Преглед изворни кода

Replaced the test case hierarchy schema with a vector version.

The OmniGraffle source file is included for future use.
Aymeric Augustin пре 12 година

+ 883 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
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+		<string></string>
+	</array>
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+	<string>2012-12-16 18:52:14 +0000</string>
+	<key>Creator</key>
+	<string>Aymeric Augustin</string>
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+	<string>1.000 cm = 1.000 cm</string>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
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+			<real>-1</real>
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+			<array>
+				<string>{369, 459}</string>
+				<string>{216, 400.5}</string>
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+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>UMLInheritance</string>
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+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
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+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>6</integer>
+				<key>Info</key>
+				<integer>2</integer>
+			</dict>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>12</integer>
+				<key>Info</key>
+				<integer>1</integer>
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+			<true/>
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+			<string>{0, 0}</string>
+			<key>OrthogonalBarPosition</key>
+			<real>-1</real>
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+			<array>
+				<string>{135, 270}</string>
+				<string>{369, 225}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>UMLInheritance</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.79999995231628418</real>
+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>26</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+			</dict>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>10</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>26</integer>
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+			<true/>
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+			<string>{0, 0}</string>
+			<key>OrthogonalBarPosition</key>
+			<real>-1</real>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{135, 315}</string>
+				<string>{135, 225}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>UMLInheritance</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.79999995231628418</real>
+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
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+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>9</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>9</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>25</integer>
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+			<true/>
+			<key>OrthogonalBarPoint</key>
+			<string>{0, 0}</string>
+			<key>OrthogonalBarPosition</key>
+			<real>-1</real>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{135, 387}</string>
+				<string>{135, 342}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>UMLInheritance</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.79999995231628418</real>
+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>8</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>8</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>23</integer>
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+			<true/>
+			<key>OrthogonalBarPoint</key>
+			<string>{0, 0}</string>
+			<key>OrthogonalBarPosition</key>
+			<real>-1</real>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{135, 459}</string>
+				<string>{135, 414}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>UMLInheritance</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.79999995231628418</real>
+					<key>Legacy</key>
+					<true/>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>7</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{378, 252}, {81, 27}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>22</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>NoteShape</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\i\fs24 \cf2 Python &lt; 2.7}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>TextRelativeArea</key>
+			<string>{{0, 0}, {1, 1}}</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{45, 252}, {81, 27}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>20</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>NoteShape</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\i\fs24 \cf2 Python \uc0\u8805  2.7}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{288, 198}, {162, 27}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>12</integer>
+			<key>Magnets</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{0, 1}</string>
+				<string>{0, -1}</string>
+				<string>{1, 0}</string>
+				<string>{-1, 0}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>FillType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>GradientAngle</key>
+					<real>90</real>
+					<key>GradientColor</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>w</key>
+						<string>0.666667</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>CornerRadius</key>
+					<real>5</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 TestCase}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{54, 198}, {162, 27}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>10</integer>
+			<key>Magnets</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{0, 1}</string>
+				<string>{0, -1}</string>
+				<string>{1, 0}</string>
+				<string>{-1, 0}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>FillType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>GradientAngle</key>
+					<real>90</real>
+					<key>GradientColor</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>w</key>
+						<string>0.666667</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>CornerRadius</key>
+					<real>5</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 TestCase}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{54, 315}, {162, 27}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>9</integer>
+			<key>Magnets</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{0, 1}</string>
+				<string>{0, -1}</string>
+				<string>{1, 0}</string>
