@@ -372,13 +372,11 @@ class Templates(unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch):
- @override_settings(DEBUG=True, TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True)
+ @override_settings(DEBUG=True, TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True)
def test_no_wrapped_exception(self):
The template system doesn't wrap exceptions, but annotates them.
Refs #16770
c = Context({"coconuts": lambda: 42 / 0})
t = Template("{{ coconuts }}")
@@ -387,7 +385,6 @@ class Templates(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.django_template_source[1], (0, 14))
def test_invalid_block_suggestion(self):
# See #7876
from django.template import Template, TemplateSyntaxError
@@ -610,6 +607,10 @@ class Templates(unittest.TestCase):
# Call methods returned from dictionary lookups
'basic-syntax38': ('{{ var.callable }}', {"var": {"callable": lambda: "foo bar"}}, "foo bar"),
+ 'builtins01': ('{{ True }}', {}, "True"),
+ 'builtins02': ('{{ False }}', {}, "False"),
+ 'builtins03': ('{{ None }}', {}, "None"),
# List-index syntax allows a template to access a certain item of a subscriptable object.
'list-index01': ("{{ var.1 }}", {"var": ["first item", "second item"]}, "second item"),