
Fixed #33879 -- Improved timesince handling of long intervals.

GianpaoloBranca 2 年之前

+ 68 - 32

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import calendar
 import datetime
 from django.utils.html import avoid_wrapping
@@ -14,14 +13,16 @@ TIME_STRINGS = {
     "minute": ngettext_lazy("%(num)d minute", "%(num)d minutes", "num"),
-    (60 * 60 * 24 * 365, "year"),
-    (60 * 60 * 24 * 30, "month"),
-    (60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "week"),
-    (60 * 60 * 24, "day"),
-    (60 * 60, "hour"),
-    (60, "minute"),
+    60 * 60 * 24 * 7,  # week
+    60 * 60 * 24,  # day
+    60 * 60,  # hour
+    60,  # minute
+MONTHS_DAYS = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
 def timesince(d, now=None, reversed=False, time_strings=None, depth=2):
@@ -31,9 +32,16 @@ def timesince(d, now=None, reversed=False, time_strings=None, depth=2):
     "0 minutes".
     Units used are years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes.
-    Seconds and microseconds are ignored. Up to `depth` adjacent units will be
-    displayed.  For example, "2 weeks, 3 days" and "1 year, 3 months" are
-    possible outputs, but "2 weeks, 3 hours" and "1 year, 5 days" are not.
+    Seconds and microseconds are ignored.
+    The algorithm takes into account the varying duration of years and months.
+    There is exactly "1 year, 1 month" between 2013/02/10 and 2014/03/10,
+    but also between 2007/08/10 and 2008/09/10 despite the delta being 393 days
+    in the former case and 397 in the latter.
+    Up to `depth` adjacent units will be displayed.  For example,
+    "2 weeks, 3 days" and "1 year, 3 months" are possible outputs, but
+    "2 weeks, 3 hours" and "1 year, 5 days" are not.
     `time_strings` is an optional dict of strings to replace the default
     TIME_STRINGS dict.
@@ -41,8 +49,9 @@ def timesince(d, now=None, reversed=False, time_strings=None, depth=2):
     `depth` is an optional integer to control the number of adjacent time
     units returned.
-    Adapted from
+    Originally adapted from
+    Modified to improve results for years and months.
     if time_strings is None:
         time_strings = TIME_STRINGS
@@ -60,37 +69,64 @@ def timesince(d, now=None, reversed=False, time_strings=None, depth=2):
         d, now = now, d
     delta = now - d
-    # Deal with leapyears by subtracing the number of leapdays
-    leapdays = calendar.leapdays(d.year, now.year)
-    if leapdays != 0:
-        if calendar.isleap(d.year):
-            leapdays -= 1
-        elif calendar.isleap(now.year):
-            leapdays += 1
-    delta -= datetime.timedelta(leapdays)
-    # ignore microseconds
+    # Ignore microseconds.
     since = delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + delta.seconds
     if since <= 0:
         # d is in the future compared to now, stop processing.
         return avoid_wrapping(time_strings["minute"] % {"num": 0})
-    for i, (seconds, name) in enumerate(TIMESINCE_CHUNKS):
-        count = since // seconds
-        if count != 0:
+    # Get years and months.
+    total_months = (now.year - d.year) * 12 + (now.month - d.month)
+    if d.day > now.day or (d.day == now.day and d.time() > now.time()):
+        total_months -= 1
+    years, months = divmod(total_months, 12)
+    # Calculate the remaining time.
+    # Create a "pivot" datetime shifted from d by years and months, then use
+    # that to determine the other parts.
+    if years or months:
+        pivot_year = d.year + years
+        pivot_month = d.month + months
+        if pivot_month > 12:
+            pivot_month -= 12
+            pivot_year += 1
+        pivot = datetime.datetime(
+            pivot_year,
+            pivot_month,
+            min(MONTHS_DAYS[pivot_month - 1], d.day),
+            d.hour,
+            d.minute,
+            d.second,
+        )
+    else:
+        pivot = d
+    remaining_time = (now - pivot).total_seconds()
+    partials = [years, months]
+    for chunk in TIME_CHUNKS:
+        count = remaining_time // chunk
+        partials.append(count)
+        remaining_time -= chunk * count
+    # Find the first non-zero part (if any) and then build the result, until
+    # depth.
+    i = 0
+    for i, value in enumerate(partials):
+        if value != 0:
         return avoid_wrapping(time_strings["minute"] % {"num": 0})
     result = []
     current_depth = 0
-    while i < len(TIMESINCE_CHUNKS) and current_depth < depth:
-        seconds, name = TIMESINCE_CHUNKS[i]
-        count = since // seconds
-        if count == 0:
+    while i < len(TIME_STRINGS_KEYS) and current_depth < depth:
+        value = partials[i]
+        if value == 0:
-        result.append(avoid_wrapping(time_strings[name] % {"num": count}))
-        since -= seconds * count
+        name = TIME_STRINGS_KEYS[i]
+        result.append(avoid_wrapping(time_strings[name] % {"num": value}))
         current_depth += 1
         i += 1
     return gettext(", ").join(result)

