@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Requires core.js and SelectBox.js.
remove_link.className = 'selector-remove';
// <div class="selector-chosen">
- const selector_chosen = quickElement('div', selector_div);
+ const selector_chosen = quickElement('div', selector_div, '', 'id', field_id + '_selector_chosen');
selector_chosen.className = 'selector-chosen';
const title_chosen = quickElement('h2', selector_chosen, interpolate(gettext('Chosen %s') + ' ', [field_name]));
@@ -93,9 +93,30 @@ Requires core.js and SelectBox.js.
+ const filter_selected_p = quickElement('p', selector_chosen, '', 'id', field_id + '_filter_selected');
+ filter_selected_p.className = 'selector-filter';
+ const search_filter_selected_label = quickElement('label', filter_selected_p, '', 'for', field_id + '_selected_input');
+ quickElement(
+ 'span', search_filter_selected_label, '',
+ 'class', 'help-tooltip search-label-icon',
+ 'title', interpolate(gettext("Type into this box to filter down the list of selected %s."), [field_name])
+ );
+ filter_selected_p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
+ const filter_selected_input = quickElement('input', filter_selected_p, '', 'type', 'text', 'placeholder', gettext("Filter"));
+ filter_selected_input.id = field_id + '_selected_input';
const to_box = quickElement('select', selector_chosen, '', 'id', field_id + '_to', 'multiple', '', 'size', from_box.size, 'name', from_box.name);
to_box.className = 'filtered';
+ const warning_footer = quickElement('div', selector_chosen, '', 'class', 'list-footer-display');
+ quickElement('span', warning_footer, '', 'id', field_id + '_list-footer-display-text');
+ quickElement('span', warning_footer, ' (click to clear)', 'class', 'list-footer-display__clear');
const clear_all = quickElement('a', selector_chosen, gettext('Remove all'), 'title', interpolate(gettext('Click to remove all chosen %s at once.'), [field_name]), 'href', '#', 'id', field_id + '_remove_all_link');
clear_all.className = 'selector-clearall';
@@ -106,6 +127,8 @@ Requires core.js and SelectBox.js.
if (elem.classList.contains('active')) {
move_func(from, to);
+ SelectFilter.refresh_filtered_selects(field_id);
+ SelectFilter.refresh_filtered_warning(field_id);
@@ -121,14 +144,29 @@ Requires core.js and SelectBox.js.
clear_all.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
move_selection(e, this, SelectBox.move_all, field_id + '_to', field_id + '_from');
+ warning_footer.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+ filter_selected_input.value = '';
+ SelectBox.filter(field_id + '_to', '');
+ SelectFilter.refresh_filtered_warning(field_id);
+ SelectFilter.refresh_icons(field_id);
+ });
filter_input.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
- SelectFilter.filter_key_press(e, field_id);
+ SelectFilter.filter_key_press(e, field_id, '_from', '_to');
filter_input.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
- SelectFilter.filter_key_up(e, field_id);
+ SelectFilter.filter_key_up(e, field_id, '_from');
filter_input.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
- SelectFilter.filter_key_down(e, field_id);
+ SelectFilter.filter_key_down(e, field_id, '_from', '_to');
+ });
+ filter_selected_input.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
+ SelectFilter.filter_key_press(e, field_id, '_to', '_from');
+ });
+ filter_selected_input.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
+ SelectFilter.filter_key_up(e, field_id, '_to', '_selected_input');
+ });
+ filter_selected_input.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
+ SelectFilter.filter_key_down(e, field_id, '_to', '_from');
selector_div.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
if (e.target.tagName === 'SELECT') {
@@ -146,6 +184,7 @@ Requires core.js and SelectBox.js.
from_box.closest('form').addEventListener('submit', function() {
+ SelectBox.filter(field_id + '_to', '');
SelectBox.select_all(field_id + '_to');
SelectBox.init(field_id + '_from');
@@ -163,6 +202,20 @@ Requires core.js and SelectBox.js.
