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Fixed #29789 -- Added support for nested relations to FilteredRelation.

matt ferrante 5 rokov pred

+ 31 - 8

@@ -1419,14 +1419,30 @@ class Query(BaseExpression):
     def add_filtered_relation(self, filtered_relation, alias):
         filtered_relation.alias = alias
         lookups = dict(get_children_from_q(filtered_relation.condition))
-        for lookup in chain((filtered_relation.relation_name,), lookups):
-            lookup_parts, field_parts, _ = self.solve_lookup_type(lookup)
+        relation_lookup_parts, relation_field_parts, _ = self.solve_lookup_type(filtered_relation.relation_name)
+        if relation_lookup_parts:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "FilteredRelation's relation_name cannot contain lookups "
+                "(got %r)." % filtered_relation.relation_name
+            )
+        for lookup in chain(lookups):
+            lookup_parts, lookup_field_parts, _ = self.solve_lookup_type(lookup)
             shift = 2 if not lookup_parts else 1
-            if len(field_parts) > (shift + len(lookup_parts)):
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "FilteredRelation's condition doesn't support nested "
-                    "relations (got %r)." % lookup
-                )
+            lookup_field_path = lookup_field_parts[:-shift]
+            for idx, lookup_field_part in enumerate(lookup_field_path):
+                if len(relation_field_parts) > idx:
+                    if relation_field_parts[idx] != lookup_field_part:
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            "FilteredRelation's condition doesn't support "
+                            "relations outside the %r (got %r)."
+                            % (filtered_relation.relation_name, lookup)
+                        )
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "FilteredRelation's condition doesn't support nested "
+                        "relations deeper than the relation_name (got %r for "
+                        "%r)." % (lookup, filtered_relation.relation_name)
+                    )
         self._filtered_relations[filtered_relation.alias] = filtered_relation
     def names_to_path(self, names, opts, allow_many=True, fail_on_missing=False):
@@ -1459,7 +1475,14 @@ class Query(BaseExpression):
                     field = self.annotation_select[name].output_field
                 elif name in self._filtered_relations and pos == 0:
                     filtered_relation = self._filtered_relations[name]
-                    field = opts.get_field(filtered_relation.relation_name)
+                    if LOOKUP_SEP in filtered_relation.relation_name:
+                        parts = filtered_relation.relation_name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
+                        filtered_relation_path, field, _, _ = self.names_to_path(
+                            parts, opts, allow_many, fail_on_missing,
+                        )
+                        path.extend(filtered_relation_path[:-1])
+                    else:
+                        field = opts.get_field(filtered_relation.relation_name)
             if field is not None:
                 # Fields that contain one-to-many relations with a generic
                 # model (like a GenericForeignKey) cannot generate reverse

+ 4 - 11

@@ -3707,17 +3707,10 @@ operate on vegetarian pizzas.
 ``FilteredRelation`` doesn't support:
-* Conditions that span relational fields. For example::
-    >>> Restaurant.objects.annotate(
-    ...    pizzas_with_toppings_startswith_n=FilteredRelation(
-    ...        'pizzas__toppings',
-    ...        condition=Q(pizzas__toppings__name__startswith='n'),
-    ...    ),
-    ... )
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    ValueError: FilteredRelation's condition doesn't support nested relations (got 'pizzas__toppings__name__startswith').
 * :meth:`.QuerySet.only` and :meth:`~.QuerySet.prefetch_related`.
 * A :class:`~django.contrib.contenttypes.fields.GenericForeignKey`
   inherited from a parent model.
+.. versionchanged:: 3.2
+    Support for nested relations was added.

