@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ databases). The abstraction barrier only works one way: this module has to know
all about the internals of models in order to get the information it needs.
import copy
-import warnings
from collections import Counter, Iterator, Mapping, OrderedDict
from itertools import chain, count, product
from string import ascii_uppercase
@@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ from django.db.models.sql.where import (
AND, OR, ExtraWhere, NothingNode, WhereNode,
from django.utils import six
-from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango20Warning
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.tree import Node
@@ -1320,19 +1318,6 @@ class Query(object):
except FieldDoesNotExist:
if name in self.annotation_select:
field = self.annotation_select[name].output_field
- elif pos == 0:
- for rel in opts.related_objects:
- if (name == rel.related_model._meta.model_name and
- rel.related_name == rel.related_model._meta.default_related_name):
- related_name = rel.related_name
- field = opts.get_field(related_name)
- warnings.warn(
- "Query lookup '%s' is deprecated in favor of "
- "Meta.default_related_name '%s'."
- % (name, related_name),
- RemovedInDjango20Warning, 2
- )
- break
if field is not None:
# Fields that contain one-to-many relations with a generic