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Fixed #25534, Fixed #31639 -- Added support for transform references in expressions.

Thanks Mariusz Felisiak and Simon Charette for reviews.
Ian Foote 4 years ago

+ 9 - 4

@@ -1610,6 +1610,8 @@ class Query(BaseExpression):
         # fields to the appropriate wrapped version.
         def final_transformer(field, alias):
+            if not self.alias_cols:
+                alias = None
             return field.get_col(alias)
         # Try resolving all the names as fields first. If there's an error,
@@ -1714,8 +1716,6 @@ class Query(BaseExpression):
         yield from (expr.alias for expr in cls._gen_cols(exprs))
     def resolve_ref(self, name, allow_joins=True, reuse=None, summarize=False):
-        if not allow_joins and LOOKUP_SEP in name:
-            raise FieldError("Joined field references are not permitted in this query")
         annotation = self.annotations.get(name)
         if annotation is not None:
             if not allow_joins:
@@ -1740,6 +1740,11 @@ class Query(BaseExpression):
                 return annotation
             field_list = name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
+            annotation = self.annotations.get(field_list[0])
+            if annotation is not None:
+                for transform in field_list[1:]:
+                    annotation = self.try_transform(annotation, transform)
+                return annotation
             join_info = self.setup_joins(field_list, self.get_meta(), self.get_initial_alias(), can_reuse=reuse)
             targets, final_alias, join_list = self.trim_joins(join_info.targets, join_info.joins, join_info.path)
             if not allow_joins and len(join_list) > 1:
@@ -1749,10 +1754,10 @@ class Query(BaseExpression):
                                  "isn't supported")
             # Verify that the last lookup in name is a field or a transform:
             # transform_function() raises FieldError if not.
-            join_info.transform_function(targets[0], final_alias)
+            transform = join_info.transform_function(targets[0], final_alias)
             if reuse is not None:
-            return self._get_col(targets[0], join_info.targets[0], join_list[-1])
+            return transform
     def split_exclude(self, filter_expr, can_reuse, names_with_path):

+ 22 - 10

@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ Built-in Expressions
 .. class:: F
-An ``F()`` object represents the value of a model field or annotated column. It
-makes it possible to refer to model field values and perform  database
-operations using them without actually having to pull them out of the  database
-into Python memory.
+An ``F()`` object represents the value of a model field, transformed value of a
+model field, or annotated column. It makes it possible to refer to model field
+values and perform database operations using them without actually having to
+pull them out of the database into Python memory.
 Instead, Django uses the ``F()`` object to generate an SQL expression that
 describes the required operation at the database level.
@@ -155,6 +155,10 @@ the field value of each one, and saving each one back to the database::
 * getting the database, rather than Python, to do work
 * reducing the number of queries some operations require
+.. versionchanged:: 3.2
+    Support for transforms of the field was added.
 .. _avoiding-race-conditions-using-f:
 Avoiding race conditions using ``F()``
@@ -406,9 +410,9 @@ The ``Aggregate`` API is as follows:
         allows passing a ``distinct`` keyword argument. If set to ``False``
         (default), ``TypeError`` is raised if ``distinct=True`` is passed.
-The ``expressions`` positional arguments can include expressions or the names
-of model fields. They will be converted to a string and used as the
-``expressions`` placeholder within the ``template``.
+The ``expressions`` positional arguments can include expressions, transforms of
+the model field, or the names of model fields. They will be converted to a
+string and used as the ``expressions`` placeholder within the ``template``.
 The ``output_field`` argument requires a model field instance, like
 ``IntegerField()`` or ``BooleanField()``, into which Django will load the value
@@ -435,6 +439,10 @@ and :ref:`filtering-on-annotations` for example usage.
 The ``**extra`` kwargs are ``key=value`` pairs that can be interpolated
 into the ``template`` attribute.
+.. versionchanged:: 3.2
+    Support for transforms of the field was added.
 Creating your own Aggregate Functions
@@ -551,9 +559,9 @@ Referencing columns from the outer queryset
 .. class:: OuterRef(field)
 Use ``OuterRef`` when a queryset in a ``Subquery`` needs to refer to a field
-from the outer query. It acts like an :class:`F` expression except that the
-check to see if it refers to a valid field isn't made until the outer queryset
-is resolved.
+from the outer query or its transform. It acts like an :class:`F` expression
+except that the check to see if it refers to a valid field isn't made until the
+outer queryset is resolved.
 Instances of ``OuterRef`` may be used in conjunction with nested instances
 of ``Subquery`` to refer to a containing queryset that isn't the immediate
@@ -562,6 +570,10 @@ parent. For example, this queryset would need to be within a nested pair of
     >>> Book.objects.filter(author=OuterRef(OuterRef('pk')))
+.. versionchanged:: 3.2
+    Support for transforms of the field was added.
 Limiting a subquery to a single column

