@@ -3,140 +3,13 @@ Tests for stuff in django.utils.datastructures.
import copy
-import pickle
-from django.test import SimpleTestCase, ignore_warnings
+from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from django.utils.datastructures import (DictWrapper, ImmutableList,
- MultiValueDict, MultiValueDictKeyError, OrderedSet, SortedDict)
-from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango19Warning
+ MultiValueDict, MultiValueDictKeyError, OrderedSet)
from django.utils import six
-class SortedDictTests(SimpleTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(SortedDictTests, self).setUp()
- self.d1 = SortedDict()
- self.d1[7] = 'seven'
- self.d1[1] = 'one'
- self.d1[9] = 'nine'
- self.d2 = SortedDict()
- self.d2[1] = 'one'
- self.d2[9] = 'nine'
- self.d2[0] = 'nil'
- self.d2[7] = 'seven'
- def test_basic_methods(self):
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iterkeys(self.d1)), [7, 1, 9])
- self.assertEqual(list(six.itervalues(self.d1)), ['seven', 'one', 'nine'])
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iteritems(self.d1)), [(7, 'seven'), (1, 'one'), (9, 'nine')])
- def test_overwrite_ordering(self):
- """ Overwriting an item keeps its place. """
- self.d1[1] = 'ONE'
- self.assertEqual(list(six.itervalues(self.d1)), ['seven', 'ONE', 'nine'])
- def test_append_items(self):
- """ New items go to the end. """
- self.d1[0] = 'nil'
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iterkeys(self.d1)), [7, 1, 9, 0])
- def test_delete_and_insert(self):
- """
- Deleting an item, then inserting the same key again will place it
- at the end.
- """
- del self.d2[7]
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iterkeys(self.d2)), [1, 9, 0])
- self.d2[7] = 'lucky number 7'
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iterkeys(self.d2)), [1, 9, 0, 7])
- if six.PY2:
- def test_change_keys(self):
- """
- Changing the keys won't do anything, it's only a copy of the
- keys dict.
- This test doesn't make sense under Python 3 because keys is
- an iterator.
- """
- k = self.d2.keys()
- k.remove(9)
- self.assertEqual(self.d2.keys(), [1, 9, 0, 7])
- def test_init_keys(self):
- """
- Initialising a SortedDict with two keys will just take the first one.
- A real dict will actually take the second value so we will too, but
- we'll keep the ordering from the first key found.
- """
- tuples = ((2, 'two'), (1, 'one'), (2, 'second-two'))
- d = SortedDict(tuples)
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iterkeys(d)), [2, 1])
- real_dict = dict(tuples)
- self.assertEqual(sorted(six.itervalues(real_dict)), ['one', 'second-two'])
- # Here the order of SortedDict values *is* what we are testing
- self.assertEqual(list(six.itervalues(d)), ['second-two', 'one'])
- def test_overwrite(self):
- self.d1[1] = 'not one'
- self.assertEqual(self.d1[1], 'not one')
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iterkeys(self.d1)), list(six.iterkeys(self.d1.copy())))
- def test_append(self):
- self.d1[13] = 'thirteen'
- self.assertEqual(
- repr(self.d1),
- "{7: 'seven', 1: 'one', 9: 'nine', 13: 'thirteen'}"
- )
- def test_pop(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.d1.pop(1, 'missing'), 'one')
- self.assertEqual(self.d1.pop(1, 'missing'), 'missing')
- # We don't know which item will be popped in popitem(), so we'll
- # just check that the number of keys has decreased.
- l = len(self.d1)
- self.d1.popitem()
- self.assertEqual(l - len(self.d1), 1)
- def test_dict_equality(self):
- d = SortedDict((i, i) for i in range(3))
- self.assertEqual(d, {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2})
- def test_tuple_init(self):
- d = SortedDict(((1, "one"), (0, "zero"), (2, "two")))
- self.assertEqual(repr(d), "{1: 'one', 0: 'zero', 2: 'two'}")
- def test_pickle(self):
- self.assertEqual(
- pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.d1, 2)),
- {7: 'seven', 1: 'one', 9: 'nine'}
- )
- def test_copy(self):
- orig = SortedDict(((1, "one"), (0, "zero"), (2, "two")))
- copied = copy.copy(orig)
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iterkeys(orig)), [1, 0, 2])
- self.assertEqual(list(six.iterkeys(copied)), [1, 0, 2])
- def test_clear(self):
- self.d1.clear()
- self.assertEqual(self.d1, {})
- self.assertEqual(self.d1.keyOrder, [])
- def test_reversed(self):
- self.assertEqual(list(self.d1), [7, 1, 9])
- self.assertEqual(list(self.d2), [1, 9, 0, 7])
- self.assertEqual(list(reversed(self.d1)), [9, 1, 7])
- self.assertEqual(list(reversed(self.d2)), [7, 0, 9, 1])
class OrderedSetTests(SimpleTestCase):
def test_bool(self):