@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+import asyncio
+import logging
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import traceback
+from io import BytesIO
+from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core import signals
+from django.core.exceptions import RequestAborted, RequestDataTooBig
+from django.core.handlers import base
+from django.http import (
+ FileResponse, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest,
+ HttpResponseServerError, QueryDict, parse_cookie,
+from django.urls import set_script_prefix
+from django.utils.functional import cached_property
+logger = logging.getLogger('django.request')
+class ASGIRequest(HttpRequest):
+ """
+ Custom request subclass that decodes from an ASGI-standard request dict
+ and wraps request body handling.
+ """
+ # Number of seconds until a Request gives up on trying to read a request
+ # body and aborts.
+ body_receive_timeout = 60
+ def __init__(self, scope, body_file):
+ self.scope = scope
+ self._post_parse_error = False
+ self._read_started = False
+ self.resolver_match = None
+ self.script_name = self.scope.get('root_path', '')
+ if self.script_name and scope['path'].startswith(self.script_name):
+ # TODO: Better is-prefix checking, slash handling?
+ self.path_info = scope['path'][len(self.script_name):]
+ else:
+ self.path_info = scope['path']
+ # The Django path is different from ASGI scope path args, it should
+ # combine with script name.
+ if self.script_name:
+ self.path = '%s/%s' % (
+ self.script_name.rstrip('/'),
+ self.path_info.replace('/', '', 1),
+ )
+ else:
+ self.path = scope['path']
+ # HTTP basics.
+ self.method = self.scope['method'].upper()
+ # Ensure query string is encoded correctly.
+ query_string = self.scope.get('query_string', '')
+ if isinstance(query_string, bytes):
+ query_string = query_string.decode()
+ self.META = {
+ 'REQUEST_METHOD': self.method,
+ 'QUERY_STRING': query_string,
+ 'SCRIPT_NAME': self.script_name,
+ 'PATH_INFO': self.path_info,
+ # WSGI-expecting code will need these for a while
+ 'wsgi.multithread': True,
+ 'wsgi.multiprocess': True,
+ }
+ if self.scope.get('client'):
+ self.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] = self.scope['client'][0]
+ self.META['REMOTE_PORT'] = self.scope['client'][1]
+ if self.scope.get('server'):
+ self.META['SERVER_NAME'] = self.scope['server'][0]
+ self.META['SERVER_PORT'] = str(self.scope['server'][1])
+ else:
+ self.META['SERVER_NAME'] = 'unknown'
+ self.META['SERVER_PORT'] = '0'
+ # Headers go into META.
+ for name, value in self.scope.get('headers', []):
+ name = name.decode('latin1')
+ if name == 'content-length':
+ corrected_name = 'CONTENT_LENGTH'
+ elif name == 'content-type':
+ corrected_name = 'CONTENT_TYPE'
+ else:
+ corrected_name = 'HTTP_%s' % name.upper().replace('-', '_')
+ # HTTP/2 say only ASCII chars are allowed in headers, but decode
+ # latin1 just in case.
+ value = value.decode('latin1')
+ if corrected_name in self.META:
+ value = self.META[corrected_name] + ',' + value
+ self.META[corrected_name] = value
+ # Pull out request encoding, if provided.
+ self._set_content_type_params(self.META)
+ # Directly assign the body file to be our stream.
+ self._stream = body_file
+ # Other bits.
+ self.resolver_match = None
+ @cached_property
+ def GET(self):
+ return QueryDict(self.META['QUERY_STRING'])
+ def _get_scheme(self):
+ return self.scope.get('scheme') or super()._get_scheme()
+ def _get_post(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_post'):
+ self._load_post_and_files()
+ return self._post
+ def _set_post(self, post):
+ self._post = post
+ def _get_files(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_files'):
+ self._load_post_and_files()
+ return self._files
+ POST = property(_get_post, _set_post)
+ FILES = property(_get_files)
+ @cached_property
+ def COOKIES(self):
+ return parse_cookie(self.META.get('HTTP_COOKIE', ''))
+class ASGIHandler(base.BaseHandler):
+ """Handler for ASGI requests."""
+ request_class = ASGIRequest
+ # Size to chunk response bodies into for multiple response messages.
+ chunk_size = 2 ** 16
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ASGIHandler, self).__init__()
+ self.load_middleware()
+ async def __call__(self, scope, receive, send):
+ """
+ Async entrypoint - parses the request and hands off to get_response.
+ """
+ # Serve only HTTP connections.
+ # FIXME: Allow to override this.
+ if scope['type'] != 'http':
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Django can only handle ASGI/HTTP connections, not %s'
+ % scope['type']
+ )
+ # Receive the HTTP request body as a stream object.
+ try:
+ body_file = await self.read_body(receive)
+ except RequestAborted:
+ return
+ # Request is complete and can be served.