+ 6 - 2

@@ -3525,8 +3525,12 @@ All aggregates have the following parameters in common:
-Strings that reference fields on the model, or :doc:`query expressions
+Strings that reference fields on the model, transforms of the field, or
+:doc:`query expressions </ref/models/expressions>`.
+.. versionchanged:: 3.2
+    Support for transforms of the field was added.

+ 5 - 0

@@ -351,6 +351,11 @@ Models
 * Added the :class:`~django.db.models.functions.Random` database function.
+* :ref:`aggregation-functions`, :class:`F() <django.db.models.F>`,
+  :class:`OuterRef() <django.db.models.OuterRef>`, and other expressions now
+  allow using transforms. See :ref:`using-transforms-in-expressions` for
+  details.

+ 30 - 0

@@ -669,6 +669,36 @@ The ``F()`` objects support bitwise operations by ``.bitand()``, ``.bitor()``,
     Support for ``.bitxor()`` was added.
+.. _using-transforms-in-expressions:
+Expressions can reference transforms
+.. versionadded: 3.2
+Django supports using transforms in expressions.
+For example, to find all ``Entry`` objects published in the same year as they
+were last modified::
+    >>> Entry.objects.filter(pub_date__year=F('mod_date__year'))
+To find the earliest year an entry was published, we can issue the query::
+    >>> Entry.objects.aggregate(first_published_year=Min('pub_date__year'))
+This example finds the value of the highest rated entry and the total number
+of comments on all entries for each year::
+    >>> Entry.objects.values('pub_date__year').annotate(
+    ...     top_rating=Subquery(
+    ...         Entry.objects.filter(
+    ...             pub_date__year=OuterRef('pub_date__year'),
+    ...         ).order_by('-rating').values('rating')[:1]
+    ...     ),
+    ...     total_comments=Sum('number_of_comments'),
+    ... )
 The ``pk`` lookup shortcut

+ 8 - 0

@@ -151,6 +151,14 @@ class AggregateTestCase(TestCase):
         vals = Store.objects.filter(name="").aggregate(amazon_mean=Avg("books__rating"))
         self.assertEqual(vals, {'amazon_mean': Approximate(4.08, places=2)})
+    def test_aggregate_transform(self):
+        vals = Store.objects.aggregate(min_month=Min('original_opening__month'))
+        self.assertEqual(vals, {'min_month': 3})
+    def test_aggregate_join_transform(self):
+        vals = Publisher.objects.aggregate(min_year=Min('book__pubdate__year'))
+        self.assertEqual(vals, {'min_year': 1991})
     def test_annotate_basic(self):
             Book.objects.annotate().order_by('pk'), [

