@@ -308,11 +308,12 @@ A ticket can be resolved in a number of ways:
* wontfix
Used when someone decides that the request isn't appropriate for
consideration in Django. Sometimes a ticket is closed as "wontfix" with a
- request for the reporter to start a discussion on the |django-developers|
- mailing list if they feel differently from the rationale provided by the
- person who closed the ticket. Other times, a mailing list discussion
- precedes the decision to close a ticket. Always use the mailing list to
- get a consensus before reopening tickets closed as "wontfix".
+ request for the reporter to start a discussion on the `Django Forum`_ or
+ |django-developers| mailing list if they feel differently from the
+ rationale provided by the person who closed the ticket. Other times, a
+ discussion precedes the decision to close a ticket. Always use the forum
+ or mailing list to get a consensus before reopening tickets closed as
+ "wontfix".
* duplicate
Used when another ticket covers the same issue. By closing duplicate
@@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ If you believe that the ticket was closed in error -- because you're
still having the issue, or it's popped up somewhere else, or the triagers have
made a mistake -- please reopen the ticket and provide further information.
Again, please do not reopen tickets that have been marked as "wontfix" and
-bring the issue to |django-developers| instead.
+bring the issue to the `Django Forum`_ or |django-developers| instead.
.. _how-can-i-help-with-triaging:
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ Then, you can help out by:
* Closing "Unreviewed" tickets as "needsinfo" when the description is too
sparse to be actionable, or when they're feature requests requiring a
- discussion on |django-developers|.
+ discussion on the `Django Forum`_ or |django-developers|.
* Correcting the "Needs tests", "Needs documentation", or "Has patch"
flags for tickets where they are incorrectly set.
@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ Then, you can help out by:
reports about a particular part of Django, it may indicate we should
consider refactoring that part of the code. If a trend is emerging,
you should raise it for discussion (referencing the relevant tickets)
- on |django-developers|.
+ on the `Django Forum`_ or |django-developers|.
* Verify if patches submitted by other users are correct. If they are correct
and also contain appropriate documentation and tests then move them to the
@@ -397,18 +398,19 @@ the ticket database:
checkin", but you should get at minimum one other community member to
review a patch that you submit.
-* Please **don't** reverse a decision without posting a message to
- |django-developers| to find consensus.
+* Please **don't** reverse a decision without posting a message to the
+ `Django Forum`_ or |django-developers| to find consensus.
* If you're unsure if you should be making a change, don't make the
change but instead leave a comment with your concerns on the ticket,
- or post a message to |django-developers|. It's okay to be unsure,
- but your input is still valuable.
+ or post a message to the `Django Forum`_ or |django-developers|. It's okay to
+ be unsure, but your input is still valuable.
.. _Trac: https://code.djangoproject.com/
.. _`easy pickings`: https://code.djangoproject.com/query?status=!closed&easy=1
.. _`creating an account on Trac`: https://www.djangoproject.com/accounts/register/
.. _password reset page: https://www.djangoproject.com/accounts/password/reset/
+.. _Django Forum: https://forum.djangoproject.com/
Bisecting a regression