+ 3 - 0

@@ -227,6 +227,9 @@ Models
 * The :meth:`.QuerySet.update` method now respects the ``order_by()`` clause on
   MySQL and MariaDB.
+* :class:`FilteredRelation() <django.db.models.FilteredRelation>` now supports
+  nested relations.
 Requests and Responses

+ 31 - 0

@@ -88,3 +88,34 @@ class RentalSession(models.Model):
     state = models.CharField(max_length=7, choices=STATES, default=NEW)
+class Seller(models.Model):
+    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+class Currency(models.Model):
+    currency = models.CharField(max_length=3)
+class ExchangeRate(models.Model):
+    rate_date = models.DateField()
+    from_currency = models.ForeignKey(
+        Currency,
+        models.CASCADE,
+        related_name='rates_from',
+    )
+    to_currency = models.ForeignKey(
+        Currency,
+        models.CASCADE,
+        related_name='rates_to',
+    )
+    rate = models.DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=4)
+class BookDailySales(models.Model):
+    book = models.ForeignKey(Book, models.CASCADE, related_name='daily_sales')
+    sale_date = models.DateField()
+    currency = models.ForeignKey(Currency, models.CASCADE)
+    seller = models.ForeignKey(Seller, models.CASCADE)
+    sales = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)

+ 263 - 16

@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
+from datetime import date
+from decimal import Decimal
 from unittest import mock
 from django.db import connection, transaction
-from django.db.models import Case, Count, F, FilteredRelation, Q, When
+from django.db.models import (
+    Case, Count, DecimalField, F, FilteredRelation, Q, Sum, When,
 from django.test import TestCase
 from django.test.testcases import skipUnlessDBFeature
-from .models import Author, Book, Borrower, Editor, RentalSession, Reservation
+from .models import (
+    Author, Book, BookDailySales, Borrower, Currency, Editor, ExchangeRate,
+    RentalSession, Reservation, Seller,
 class FilteredRelationTests(TestCase):
@@ -279,28 +286,148 @@ class FilteredRelationTests(TestCase):
         qs = Author.objects.filter(id__in=inner_qs)
         self.assertSequenceEqual(qs, [self.author1])
-    def test_with_foreign_key_error(self):
+    def test_nested_foreign_key(self):
+        qs = Author.objects.annotate(
+            book_editor_worked_with=FilteredRelation(
+                'book__editor',
+                condition=Q(book__title__icontains='book by'),
+            ),
+        ).filter(
+            book_editor_worked_with__isnull=False,
+        ).select_related(
+            'book_editor_worked_with',
+        ).order_by('pk', 'book_editor_worked_with__pk')
+        with self.assertNumQueries(1):
+            self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
+                (self.author1, self.editor_a),
+                (self.author2, self.editor_b),
+                (self.author2, self.editor_b),
+            ], lambda x: (x, x.book_editor_worked_with))
+    def test_nested_foreign_key_nested_field(self):
+        qs = Author.objects.annotate(
+            book_editor_worked_with=FilteredRelation(
+                'book__editor',
+                condition=Q(book__title__icontains='book by')
+            ),
+        ).filter(
+            book_editor_worked_with__isnull=False,
+        ).values(
+            'name', 'book_editor_worked_with__name',
+        ).order_by('name', 'book_editor_worked_with__name').distinct()
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(qs, [
+            {'name':, 'book_editor_worked_with__name':},
+            {'name':, 'book_editor_worked_with__name':},
+        ])
+    def test_nested_foreign_key_filtered_base_object(self):
+        qs = Author.objects.annotate(
+            alice_editors=FilteredRelation(
+                'book__editor',
+                condition=Q(name='Alice'),
+            ),
+        ).values(
+            'name', 'alice_editors__pk',
+        ).order_by('name', 'alice_editors__name').distinct()
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(qs, [
+            {'name':, 'alice_editors__pk':},
+            {'name':, 'alice_editors__pk': None},
+        ])
+    def test_nested_m2m_filtered(self):
+        qs = Book.objects.annotate(
+            favorite_book=FilteredRelation(
+                'author__favorite_books',
+                condition=Q(author__favorite_books__title__icontains='book by')
+            ),
+        ).values(
+            'title', 'favorite_book__pk',
+        ).order_by('title', 'favorite_book__title')