+ 99 - 10

@@ -4,13 +4,16 @@ from decimal import Decimal
 from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist, FieldError
 from django.db import connection
 from django.db.models import (
-    BooleanField, Case, Count, DateTimeField, Exists, ExpressionWrapper, F,
-    FloatField, Func, IntegerField, Max, NullBooleanField, OuterRef, Q,
-    Subquery, Sum, Value, When,
+    BooleanField, Case, CharField, Count, DateTimeField, DecimalField, Exists,
+    ExpressionWrapper, F, FloatField, Func, IntegerField, Max,
+    NullBooleanField, OuterRef, Q, Subquery, Sum, Value, When,
 from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL
-from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce, ExtractYear, Length, Lower
+from django.db.models.functions import (
+    Coalesce, ExtractYear, Floor, Length, Lower, Trim,
 from django.test import TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature
+from django.test.utils import register_lookup
 from .models import (
     Author, Book, Company, DepartmentStore, Employee, Publisher, Store, Ticket,
@@ -95,24 +98,24 @@ class NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase(TestCase):
         cls.b5.authors.add(cls.a8, cls.a9)
-        s1 = Store.objects.create(
+        cls.s1 = Store.objects.create(
             original_opening=datetime.datetime(1994, 4, 23, 9, 17, 42),
             friday_night_closing=datetime.time(23, 59, 59)
-        s2 = Store.objects.create(
+        cls.s2 = Store.objects.create(
             original_opening=datetime.datetime(2001, 3, 15, 11, 23, 37),
             friday_night_closing=datetime.time(23, 59, 59)
-        s3 = Store.objects.create(
+        cls.s3 = Store.objects.create(
             name="Mamma and Pappa's Books",
             original_opening=datetime.datetime(1945, 4, 25, 16, 24, 14),
             friday_night_closing=datetime.time(21, 30)
-        s1.books.add(cls.b1, cls.b2, cls.b3, cls.b4, cls.b5, cls.b6)
-        s2.books.add(cls.b1, cls.b3, cls.b5, cls.b6)
-        s3.books.add(cls.b3, cls.b4, cls.b6)
+        cls.s1.books.add(cls.b1, cls.b2, cls.b3, cls.b4, cls.b5, cls.b6)
+        cls.s2.books.add(cls.b1, cls.b3, cls.b5, cls.b6)
+        cls.s3.books.add(cls.b3, cls.b4, cls.b6)
     def test_basic_annotation(self):
         books = Book.objects.annotate(is_book=Value(1))
@@ -130,6 +133,66 @@ class NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase(TestCase):
         for book in books:
             self.assertEqual(book.num_awards, book.publisher.num_awards)
+    def test_joined_transformed_annotation(self):
+        Employee.objects.bulk_create([
+            Employee(
+                first_name='John',
+                last_name='Doe',
+                age=18,
+                store=self.s1,
+                salary=15000,
+            ),
+            Employee(
+                first_name='Jane',
+                last_name='Jones',
+                age=30,
+                store=self.s2,
+                salary=30000,
+            ),
+            Employee(
+                first_name='Jo',
+                last_name='Smith',
+                age=55,
+                store=self.s3,
+                salary=50000,
+            ),
+        ])
+        employees = Employee.objects.annotate(
+            store_opened_year=F('store__original_opening__year'),
+        )
+        for employee in employees:
+            self.assertEqual(
+                employee.store_opened_year,
+      ,
+            )
+    def test_custom_transform_annotation(self):
+        with register_lookup(DecimalField, Floor):
+            books = Book.objects.annotate(floor_price=F('price__floor'))
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(books.values_list('pk', 'floor_price'), [
+            (, 30),
+            (, 23),
+            (, 29),
+            (, 29),
+            (, 82),
+            (, 75),
+        ])
+    def test_chaining_transforms(self):
+        Company.objects.create(name=' Django Software Foundation  ')
+        Company.objects.create(name='Yahoo')
+        with register_lookup(CharField, Trim), register_lookup(CharField, Length):
+            for expr in [Length('name__trim'), F('name__trim__length')]:
+                with self.subTest(expr=expr):
+                    self.assertCountEqual(
+                        Company.objects.annotate(length=expr).values('name', 'length'),
+                        [
+                            {'name': ' Django Software Foundation  ', 'length': 26},
+                            {'name': 'Yahoo', 'length': 5},
+                        ],
+                    )
     def test_mixed_type_annotation_date_interval(self):
         active = datetime.datetime(2015, 3, 20, 14, 0, 0)
         duration = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
@@ -689,6 +752,23 @@ class NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase(TestCase):
             {'pub_year': 2008, 'top_rating': 4.0, 'total_pages': 1178},
+    def test_annotation_subquery_outerref_transform(self):
+        qs = Book.objects.annotate(
+            top_rating_year=Subquery(
+                Book.objects.filter(
+                    pubdate__year=OuterRef('pubdate__year')
+                ).order_by('-rating').values('rating')[:1]
+            ),
+        ).values('pubdate__year', 'top_rating_year')
+        self.assertCountEqual(qs, [
+            {'pubdate__year': 1991, 'top_rating_year': 5.0},
+            {'pubdate__year': 1995, 'top_rating_year': 4.0},
+            {'pubdate__year': 2007, 'top_rating_year': 4.5},
+            {'pubdate__year': 2008, 'top_rating_year': 4.0},
+            {'pubdate__year': 2008, 'top_rating_year': 4.0},
+            {'pubdate__year': 2008, 'top_rating_year': 4.0},
+        ])
     def test_annotation_aggregate_with_m2o(self):
         if connection.vendor == 'mysql' and 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY' in connection.sql_mode:
@@ -776,6 +856,15 @@ class AliasTests(TestCase):
             with self.subTest(book=book):
                 self.assertEqual(book.another_rating, book.rating)
+    def test_basic_alias_f_transform_annotation(self):
+        qs = Book.objects.alias(
+            pubdate_alias=F('pubdate'),
+        ).annotate(pubdate_year=F('pubdate_alias__year'))
+        self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'pubdate_alias'), False)
+        for book in qs:
+            with self.subTest(book=book):
+                self.assertEqual(book.pubdate_year, book.pubdate.year)
     def test_alias_after_annotation(self):
         qs = Book.objects.annotate(

