@@ -66,6 +66,43 @@ class ExtractorTests(SimpleTestCase):
msgid = re.escape(msgid)
return self.assertTrue(not re.search('^msgid %s' % msgid, s, re.MULTILINE))
+ def _assertPoLocComment(self, assert_presence, po_filename, line_number, *comment_parts):
+ with open(po_filename, 'r') as fp:
+ po_contents = force_text(fp.read())
+ if os.name == 'nt':
+ # #: .\path\to\file.html:123
+ cwd_prefix = '%s%s' % (os.curdir, os.sep)
+ else:
+ # #: path/to/file.html:123
+ cwd_prefix = ''
+ parts = ['#: ']
+ parts.append(os.path.join(cwd_prefix, *comment_parts))
+ if line_number is not None:
+ parts.append(':%d' % line_number)
+ needle = ''.join(parts)
+ if assert_presence:
+ return self.assertTrue(needle in po_contents, '"%s" not found in final .po file.' % needle)
+ else:
+ return self.assertFalse(needle in po_contents, '"%s" shouldn\'t be in final .po file.' % needle)
+ def assertLocationCommentPresent(self, po_filename, line_number, *comment_parts):
+ """
+ self.assertLocationCommentPresent('django.po', 42, 'dirA', 'dirB', 'foo.py')
+ verifies that the django.po file has a gettext-style location comment of the form
+ `#: dirA/dirB/foo.py:42`
+ (or `#: .\dirA\dirB\foo.py:42` on Windows)
+ None can be passed for the line_number argument to skip checking of the :42 suffix part.
+ """
+ return self._assertPoLocComment(True, po_filename, line_number, *comment_parts)
+ def assertLocationCommentNotPresent(self, po_filename, line_number, *comment_parts):
+ """Check the oposite of assertLocationComment()"""
+ return self._assertPoLocComment(False, po_filename, line_number, *comment_parts)
class BasicExtractorTests(ExtractorTests):
@@ -133,6 +170,9 @@ class BasicExtractorTests(ExtractorTests):
self.assertNotMsgId('Text with a few line breaks.', po_contents)
# should be trimmed
self.assertMsgId("Again some text with a few line breaks, this time should be trimmed.", po_contents)
+ # #21406 -- Should adjust for eaten line numbers
+ self.assertMsgId("I'm on line 97", po_contents)
+ self.assertLocationCommentPresent(self.PO_FILE, 97, 'templates', 'test.html')
def test_force_en_us_locale(self):
"""Value of locale-munging option used by the command is the right one"""
@@ -418,32 +458,18 @@ class LocationCommentsTests(ExtractorTests):
management.call_command('makemessages', locale=[LOCALE], verbosity=0, no_location=True)
- with open(self.PO_FILE, 'r') as fp:
- po_contents = force_text(fp.read())
- needle = os.sep.join(['#: templates', 'test.html:55'])
- self.assertFalse(needle in po_contents, '"%s" shouldn\'t be in final .po file.' % needle)
+ self.assertLocationCommentNotPresent(self.PO_FILE, 55, 'templates', 'test.html.py')
def test_no_location_disabled(self):
"""Behavior is correct if --no-location switch isn't specified."""
management.call_command('makemessages', locale=[LOCALE], verbosity=0, no_location=False)
- with open(self.PO_FILE, 'r') as fp:
- # Standard comment with source file relative path should be present -- #16903
- po_contents = force_text(fp.read())
- if os.name == 'nt':
- # #: .\path\to\file.html:123
- cwd_prefix = '%s%s' % (os.curdir, os.sep)
- else:
- # #: path/to/file.html:123
- cwd_prefix = ''
- needle = os.sep.join(['#: %stemplates' % cwd_prefix, 'test.html:55'])
- self.assertTrue(needle in po_contents, '"%s" not found in final .po file.' % needle)
- # #21208 -- Leaky paths in comments on Windows e.g. #: path\to\file.html.py:123
- bad_suffix = '.py'
- bad_string = 'templates%stest.html%s' % (os.sep, bad_suffix)
- self.assertFalse(bad_string in po_contents, '"%s" shouldn\'t be in final .po file.' % bad_string)
+ # #16903 -- Standard comment with source file relative path should be present
+ self.assertLocationCommentPresent(self.PO_FILE, 55, 'templates', 'test.html')
+ # #21208 -- Leaky paths in comments on Windows e.g. #: path\to\file.html.py:123
+ self.assertLocationCommentNotPresent(self.PO_FILE, None, 'templates', 'test.html.py')
class KeepPotFileExtractorTests(ExtractorTests):