+ set_script_prefix(self.get_script_prefix(scope))
+ await sync_to_async(signals.request_started.send)(sender=self.__class__, scope=scope)
+ # Get the request and check for basic issues.
+ request, error_response = self.create_request(scope, body_file)
+ if request is None:
+ await self.send_response(error_response, send)
+ return
+ # Get the response, using a threadpool via sync_to_async, if needed.
+ if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.get_response):
+ response = await self.get_response(request)
+ else:
+ # If get_response is synchronous, run it non-blocking.
+ response = await sync_to_async(self.get_response)(request)
+ response._handler_class = self.__class__
+ # Increase chunk size on file responses (ASGI servers handles low-level
+ # chunking).
+ if isinstance(response, FileResponse):
+ response.block_size = self.chunk_size
+ # Send the response.
+ await self.send_response(response, send)
+ async def read_body(self, receive):
+ """Reads a HTTP body from an ASGI connection."""
+ # Use the tempfile that auto rolls-over to a disk file as it fills up,
+ # if a maximum in-memory size is set. Otherwise use a BytesIO object.
+ if settings.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE is None:
+ body_file = BytesIO()
+ else:
+ body_file = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=settings.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE, mode='w+b')
+ while True:
+ message = await receive()
+ if message['type'] == 'http.disconnect':
+ # Early client disconnect.
+ raise RequestAborted()
+ # Add a body chunk from the message, if provided.
+ if 'body' in message:
+ body_file.write(message['body'])
+ # Quit out if that's the end.
+ if not message.get('more_body', False):
+ break
+ body_file.seek(0)
+ return body_file
+ def create_request(self, scope, body_file):
+ """
+ Create the Request object and returns either (request, None) or
+ (None, response) if there is an error response.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.request_class(scope, body_file), None
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Bad Request (UnicodeDecodeError)',
+ exc_info=sys.exc_info(),
+ extra={'status_code': 400},
+ )
+ return None, HttpResponseBadRequest()
+ except RequestDataTooBig:
+ return None, HttpResponse('413 Payload too large', status=413)
+ def handle_uncaught_exception(self, request, resolver, exc_info):
+ """Last-chance handler for exceptions."""
+ # There's no WSGI server to catch the exception further up
+ # if this fails, so translate it into a plain text response.
+ try:
+ return super().handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver, exc_info)
+ except Exception:
+ return HttpResponseServerError(
+ traceback.format_exc() if settings.DEBUG else 'Internal Server Error',
+ content_type='text/plain',
+ )
+ async def send_response(self, response, send):
+ """Encode and send a response out over ASGI."""
+ # Collect cookies into headers. Have to preserve header case as there
+ # are some non-RFC compliant clients that require e.g. Content-Type.
+ response_headers = []
+ for header, value in response.items():
+ if isinstance(header, str):
+ header = header.encode('ascii')
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ value = value.encode('latin1')
+ response_headers.append((bytes(header), bytes(value)))
+ for c in response.cookies.values():
+ response_headers.append(
+ (b'Set-Cookie', c.output(header='').encode('ascii').strip())
+ )
+ # Initial response message.
+ await send({
+ 'type': 'http.response.start',
+ 'status': response.status_code,
+ 'headers': response_headers,
+ })
+ # Streaming responses need to be pinned to their iterator.
+ if response.streaming:
+ # Access `__iter__` and not `streaming_content` directly in case
+ # it has been overridden in a subclass.
+ for part in response:
+ for chunk, _ in self.chunk_bytes(part):
+ await send({
+ 'type': 'http.response.body',
+ 'body': chunk,
+ # Ignore "more" as there may be more parts; instead,
+ # use an empty final closing message with False.
+ 'more_body': True,
+ })
+ # Final closing message.
+ await send({'type': 'http.response.body'})
+ # Other responses just need chunking.
+ else:
+ # Yield chunks of response.
+ for chunk, last in self.chunk_bytes(response.content):
+ await send({
+ 'type': 'http.response.body',
+ 'body': chunk,
+ 'more_body': not last,
+ })
+ response.close()
+ @classmethod
+ def chunk_bytes(cls, data):
+ """
+ Chunks some data up so it can be sent in reasonable size messages.
+ Yields (chunk, last_chunk) tuples.
+ """
+ position = 0
+ if not data:
+ yield data, True
+ return
+ while position < len(data):
+ yield (
+ data[position:position + cls.chunk_size],
+ (position + cls.chunk_size) >= len(data),
+ )
+ position += cls.chunk_size
+ def get_script_prefix(self, scope):
+ """
+ Return the script prefix to use from either the scope or a setting.
+ """
+ if settings.FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME:
+ return settings.FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME
+ return scope.get('root_path', '') or ''