فهرست منبع

Fixed #24361 -- Clarified docs on reconfiguring logging.

Thanks Tuttle for the report and draft patch, and Carl Meyer for
help and review.
Tim Graham 10 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه78 افزوده شده و 27 حذف شده
  1. 78 27

+ 78 - 27

@@ -212,16 +212,20 @@ handlers, filters and formatters that you want in your logging setup,
 and the log levels and other properties that you want those components
 to have.
-Prior to Django 1.5, the :setting:`LOGGING` setting always overwrote the
-:ref:`default Django logging configuration <default-logging-configuration>`.
-From Django 1.5 forward, it is possible to get the project's logging
-configuration merged with Django's defaults, hence you can decide if you want to
-add to, or replace the existing configuration.
+By default, the :setting:`LOGGING` setting is merged with :ref:`Django's
+default logging configuration <default-logging-configuration>` using the
+following scheme.
 If the ``disable_existing_loggers`` key in the :setting:`LOGGING` dictConfig is
-set to ``True`` (which is the default) the default configuration is completely
-overridden. Alternatively you can redefine some or all of the loggers by
-setting ``disable_existing_loggers`` to ``False``.
+set to ``True`` (which is the default) then all loggers from the default
+configuration will be disabled. Disabled loggers are not the same as removed;
+the logger will still exist, but will silently discard anything logged to it,
+not even propagating entries to a parent logger. Thus you should be very
+careful using ``'disable_existing_loggers': True``; it's probably not what you
+want. Instead, you can set ``disable_existing_loggers`` to ``False`` and
+redefine some or all of the default loggers; or you can set
+:setting:`LOGGING_CONFIG` to ``None`` and :ref:`handle logging config yourself
 Logging is configured as part of the general Django ``setup()`` function.
 Therefore, you can be certain that loggers are always ready for use in your
@@ -234,7 +238,7 @@ Examples
 The full documentation for `dictConfig format`_ is the best source of
 information about logging configuration dictionaries. However, to give
-you a taste of what is possible, here are a couple examples.
+you a taste of what is possible, here are several examples.
 First, here's a simple configuration which writes all request logging from the
 :ref:`django-request-logger` logger to a local file::
@@ -261,12 +265,39 @@ First, here's a simple configuration which writes all request logging from the
 If you use this example, be sure to change the ``'filename'`` path to a
 location that's writable by the user that's running the Django application.
-Second, here's an example of a fairly complex logging setup, configured using
+Second, here's an example of how to make the logging system print Django's
+logging to the console. It overrides the fact that ``django.request`` and
+``django.security`` don't propagate their log entries by default. It may be
+useful during local development.
+By default, this config only sends messages of level ``INFO`` or higher to the
+console. Django does not log many such messages. Set the environment variable
+``DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG`` to see all of Django's debug logging which is very
+verbose as it includes all database queries::
+    import os
     LOGGING = {
         'version': 1,
-        'disable_existing_loggers': True,
+        'disable_existing_loggers': False,
+        'handlers': {
+            'console': {
+                'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
+            },
+        },
+        'loggers': {
+            'django': {
+                'handlers': ['console'],
+                'level': os.getenv('DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO'),
+            },
+        },
+    }
+Finally, here's an example of a fairly complex logging setup::
+    LOGGING = {
+        'version': 1,
+        'disable_existing_loggers': False,
         'formatters': {
             'verbose': {
                 'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'
@@ -321,8 +352,6 @@ This logging configuration does the following things:
 * Identifies the configuration as being in 'dictConfig version 1'
   format. At present, this is the only dictConfig format version.
-* Disables all existing logging configurations.
 * Defines two formatters:
   * ``simple``, that just outputs the log level name (e.g.,
@@ -390,20 +419,30 @@ use a different configuration process, you can use any other callable
 that takes a single argument. The contents of :setting:`LOGGING` will
 be provided as the value of that argument when logging is configured.
+.. _disabling-logging-configuration:
 Disabling logging configuration
 If you don't want to configure logging at all (or you want to manually
 configure logging using your own approach), you can set
 :setting:`LOGGING_CONFIG` to ``None``. This will disable the
-configuration process.
+configuration process for :ref:`Django's default logging
+<default-logging-configuration>`. Here's an example that disables Django's
+logging configuration and then manually configures logging:
+.. snippet::
+    :filename: settings.py
-.. note::
-    Setting :setting:`LOGGING_CONFIG` to ``None`` only means that the
-    configuration process is disabled, not logging itself. If you
-    disable the configuration process, Django will still make logging
-    calls, falling back to whatever default logging behavior is
-    defined.
+    import logging.config
+    logging.config.dictConfig(...)
+Setting :setting:`LOGGING_CONFIG` to ``None`` only means that the automatic
+configuration process is disabled, not logging itself. If you disable the
+configuration process, Django will still make logging calls, falling back to
+whatever default logging behavior is defined.
 Django's logging extensions
@@ -650,13 +689,25 @@ logging module.
 Django's default logging configuration
-By default, Django configures the ``django.request`` logger so that all messages
-with ``ERROR`` or ``CRITICAL`` level are sent to :class:`AdminEmailHandler`, as
-long as the :setting:`DEBUG` setting is set to ``False``.
+By default, Django configures the following logging:
+When :setting:`DEBUG` is ``True``:
+* The ``django`` catch-all logger sends all messages at the ``INFO`` level or
+  higher to the console. Django doesn't make any such logging calls at this
+  time (all logging is at the ``DEBUG`` level or handled by the
+  ``django.request`` and ``django.security`` loggers).
+* The ``py.warnings`` logger, which handles messages from ``warnings.warn()``,
+  sends messages to the console.
+When :setting:`DEBUG` is ``False``:
-All messages reaching the ``django`` catch-all logger when :setting:`DEBUG` is
-``True`` are sent to the console. They are simply discarded (sent to
-``NullHandler``) when :setting:`DEBUG` is ``False``.
+* The ``django.request`` and ``django.security`` loggers send messages with
+  ``ERROR`` or ``CRITICAL`` level to :class:`AdminEmailHandler`. These loggers
+  ignore anything at the ``WARNING`` level or below and log entries aren't
+  propagated to other loggers (they won't reach the ``django`` catch-all
+  logger, even when ``DEBUG`` is ``True``).
 See also :ref:`Configuring logging <configuring-logging>` to learn how you can
 complement or replace this default logging configuration.