@@ -452,20 +452,20 @@ For each field, we describe the default widget used if you don't specify
If no ``input_formats`` argument is provided, the default input formats are::
['%Y-%m-%d', # '2006-10-25'
- '%m/%d/%Y', # '10/25/2006'
- '%m/%d/%y'] # '10/25/06'
+ '%m/%d/%Y', # '10/25/2006'
+ '%m/%d/%y'] # '10/25/06'
Additionally, if you specify :setting:`USE_L10N=False<USE_L10N>` in your settings, the
following will also be included in the default input formats::
['%b %d %Y', # 'Oct 25 2006'
- '%b %d, %Y', # 'Oct 25, 2006'
- '%d %b %Y', # '25 Oct 2006'
- '%d %b, %Y', # '25 Oct, 2006'
- '%B %d %Y', # 'October 25 2006'
- '%B %d, %Y', # 'October 25, 2006'
- '%d %B %Y', # '25 October 2006'
- '%d %B, %Y'] # '25 October, 2006'
+ '%b %d, %Y', # 'Oct 25, 2006'
+ '%d %b %Y', # '25 Oct 2006'
+ '%d %b, %Y', # '25 Oct, 2006'
+ '%B %d %Y', # 'October 25 2006'
+ '%B %d, %Y', # 'October 25, 2006'
+ '%d %B %Y', # '25 October 2006'
+ '%d %B, %Y'] # '25 October, 2006'
See also :ref:`format localization <format-localization>`.
@@ -491,14 +491,14 @@ For each field, we describe the default widget used if you don't specify
If no ``input_formats`` argument is provided, the default input formats are::
['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', # '2006-10-25 14:30:59'
- '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', # '2006-10-25 14:30'
- '%Y-%m-%d', # '2006-10-25'
- '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', # '10/25/2006 14:30:59'
- '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M', # '10/25/2006 14:30'
- '%m/%d/%Y', # '10/25/2006'
- '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S', # '10/25/06 14:30:59'
- '%m/%d/%y %H:%M', # '10/25/06 14:30'
- '%m/%d/%y'] # '10/25/06'
+ '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', # '2006-10-25 14:30'
+ '%Y-%m-%d', # '2006-10-25'
+ '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', # '10/25/2006 14:30:59'
+ '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M', # '10/25/2006 14:30'
+ '%m/%d/%Y', # '10/25/2006'
+ '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S', # '10/25/06 14:30:59'
+ '%m/%d/%y %H:%M', # '10/25/06 14:30'
+ '%m/%d/%y'] # '10/25/06'
See also :ref:`format localization <format-localization>`.