+ 2 - 2

@@ -506,8 +506,8 @@ class HumanizeTests(SimpleTestCase):
             # "%(delta)s from now" translations
             now + datetime.timedelta(days=1),
             now + datetime.timedelta(days=2),
-            now + datetime.timedelta(days=30),
-            now + datetime.timedelta(days=60),
+            now + datetime.timedelta(days=31),
+            now + datetime.timedelta(days=61),
             now + datetime.timedelta(days=500),
             now + datetime.timedelta(days=865),

+ 17 - 0

@@ -147,6 +147,23 @@ class TimesinceTests(TimezoneTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(output, "1\xa0day")
+    # Tests for #33879 (wrong results for 11 months + several weeks).
+    @setup({"timesince19": "{{ earlier|timesince }}"})
+    def test_timesince19(self):
+        output = self.engine.render_to_string(
+            "timesince19", {"earlier": self.today - timedelta(days=358)}
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(output, "11\xa0months, 3\xa0weeks")
+    @setup({"timesince20": "{{ a|timesince:b }}"})
+    def test_timesince20(self):
+        now = datetime(2018, 5, 9)
+        output = self.engine.render_to_string(
+            "timesince20",
+            {"a": now, "b": now + timedelta(days=365) + timedelta(days=364)},
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(output, "1\xa0year, 11\xa0months")
 class FunctionTests(SimpleTestCase):
     def test_since_now(self):

+ 33 - 2

@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ class TimesinceTests(TestCase):
         self.onehour = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
         self.oneday = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
         self.oneweek = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
-        self.onemonth = datetime.timedelta(days=30)
-        self.oneyear = datetime.timedelta(days=365)
+        self.onemonth = datetime.timedelta(days=31)
+        self.oneyear = datetime.timedelta(days=366)
     def test_equal_datetimes(self):
         """equal datetimes."""
@@ -205,6 +205,37 @@ class TimesinceTests(TestCase):
                 self.assertEqual(timesince(self.t, value, depth=depth), expected)
                 self.assertEqual(timeuntil(value, self.t, depth=depth), expected)
+    def test_months_edge(self):
+        t = datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1)
+        tests = [
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 31), "4\xa0weeks, 2\xa0days"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 1), "1\xa0month"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 28), "1\xa0month, 3\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 1), "2\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 31), "2\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 1), "3\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 30), "3\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 1), "4\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 31), "4\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 1), "5\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 30), "5\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 1), "6\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 31), "6\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 1), "7\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 31), "7\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 1), "8\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 30), "8\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 1), "9\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 31), "9\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 1), "10\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 30), "10\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 1), "11\xa0months"),
+            (datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 31), "11\xa0months, 4\xa0weeks"),
+        ]
+        for value, expected in tests:
+            with self.subTest():
+                self.assertEqual(timesince(t, value), expected)
     def test_depth_invalid(self):
         msg = "depth must be greater than 0."
         with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, msg):