@@ -375,18 +375,17 @@ class AtomicMySQLTests(TransactionTestCase):
@skipIf(threading is None, "Test requires threading")
def test_implicit_savepoint_rollback(self):
"""MySQL implicitly rolls back savepoints when it deadlocks (#22291)."""
+ Reporter.objects.create(id=1)
+ Reporter.objects.create(id=2)
- other_thread_ready = threading.Event()
+ main_thread_ready = threading.Event()
def other_thread():
with transaction.atomic():
- Reporter.objects.create(id=1, first_name="Tintin")
- other_thread_ready.set()
- # We cannot synchronize the two threads with an event here
- # because the main thread locks. Sleep for a little while.
- time.sleep(1)
- # 2) ... and this line deadlocks. (see below for 1)
+ Reporter.objects.select_for_update().get(id=1)
+ main_thread_ready.wait()
+ # 1) This line locks... (see below for 2)
# This is the thread-local connection, not the main connection.
@@ -394,14 +393,18 @@ class AtomicMySQLTests(TransactionTestCase):
other_thread = threading.Thread(target=other_thread)
- other_thread_ready.wait()
with self.assertRaisesMessage(OperationalError, 'Deadlock found'):
# Double atomic to enter a transaction and create a savepoint.
with transaction.atomic():
with transaction.atomic():
- # 1) This line locks... (see above for 2)
- Reporter.objects.create(id=1, first_name="Tintin")
+ Reporter.objects.select_for_update().get(id=2)
+ main_thread_ready.set()
+ # The two threads can't be synchronized with an event here
+ # because the other thread locks. Sleep for a little while.
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # 2) ... and this line deadlocks. (see above for 1)
+ Reporter.objects.exclude(id=2).update(id=1)