+ 9 - 1

@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ from django.db.models.functions import (
 from django.db.models.sql import constants
 from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import Join
 from django.test import SimpleTestCase, TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature
-from django.test.utils import Approximate, CaptureQueriesContext, isolate_apps
+from django.test.utils import (
+    Approximate, CaptureQueriesContext, isolate_apps, register_lookup,
 from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
 from .models import (
@@ -1216,6 +1218,12 @@ class ExpressionOperatorTests(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(Number.objects.get(, 58)
         self.assertEqual(Number.objects.get(, -10)
+    def test_lefthand_transformed_field_bitwise_or(self):
+        Employee.objects.create(firstname='Max', lastname='Mustermann')
+        with register_lookup(CharField, Length):
+            qs = Employee.objects.annotate(bitor=F('lastname__length').bitor(48))
+            self.assertEqual(qs.get().bitor, 58)
     def test_lefthand_power(self):
         # LH Power arithmetic operation on floats and integers
         Number.objects.filter('integer') ** 2, float=F('float') ** 1.5)

+ 57 - 40

@@ -48,24 +48,35 @@ class WindowFunctionTests(TestCase):
     def test_dense_rank(self):
-        qs = Employee.objects.annotate(rank=Window(
-            expression=DenseRank(),
-            order_by=ExtractYear(F('hire_date')).asc(),
-        ))
-        self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
-            ('Jones', 45000, 'Accounting',, 11, 1), 1),
-            ('Miller', 100000, 'Management',, 6, 1), 1),
-            ('Johnson', 80000, 'Management',, 7, 1), 1),
-            ('Smith', 55000, 'Sales',, 6, 1), 2),
-            ('Jenson', 45000, 'Accounting',, 4, 1), 3),
-            ('Smith', 38000, 'Marketing',, 10, 1), 4),
-            ('Brown', 53000, 'Sales',, 9, 1), 4),
-            ('Williams', 37000, 'Accounting',, 6, 1), 4),
-            ('Wilkinson', 60000, 'IT',, 3, 1), 5),
-            ('Johnson', 40000, 'Marketing',, 3, 1), 6),
-            ('Moore', 34000, 'IT',, 8, 1), 7),
-            ('Adams', 50000, 'Accounting',, 7, 1), 7),
-        ], lambda entry: (, entry.salary, entry.department, entry.hire_date, entry.rank), ordered=False)
+        tests = [
+            ExtractYear(F('hire_date')).asc(),
+            F('hire_date__year').asc(),
+        ]
+        for order_by in tests:
+            with self.subTest(order_by=order_by):
+                qs = Employee.objects.annotate(
+                    rank=Window(expression=DenseRank(), order_by=order_by),
+                )
+                self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
+                    ('Jones', 45000, 'Accounting',, 11, 1), 1),
+                    ('Miller', 100000, 'Management',, 6, 1), 1),
+                    ('Johnson', 80000, 'Management',, 7, 1), 1),
+                    ('Smith', 55000, 'Sales',, 6, 1), 2),
+                    ('Jenson', 45000, 'Accounting',, 4, 1), 3),
+                    ('Smith', 38000, 'Marketing',, 10, 1), 4),
+                    ('Brown', 53000, 'Sales',, 9, 1), 4),
+                    ('Williams', 37000, 'Accounting',, 6, 1), 4),
+                    ('Wilkinson', 60000, 'IT',, 3, 1), 5),
+                    ('Johnson', 40000, 'Marketing',, 3, 1), 6),
+                    ('Moore', 34000, 'IT',, 8, 1), 7),
+                    ('Adams', 50000, 'Accounting',, 7, 1), 7),
+                ], lambda entry: (