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(qs, [
+            {'title': self.book1.title, 'favorite_book__pk':},
+            {'title': self.book1.title, 'favorite_book__pk':},
+            {'title': self.book4.title, 'favorite_book__pk':},
+            {'title': self.book4.title, 'favorite_book__pk':},
+            {'title': self.book2.title, 'favorite_book__pk': None},
+            {'title': self.book3.title, 'favorite_book__pk': None},
+        ])
+    def test_nested_chained_relations(self):
+        qs = Author.objects.annotate(
+            my_books=FilteredRelation(
+                'book', condition=Q(book__title__icontains='book by'),
+            ),
+            preferred_by_authors=FilteredRelation(
+                'my_books__preferred_by_authors',
+                condition=Q(my_books__preferred_by_authors__name='Alice'),
+            ),
+        ).annotate(
+            author=F('name'),
+            book_title=F('my_books__title'),
+            preferred_by_author_pk=F('preferred_by_authors'),
+        ).order_by('author', 'book_title', 'preferred_by_author_pk')
+        self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
+            ('Alice', 'The book by Alice', None),
+            ('Jane', 'The book by Jane A',,
+            ('Jane', 'The book by Jane B',,
+        ], lambda x: (, x.book_title, x.preferred_by_author_pk))
+    def test_deep_nested_foreign_key(self):
+        qs = Book.objects.annotate(
+            author_favorite_book_editor=FilteredRelation(
+                'author__favorite_books__editor',
+                condition=Q(author__favorite_books__title__icontains='Jane A'),
+            ),
+        ).filter(
+            author_favorite_book_editor__isnull=False,
+        ).select_related(
+            'author_favorite_book_editor',
+        ).order_by('pk', 'author_favorite_book_editor__pk')
+        with self.assertNumQueries(1):
+            self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
+                (self.book1, self.editor_b),
+                (self.book4, self.editor_b),
+            ], lambda x: (x, x.author_favorite_book_editor))
+    def test_relation_name_lookup(self):
         msg = (
-            "FilteredRelation's condition doesn't support nested relations "
-            "(got 'author__favorite_books__author')."
+            "FilteredRelation's relation_name cannot contain lookups (got "
+            "'book__title__icontains')."
         with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
-            list(Book.objects.annotate(
-                alice_favorite_books=FilteredRelation(
-                    'author__favorite_books',
-                    condition=Q(author__favorite_books__author=self.author1),
-                )
-            ))
+            Author.objects.annotate(
+                book_title=FilteredRelation(
+                    'book__title__icontains',
+                    condition=Q(book__title='Poem by Alice'),
+                ),
+            )
+    def test_condition_outside_relation_name(self):
+        msg = (
+            "FilteredRelation's condition doesn't support relations outside "
+            "the 'book__editor' (got 'book__author__name__icontains')."
+        )
+        with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
+            Author.objects.annotate(
+                book_editor=FilteredRelation(
+                    'book__editor',
+                    condition=Q(book__author__name__icontains='book'),
+                ),
+            )
-    def test_with_foreign_key_on_condition_error(self):
+    def test_condition_deeper_relation_name(self):
         msg = (
             "FilteredRelation's condition doesn't support nested relations "
-            "(got 'book__editor__name__icontains')."
+            "deeper than the relation_name (got "
+            "'book__editor__name__icontains' for 'book')."
         with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):
-            list(Author.objects.annotate(
-                book_edited_by_b=FilteredRelation('book', condition=Q(book__editor__name__icontains='b')),
-            ))
+            Author.objects.annotate(
+                book_editor=FilteredRelation(
+                    'book',
+                    condition=Q(book__editor__name__icontains='b'),
+                ),
+            )
     def test_with_empty_relation_name_error(self):
         with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, 'relation_name cannot be empty.'):
@@ -424,3 +551,123 @@ class FilteredRelationAggregationTests(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(qs.count(), 1)
