@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ Python's copy of version 2.0.9. However, there are some incompatibilities
between other versions of ``simplejson``:
- While the ``simplejson`` API is documented as always returning unicode
- strings, the optional C implementation can return a byte string. This was
+ strings, the optional C implementation can return a bytestring. This was
fixed in Python 2.7.
- ``simplejson.JSONEncoder`` gained a ``namedtuple_as_object`` keyword
argument in version 2.2.
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ String types of hasher method parameters
If you have written a :ref:`custom password hasher <auth_password_storage>`,
your ``encode()``, ``verify()`` or ``safe_summary()`` methods should accept
Unicode parameters (``password``, ``salt`` or ``encoded``). If any of the
-hashing methods need byte strings, you can use the
+hashing methods need bytestrings, you can use the
:func:`~django.utils.encoding.force_bytes` utility to encode the strings.
Validation of previous_page_number and next_page_number