/Django-<version>.tar.gz
#. Create a "checksums" file containing the hashes and release information.
You can start with `a previous checksums file`__ and replace the
@@ -207,10 +210,10 @@ Now you're ready to actually put the release out there. To do this:
and ``pip``. Here's how I do it (which requires `virtualenvwrapper`__):
$ mktmpenv
- $ easy_install http://www.djangoproject.com/download/<version>/tarball/
+ $ easy_install https://www.djangoproject.com/download/<version>/tarball/
$ deactivate
$ mktmpenv
- $ pip install http://www.djangoproject.com/download/<version>/tarball/
+ $ pip install https://www.djangoproject.com/download/<version>/tarball/
$ deactivate
This just tests that the tarballs are available (i.e. redirects are up) and
@@ -224,9 +227,10 @@ Now you're ready to actually put the release out there. To do this:
and following the instructions in it.
#. If this is a security or regular release, register the new package with
- PyPI by uploading the ``PGK-INFO`` file generated in the release package
- *FIXME: be more specific about where this is and how to upload it.*
- Don't do this for pre-releases.
+ PyPI by uploading the ``PGK-INFO`` file generated in the release package.
+ This file's *in* the distribution tarball, so you'll need to pull it
+ out. ``tar xzf dist/Django-<version>.tar.gz Django-<version>/PKG-INFO``
+ ought to work.
#. Deploy the template changes you made a while back by running `fab deploy`
from the ``djangoproject.com`` repo.
@@ -251,7 +255,7 @@ You're almost done! All that's left to do now is:
#. Update the ``VERSION`` tuple in ``django/__init__.py`` again,
incrementing to whatever the next expected release will be. For
example, after releasing 1.2.1, update ``VERSION`` to report "1.2.2
- pre-alpha".
+ pre-alpha". *FIXME: Is this correct? Do we still do this?*
Notes on setting the VERSION tuple