@@ -47,11 +47,10 @@ Why would you use sites? It's best explained through examples.
Associating content with multiple sites
-The Django-powered sites LJWorld.com_ and Lawrence.com_ are operated by the
-same news organization -- the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Lawrence,
-Kansas. LJWorld.com focuses on news, while Lawrence.com focuses on local
-entertainment. But sometimes editors want to publish an article on *both*
+The LJWorld.com_ and Lawrence.com_ sites are operated by the same news
+organization -- the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas.
+LJWorld.com focused on news, while Lawrence.com focused on local entertainment.
+But sometimes editors wanted to publish an article on *both* sites.
The naive way of solving the problem would be to require site producers to
publish the same story twice: once for LJWorld.com and again for Lawrence.com.