@@ -331,28 +331,6 @@ In your development environment, you might need to add a setting to your
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
-Django's email framework (in ``django.core.mail``) supports Unicode
-transparently. You can use Unicode data in the message bodies and any headers.
-However, you're still obligated to respect the requirements of the email
-specifications, so, for example, email addresses should use only ASCII
-The following code example demonstrates that everything except email addresses
-can be non-ASCII::
- from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
- subject = 'My visit to Sør-Trøndelag'
- sender = 'Arnbjörg Ráðormsdóttir <arnbjorg@example.com>'
- recipients = ['Fred <fred@example.com']
- body = '...'
- msg = EmailMessage(subject, body, sender, recipients)
- msg.attach("Une pièce jointe.pdf", "%PDF-1.4.%...", mimetype="application/pdf")
- msg.send()
Form submission