+          ,
+                    entry.salary,
+                    entry.department,
+                    entry.hire_date,
+                    entry.rank,
+                ), ordered=False)
     def test_department_salary(self):
         qs = Employee.objects.annotate(department_sum=Window(
@@ -96,7 +107,7 @@ class WindowFunctionTests(TestCase):
         qs = Employee.objects.annotate(rank=Window(
-            order_by=ExtractYear(F('hire_date')).asc(),
+            order_by=F('hire_date__year').asc(),
         self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
             ('Jones', 45000, 'Accounting',, 11, 1), 1),
@@ -523,7 +534,7 @@ class WindowFunctionTests(TestCase):
         qs = Employee.objects.annotate(max=Window(
-            partition_by=[F('department'), ExtractYear(F('hire_date'))],
+            partition_by=[F('department'), F('hire_date__year')],
         )).order_by('department', 'hire_date', 'name')
         self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
             ('Jones', 45000, 'Accounting',, 11, 1), 45000),
@@ -753,26 +764,32 @@ class WindowFunctionTests(TestCase):
             Detail(value={'department': 'HR', 'name': 'Smith', 'salary': 55000}),
             Detail(value={'department': 'PR', 'name': 'Moore', 'salary': 90000}),
-        qs = Detail.objects.annotate(department_sum=Window(
-            expression=Sum(Cast(
-                KeyTextTransform('salary', 'value'),
-                output_field=IntegerField(),
-            )),
-            partition_by=[KeyTransform('department', 'value')],
-            order_by=[KeyTransform('name', 'value')],
-        )).order_by('value__department', 'department_sum')
-        self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
-            ('Brown', 'HR', 50000, 50000),
-            ('Smith', 'HR', 55000, 105000),
-            ('Nowak', 'IT', 32000, 32000),
-            ('Smith', 'IT', 37000, 69000),
-            ('Moore', 'PR', 90000, 90000),
-        ], lambda entry: (
-            entry.value['name'],
-            entry.value['department'],
-            entry.value['salary'],
-            entry.department_sum,
-        ))
+        tests = [
+            (KeyTransform('department', 'value'), KeyTransform('name', 'value')),
+            (F('value__department'), F('value__name')),
+        ]
+        for partition_by, order_by in tests:
+            with self.subTest(partition_by=partition_by, order_by=order_by):
+                qs = Detail.objects.annotate(department_sum=Window(
+                    expression=Sum(Cast(
+                        KeyTextTransform('salary', 'value'),
+                        output_field=IntegerField(),
+                    )),
+                    partition_by=[partition_by],
+                    order_by=[order_by],
+                )).order_by('value__department', 'department_sum')
+                self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [
+                    ('Brown', 'HR', 50000, 50000),
+                    ('Smith', 'HR', 55000, 105000),
+                    ('Nowak', 'IT', 32000, 32000),
+                    ('Smith', 'IT', 37000, 69000),
+                    ('Moore', 'PR', 90000, 90000),
+                ], lambda entry: (
+                    entry.value['name'],
+                    entry.value['department'],
+                    entry.value['salary'],
+                    entry.department_sum,
+                ))
     def test_invalid_start_value_range(self):
         msg = "start argument must be a negative integer, zero, or None, but got '3'."

