@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+.. _ref-validators:
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+Writing validators
+A validator is just a callable that takes a value, and raises a
+``ValidationError`` if it doesn't meet some criteria. They can be useful for
+re-using validation logic between different types of fields.
+For example, lets write a validator that only allows even numbers::
+ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
+ def validate_even(value):
+ if value % 2 != 0:
+ raise ValidationError(u'%s is not an even number' % value)
+You can then added this to your model fields via the field's ``validators``
+ from django.db import models
+ class MyModel(models.Model):
+ even_field = models.IntegerField(validators=[validate_even])
+Since values are converted to python before validators are run, you can even
+use the same validator with forms::
+ from django import forms
+ class MyForm(forms.Form):
+ even_field = forms.IntegerField(validators=[validate_even])
+How validators are run
+See the :ref:`form validation <ref-forms-validation>` for more information on
+how validators are run in forms, and :ref:`Validating objects <validating-objects>`
+for how they are run in models.
+Built-in validators
+Django has a collection of callable validators for use with model and form
+fields. Many of them are used internally, but they are available for use with
+your own fields too. They can be used in addition to, or in lieu of custom
+field.clean() methods.
+.. class:: RegexValidator(regex=None, message=None, code=None)
+.. attribute:: regex=None
+The regular expression to search for the provided ``value``. Raises a
+``ValidationError`` if no match was found.
+.. attribute:: code='invalid'
+The error code to use if validation fails. Defaults to ``'invalid'``.
+.. attribute:: message=None
+The error message to use if ``regex`` doesn't match the provided ``value``.
+.. class:: URLValidator(verify_exists=False, validator_user_agent=URL_VALIDATOR_USER_AGENT)
+A ``RegexValidaor`` that ensures a value looks like a URL, and optionally
+verifies that the URL actually exists. Raises an error code of ``'invalid'``
+if it doesn't look like a URL, and a code of ``'invalid_link'`` if it doesn't
+.. attribute:: verify_exists=False
+If ``verify_exists`` is ``True``, this validator checks that the url actually
+.. attribute:: validator_user_agent=URL_VALIDATOR_USER_AGENT
+If ``verify_exists`` is ``True``, use validator_user_agent as the User-agent
+for the request. Defaults to ``settings.URL_VALIDATOR_USER_AGENT``.
+A ``RegexValidator`` instance that ensures a value looks like an email address.
+A ``RegexValidator`` instance that ensures a value consists of only
+letters, numbers, underscores, or hyphens.
+A ``RegexValidator`` instance that ensures a value looks like an IPv4 address.
+A ``RegexValidator`` instance that ensures a value is a comma separated list
+of integers.
+.. class:: MaxValueValidator(max_value)
+Raises a ``ValidationError`` with a code of ``'max_value'`` if ``value`` is
+greater than ``max_value``.
+.. class:: MinValueValidator(min_value)
+Raises a ``ValidationError`` with a code of ``'min_value'`` if ``value`` is
+less than ``min_value``.
+.. class:: MaxLengthValidator(max_length)
+Raises a ``ValidationError`` with a code of ``'max_length'`` if the length of
+``value`` is greater than ``max_length``.
+.. class:: MinLengthValidator(min_length)
+Raises a ``ValidationError`` with a code of ``'min_length'`` if the length of
+``value`` is less than ``min_length``.