field.required = false;
return any_selected;
+ refresh_filtered_warning: function(field_id) {
+ const count = SelectBox.get_hidden_node_count(field_id + '_to');
+ const selector = document.getElementById(field_id + '_selector_chosen');
+ const warning = document.getElementById(field_id + '_list-footer-display-text');
+ selector.className = selector.className.replace('selector-chosen--with-filtered', '');
+ warning.textContent = interpolate(gettext('%s selected options not visible'), [count]);
+ if(count > 0) {
+ selector.className += ' selector-chosen--with-filtered';
+ }
+ },
+ refresh_filtered_selects: function(field_id) {
+ SelectBox.filter(field_id + '_from', document.getElementById(field_id + "_input").value);
+ SelectBox.filter(field_id + '_to', document.getElementById(field_id + "_selected_input").value);
+ },
refresh_icons: function(field_id) {
const from = document.getElementById(field_id + '_from');
const to = document.getElementById(field_id + '_to');
@@ -172,39 +225,47 @@ Requires core.js and SelectBox.js.
// Active if the corresponding box isn't empty
document.getElementById(field_id + '_add_all_link').classList.toggle('active', from.querySelector('option'));
document.getElementById(field_id + '_remove_all_link').classList.toggle('active', to.querySelector('option'));
+ SelectFilter.refresh_filtered_warning(field_id);
- filter_key_press: function(event, field_id) {
- const from = document.getElementById(field_id + '_from');
+ filter_key_press: function(event, field_id, source, target) {
+ const source_box = document.getElementById(field_id + source);
// don't submit form if user pressed Enter
if ((event.which && event.which === 13) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 13)) {
- from.selectedIndex = 0;
- SelectBox.move(field_id + '_from', field_id + '_to');
- from.selectedIndex = 0;
+ source_box.selectedIndex = 0;
+ SelectBox.move(field_id + source, field_id + target);
+ source_box.selectedIndex = 0;
- filter_key_up: function(event, field_id) {
- const from = document.getElementById(field_id + '_from');
- const temp = from.selectedIndex;
- SelectBox.filter(field_id + '_from', document.getElementById(field_id + '_input').value);
- from.selectedIndex = temp;
+ filter_key_up: function(event, field_id, source, filter_input) {
+ const input = filter_input || '_input';
+ const source_box = document.getElementById(field_id + source);
+ const temp = source_box.selectedIndex;
+ SelectBox.filter(field_id + source, document.getElementById(field_id + input).value);
+ source_box.selectedIndex = temp;
+ SelectFilter.refresh_filtered_warning(field_id);
+ SelectFilter.refresh_icons(field_id);
- filter_key_down: function(event, field_id) {
- const from = document.getElementById(field_id + '_from');
+ filter_key_down: function(event, field_id, source, target) {
+ const source_box = document.getElementById(field_id + source);
+ // right key (39) or left key (37)
+ const direction = source === '_from' ? 39 : 37;
// right arrow -- move across
- if ((event.which && event.which === 39) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 39)) {
- const old_index = from.selectedIndex;
- SelectBox.move(field_id + '_from', field_id + '_to');
- from.selectedIndex = (old_index === from.length) ? from.length - 1 : old_index;
+ if ((event.which && event.which === direction) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode === direction)) {
+ const old_index = source_box.selectedIndex;
+ SelectBox.move(field_id + source, field_id + target);
+ SelectFilter.refresh_filtered_selects(field_id);
+ SelectFilter.refresh_filtered_warning(field_id);
+ source_box.selectedIndex = (old_index === source_box.length) ? source_box.length - 1 : old_index;
// down arrow -- wrap around
if ((event.which && event.which === 40) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 40)) {
- from.selectedIndex = (from.length === from.selectedIndex + 1) ? 0 : from.selectedIndex + 1;
+ source_box.selectedIndex = (source_box.length === source_box.selectedIndex + 1) ? 0 : source_box.selectedIndex + 1;
// up arrow -- wrap around
if ((event.which && event.which === 38) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 38)) {
- from.selectedIndex = (from.selectedIndex === 0) ? from.length - 1 : from.selectedIndex - 1;
+ source_box.selectedIndex = (source_box.selectedIndex === 0) ? source_box.length - 1 : source_box.selectedIndex - 1;