+ 8 - 0

@@ -363,6 +363,14 @@ class NullableJSONModel(models.Model):
         required_db_features = {'supports_json_field'}
+class RelatedJSONModel(models.Model):
+    value = models.JSONField()
+    json_model = models.ForeignKey(NullableJSONModel, models.CASCADE)
+    class Meta:
+        required_db_features = {'supports_json_field'}
 class AllFieldsModel(models.Model):
     big_integer = models.BigIntegerField()
     binary = models.BinaryField()

+ 55 - 4

@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ from django.test import (
 from django.test.utils import CaptureQueriesContext
-from .models import CustomJSONDecoder, JSONModel, NullableJSONModel
+from .models import (
+    CustomJSONDecoder, JSONModel, NullableJSONModel, RelatedJSONModel,
@@ -357,12 +359,11 @@ class TestQuerying(TestCase):
             operator.itemgetter('key', 'count'),
-    @skipUnlessDBFeature('allows_group_by_lob')
     def test_ordering_grouping_by_count(self):
         qs = NullableJSONModel.objects.filter(
-        self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [1, 11], operator.itemgetter('count'))
+        self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [0, 1], operator.itemgetter('count'))
     def test_order_grouping_custom_decoder(self):
         NullableJSONModel.objects.create(value_custom={'a': 'b'})
@@ -400,6 +401,17 @@ class TestQuerying(TestCase):
+    def test_key_transform_annotation_expression(self):
+        obj = NullableJSONModel.objects.create(value={'d': ['e', 'e']})
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(
+            NullableJSONModel.objects.filter(value__d__0__isnull=False).annotate(
+                key=F('value__d'),
+                chain=F('key__0'),
+                expr=Cast('key', models.JSONField()),
+            ).filter(chain=F('expr__1')),
+            [obj],
+        )
     def test_nested_key_transform_expression(self):
@@ -410,6 +422,19 @@ class TestQuerying(TestCase):
+    def test_nested_key_transform_annotation_expression(self):
+        obj = NullableJSONModel.objects.create(
+            value={'d': ['e', {'f': 'g'}, {'f': 'g'}]},
+        )
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(
+            NullableJSONModel.objects.filter(value__d__0__isnull=False).annotate(
+                key=F('value__d'),
+                chain=F('key__1__f'),
+                expr=Cast('key', models.JSONField()),
+            ).filter(chain=F('expr__2__f')),
+            [obj],
+        )
     def test_nested_key_transform_on_subquery(self):
@@ -449,12 +474,15 @@ class TestQuerying(TestCase):
         tests = [
             (Q(value__baz__has_key='a'), self.objs[7]),
             (Q(value__has_key=KeyTransform('a', KeyTransform('baz', 'value'))), self.objs[7]),
+            (Q(value__has_key=F('value__baz__a')), self.objs[7]),
             (Q(value__has_key=KeyTransform('c', KeyTransform('baz', 'value'))), self.objs[7]),
+            (Q(value__has_key=F('value__baz__c')), self.objs[7]),
             (Q(value__d__1__has_key='f'), self.objs[4]),
                 Q(value__has_key=KeyTransform('f', KeyTransform('1', KeyTransform('d', 'value')))),
-            )
+            ),
+            (Q(value__has_key=F('value__d__1__f')), self.objs[4]),
         for condition, expected in tests:
             with self.subTest(condition=condition):
@@ -469,6 +497,7 @@ class TestQuerying(TestCase):
             Q(value__has_key=KeyTransform('b', KeyTransform(1, 'value'))),
             Q(value__has_key=KeyTransform('b', KeyTransform('1', 'value'))),
+            Q(value__has_key=F('value__1__b')),
         for condition in tests:
             with self.subTest(condition=condition):
@@ -733,11 +762,13 @@ class TestQuerying(TestCase):
                 [KeyTransform('foo', KeyTransform('bax', 'value'))],
+            ('value__foo__in', [F('value__bax__foo')], [self.objs[7]]),
                 [KeyTransform('foo', KeyTransform('bax', 'value')), 'baz'],
+            ('value__foo__in', [F('value__bax__foo'), 'baz'], [self.objs[7]]),
             ('value__foo__in', ['bar', 'baz'], [self.objs[7]]),
             ('value__bar__in', [['foo', 'bar']], [self.objs[7]]),
             ('value__bar__in', [['foo', 'bar'], ['a']], [self.objs[7]]),
@@ -850,6 +881,7 @@ class TestQuerying(TestCase):
             ('value__d__contains', 'e'),
             ('value__d__contains', [{'f': 'g'}]),
             ('value__contains', KeyTransform('bax', 'value')),
+            ('value__contains', F('value__bax')),
             ('value__baz__contains', {'a': 'b'}),
             ('value__baz__contained_by', {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', 'e': 'f'}),
@@ -869,3 +901,22 @@ class TestQuerying(TestCase):
                     **{lookup: value},
                 ).exists(), True)
+    def test_join_key_transform_annotation_expression(self):
+        related_obj = RelatedJSONModel.objects.create(
+            value={'d': ['f', 'e']},
+            json_model=self.objs[4],
+        )
+        RelatedJSONModel.objects.create(
+            value={'d': ['e', 'f']},
+            json_model=self.objs[4],
+        )
+        self.assertSequenceEqual(
+            RelatedJSONModel.objects.annotate(
+                key=F('value__d'),
+                related_key=F('json_model__value__d'),
+                chain=F('key__1'),
+                expr=Cast('key', models.JSONField()),
+            ).filter(chain=F('related_key__0')),
+            [related_obj],
+        )

