@@ -47,10 +47,14 @@ and time availability), claim it by following these steps:
any activity, it's probably safe to reassign it to yourself.
* Log into your account, if you haven't already, by clicking "GitHub Login"
- or "DjangoProject Login" in the upper left of the ticket page.
+ or "DjangoProject Login" in the upper left of the ticket page. Once logged
+ in, you can then click the "Modify Ticket" button near the bottom of the
+ page.
-* Claim the ticket by clicking the "assign to myself" radio button under
- "Action" near the bottom of the page, then click "Submit changes."
+* Claim the ticket by clicking the "assign to" radio button in the "Action"
+ section. Your username will be filled in the text box by default.
+* Finally click the "Submit changes" button at the bottom to save.
.. note::
The Django software foundation requests that anyone contributing more than