@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ Widget classes
This is the default widget used by all GeoDjango form fields.
``template_name`` is ``gis/openlayers.html``.
- ``OpenLayersWidget`` and :class:`OSMWidget` use the ``openlayers.js`` file
- hosted on the ``cdnjs.cloudflare.com`` content-delivery network. You can
- subclass these widgets in order to specify your own version of the
- ``OpenLayers.js`` file in the ``js`` property of the inner ``Media`` class
- (see :ref:`assets-as-a-static-definition`).
+ ``OpenLayersWidget`` and :class:`OSMWidget` use the ``ol.js`` file hosted
+ on the ``cdn.jsdelivr.net`` content-delivery network. You can subclass
+ these widgets in order to specify your own version of the ``ol.js`` file in
+ the ``js`` property of the inner ``Media`` class (see
+ :ref:`assets-as-a-static-definition`).