+ 16 - 0

@@ -434,6 +434,13 @@ class TestQuerying(PostgreSQLTestCase):
+    def test_index_annotation(self):
+        qs = NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.annotate(second=models.F('field__1'))
+        self.assertCountEqual(
+            qs.values_list('second', flat=True),
+            [None, None, None, 3, 30],
+        )
     def test_overlap(self):
             NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__overlap=[1, 2]),
@@ -495,6 +502,15 @@ class TestQuerying(PostgreSQLTestCase):
+    def test_slice_annotation(self):
+        qs = NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.annotate(
+            first_two=models.F('field__0_2'),
+        )
+        self.assertCountEqual(
+            qs.values_list('first_two', flat=True),
+            [None, [1], [2], [2, 3], [20, 30]],
+        )
     def test_usage_in_subquery(self):

+ 8 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import json
 from django.core import checks, exceptions, serializers
 from django.db import connection
-from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery
+from django.db.models import F, OuterRef, Subquery
 from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL
 from django.forms import Form
 from django.test.utils import CaptureQueriesContext, isolate_apps
@@ -137,6 +137,13 @@ class TestQuerying(PostgreSQLTestCase):
+    def test_key_transform_annotation(self):
+        qs = HStoreModel.objects.annotate(a=F('field__a'))
+        self.assertCountEqual(
+            qs.values_list('a', flat=True),
+            ['b', 'b', None, None, None],
+        )
     def test_keys(self):

+ 22 - 10

@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ import unittest
 from django.core.exceptions import FieldError
 from django.db import IntegrityError, connection, transaction
-from django.db.models import Count, F, Max
-from django.db.models.functions import Concat, Lower
+from django.db.models import CharField, Count, F, IntegerField, Max
+from django.db.models.functions import Abs, Concat, Lower
 from django.test import TestCase
+from django.test.utils import register_lookup
 from .models import A, B, Bar, D, DataPoint, Foo, RelatedPoint, UniqueNumber
@@ -154,6 +155,13 @@ class AdvancedTests(TestCase):
         with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
+    def test_update_transformed_field(self):
+        A.objects.create(x=5)
+        A.objects.create(x=-6)
+        with register_lookup(IntegerField, Abs):
+            A.objects.update(x=F('x__abs'))
+            self.assertCountEqual(A.objects.values_list('x', flat=True), [5, 6])
     def test_update_annotated_queryset(self):
         Update of a queryset that's been annotated.
@@ -194,14 +202,18 @@ class AdvancedTests(TestCase):
     def test_update_with_joined_field_annotation(self):
         msg = 'Joined field references are not permitted in this query'
-        for annotation in (
-            F('data__name'),
-            Lower('data__name'),
-            Concat('data__name', 'data__value'),
-        ):
-            with self.subTest(annotation=annotation):
-                with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
-                    RelatedPoint.objects.annotate(new_name=annotation).update(name=F('new_name'))
+        with register_lookup(CharField, Lower):
+            for annotation in (
+                F('data__name'),
+                F('data__name__lower'),
+                Lower('data__name'),
+                Concat('data__name', 'data__value'),
+            ):
+                with self.subTest(annotation=annotation):
+                    with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
+                        RelatedPoint.objects.annotate(
+                            new_name=annotation,
+                        ).update(name=F('new_name'))