@@ -367,14 +367,19 @@ class EscapingChecks(TestCase):
All tests in this test case are also run with settings.DEBUG=True in
EscapingChecksDebug test case, to also test CursorDebugWrapper.
+ # For Oracle, when you want to select a value, you need to specify the
+ # special pseudo-table 'dual'; a select with no from clause is invalid.
+ bare_select_suffix = " FROM DUAL" if connection.vendor == 'oracle' else ""
def test_paramless_no_escaping(self):
cursor = connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT '%s'")
+ cursor.execute("SELECT '%s'" + self.bare_select_suffix)
self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0][0], '%s')
def test_parameter_escaping(self):
cursor = connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT '%%', %s", ('%d',))
+ cursor.execute("SELECT '%%', %s" + self.bare_select_suffix, ('%d',))
self.assertEqual(cursor.fetchall()[0], ('%', '%d'))
@unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite',