@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ straight lookups. Here are some things to keep in mind:
``silent_variable_failure`` whose value is ``True``. If the exception
*does* have a ``silent_variable_failure`` attribute whose value is
``True``, the variable will render as the value of the
- :setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID` setting (an empty string, by default).
+ ``string_if_invalid`` configuration option (an empty string, by default).
>>> t = Template("My name is {{ person.first_name }}.")
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ straight lookups. Here are some things to keep in mind:
* A variable can only be called if it has no required arguments. Otherwise,
- the system will return the value of :setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID`.
+ the system will return the value of the ``string_if_invalid`` option.
.. _alters-data-description:
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ straight lookups. Here are some things to keep in mind:
To prevent this, set an ``alters_data`` attribute on the callable
variable. The template system won't call a variable if it has
``alters_data=True`` set, and will instead replace the variable with
- :setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID`, unconditionally. The
+ ``string_if_invalid``, unconditionally. The
dynamically-generated :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.delete` and
:meth:`~django.db.models.Model.save` methods on Django model objects get
``alters_data=True`` automatically. Example::
@@ -239,36 +239,34 @@ How invalid variables are handled
Generally, if a variable doesn't exist, the template system inserts the
-value of the :setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID` setting, which is set to
+value of the ``string_if_invalid`` configuration option, which is set to
``''`` (the empty string) by default.
Filters that are applied to an invalid variable will only be applied if
-:setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID` is set to ``''`` (the empty string). If
-:setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID` is set to any other value, variable
-filters will be ignored.
+``string_if_invalid`` is set to ``''`` (the empty string). If
+``string_if_invalid`` is set to any other value, variable filters will be
This behavior is slightly different for the ``if``, ``for`` and ``regroup``
template tags. If an invalid variable is provided to one of these template
tags, the variable will be interpreted as ``None``. Filters are always
applied to invalid variables within these template tags.
-If :setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID` contains a ``'%s'``, the format marker will
-be replaced with the name of the invalid variable.
+If ``string_if_invalid`` contains a ``'%s'``, the format marker will be
+replaced with the name of the invalid variable.
.. admonition:: For debug purposes only!
- While :setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID` can be a useful debugging tool,
- it is a bad idea to turn it on as a 'development default'.
+ While ``string_if_invalid`` can be a useful debugging tool, it is a bad
+ idea to turn it on as a 'development default'.
- Many templates, including those in the Admin site, rely upon the
- silence of the template system when a non-existent variable is
- encountered. If you assign a value other than ``''`` to
- :setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID`, you will experience rendering
- problems with these templates and sites.
+ Many templates, including those in the Admin site, rely upon the silence
+ of the template system when a non-existent variable is encountered. If you
+ assign a value other than ``''`` to ``string_if_invalid``, you will
+ experience rendering problems with these templates and sites.
- Generally, :setting:`TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID` should only be enabled
- in order to debug a specific template problem, then cleared
- once debugging is complete.
+ Generally, ``string_if_invalid`` should only be enabled in order to debug
+ a specific template problem, then cleared once debugging is complete.
Builtin variables