         self.assertSequenceEqual(qs.annotate(total=Count('pk')).values('total'), [{'total': 1}])
+class FilteredRelationAnalyticalAggregationTests(TestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpTestData(cls):
+        author = Author.objects.create(name='Author')
+        editor = Editor.objects.create(name='Editor')
+        cls.book1 = Book.objects.create(
+            title='Poem by Alice',
+            editor=editor,
+            author=author,
+        )
+        cls.book2 = Book.objects.create(
+            title='The book by Jane A',
+            editor=editor,
+            author=author,
+        )
+        cls.book3 = Book.objects.create(
+            title='The book by Jane B',
+            editor=editor,
+            author=author,
+        )
+        cls.seller1 = Seller.objects.create(name='Seller 1')
+        cls.seller2 = Seller.objects.create(name='Seller 2')
+        cls.usd = Currency.objects.create(currency='USD')
+        cls.eur = Currency.objects.create(currency='EUR')
+        cls.sales_date1 = date(2020, 7, 6)
+        cls.sales_date2 = date(2020, 7, 7)
+        ExchangeRate.objects.bulk_create([
+            ExchangeRate(
+                rate_date=cls.sales_date1,
+                from_currency=cls.usd,
+                to_currency=cls.eur,
+                rate=0.40,
+            ),
+            ExchangeRate(
+                rate_date=cls.sales_date1,
+                from_currency=cls.eur,
+                to_currency=cls.usd,
+                rate=1.60,
+            ),
+            ExchangeRate(
+                rate_date=cls.sales_date2,
+                from_currency=cls.usd,
+                to_currency=cls.eur,
+                rate=0.50,
+            ),
+            ExchangeRate(
+                rate_date=cls.sales_date2,
+                from_currency=cls.eur,
+                to_currency=cls.usd,
+                rate=1.50,
+            ),
+            ExchangeRate(
+                rate_date=cls.sales_date2,
+                from_currency=cls.usd,
+                to_currency=cls.usd,
+                rate=1.00,
+            ),
+        ])
+        BookDailySales.objects.bulk_create([
+            BookDailySales(
+                book=cls.book1,
+                sale_date=cls.sales_date1,
+                currency=cls.usd,
+                sales=100.00,
+                seller=cls.seller1,
+            ),
+            BookDailySales(
+                book=cls.book2,
+                sale_date=cls.sales_date1,
+                currency=cls.eur,
+                sales=200.00,
+                seller=cls.seller1,
+            ),
+            BookDailySales(
+                book=cls.book1,
+                sale_date=cls.sales_date2,
+                currency=cls.usd,
+                sales=50.00,
+                seller=cls.seller2,
+            ),
+            BookDailySales(
+                book=cls.book2,
+                sale_date=cls.sales_date2,
+                currency=cls.eur,
+                sales=100.00,
+                seller=cls.seller2,
+            ),
+        ])
+    def test_aggregate(self):
+        tests = [
+            Q(daily_sales__sale_date__gte=self.sales_date2),
+            ~Q(daily_sales__seller=self.seller1),
+        ]
+        for condition in tests:
+            with self.subTest(condition=condition):
+                qs = Book.objects.annotate(
+                    recent_sales=FilteredRelation('daily_sales', condition=condition),
+                    recent_sales_rates=FilteredRelation(
+                        'recent_sales__currency__rates_from',
+                        condition=Q(
+                            recent_sales__currency__rates_from__rate_date=F('recent_sales__sale_date'),
+                            recent_sales__currency__rates_from__to_currency=self.usd,
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                ).annotate(
+                    sales_sum=Sum(
+                        F('recent_sales__sales') * F('recent_sales_rates__rate'),
+                        output_field=DecimalField(),
+                    ),
+                ).values('title', 'sales_sum').order_by(
+                    F('sales_sum').desc(nulls_last=True),
+                )
+                self.assertSequenceEqual(qs, [
+                    {'title': self.book2.title, 'sales_sum': Decimal(150.00)},
+                    {'title': self.book1.title, 'sales_sum': Decimal(50.00)},
+                    {'title': self.book3.title, 'sales_sum': None},
+                ])