+				<string>{-1, 0}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>FillType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>GradientAngle</key>
+					<real>90</real>
+					<key>GradientColor</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>w</key>
+						<string>0.666667</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>CornerRadius</key>
+					<real>5</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 SimpleTestCase}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{54, 387}, {162, 27}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>8</integer>
+			<key>Magnets</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{0, 1}</string>
+				<string>{0, -1}</string>
+				<string>{1, 0}</string>
+				<string>{-1, 0}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>FillType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>GradientAngle</key>
+					<real>90</real>
+					<key>GradientColor</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>w</key>
+						<string>0.666667</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>CornerRadius</key>
+					<real>5</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 TransactionTestCase}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{54, 459}, {162, 27}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>7</integer>
+			<key>Magnets</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{0, 1}</string>
+				<string>{0, -1}</string>
+				<string>{1, 0}</string>
+				<string>{-1, 0}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>FillType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>GradientAngle</key>
+					<real>90</real>
+					<key>GradientColor</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>w</key>
+						<string>0.666667</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>CornerRadius</key>
+					<real>5</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 TestCase}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{288, 459}, {162, 27}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>6</integer>
+			<key>Magnets</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{0, 1}</string>
+				<string>{0, -1}</string>
+				<string>{1, 0}</string>
+				<string>{-1, 0}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>FillType</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>GradientAngle</key>
+					<real>90</real>
+					<key>GradientColor</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>w</key>
+						<string>0.666667</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>CornerRadius</key>
+					<real>5</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 LiveServerTestCase}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{18, 297}, {468, 207}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>13</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict/>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Align</key>
+				<integer>2</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 django.test}</string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>TextPlacement</key>
+			<integer>0</integer>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{18, 153}, {225, 90}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>18</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict/>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Align</key>
+				<integer>2</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 django.utils.unittest\
+= unittest (standard library)}</string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>TextPlacement</key>
+			<integer>0</integer>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{261, 153}, {225, 90}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>19</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict/>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Align</key>
+				<integer>2</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340
+\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 django.utils.unittest\
+= unittest2 (bundled copy)}</string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>TextPlacement</key>
+			<integer>0</integer>
+		</dict>
+	</array>
+	<key>GridInfo</key>
+	<dict>
+		<key>ShowsGrid</key>
+		<string>YES</string>
+		<key>SnapsToGrid</key>
+		<string>YES</string>
+	</dict>
+	<key>GuidesLocked</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>GuidesVisible</key>
+	<string>YES</string>
+	<key>HPages</key>
+	<integer>1</integer>
+	<key>ImageCounter</key>
+	<integer>1</integer>
+	<key>KeepToScale</key>
+	<false/>
+	<key>Layers</key>
+	<array>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Lock</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+			<key>Name</key>
+			<string>Calque 1</string>
+			<key>Print</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>View</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+		</dict>
+	</array>
+	<key>LayoutInfo</key>
+	<dict>
+		<key>Animate</key>
+		<string>NO</string>
+		<key>circoMinDist</key>
+		<real>18</real>
+		<key>circoSeparation</key>
+		<real>0.0</real>
+		<key>layoutEngine</key>
+		<string>dot</string>
+		<key>neatoSeparation</key>
+		<real>0.0</real>
+		<key>twopiSeparation</key>
+		<real>0.0</real>
+	</dict>
+	<key>LinksVisible</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>MagnetsVisible</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>MasterSheets</key>
+	<array/>
+	<key>ModificationDate</key>
+	<string>2012-12-16 19:08:28 +0000</string>
+	<key>Modifier</key>
+	<string>Aymeric Augustin</string>
+	<key>NotesVisible</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>Orientation</key>
+	<integer>2</integer>
+	<key>OriginVisible</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>PageBreaks</key>
+	<string>YES</string>
+	<key>PrintInfo</key>
+	<dict>
+		<key>NSBottomMargin</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>float</string>
+			<string>41</string>
+		</array>
+		<key>NSHorizonalPagination</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>coded</string>
+			<string>BAtzdHJlYW10eXBlZIHoA4QBQISEhAhOU051bWJlcgCEhAdOU1ZhbHVlAISECE5TT2JqZWN0AIWEASqEhAFxlwCG</string>
+		</array>
+		<key>NSLeftMargin</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>float</string>
+			<string>18</string>
+		</array>
+		<key>NSPaperSize</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>size</string>
+			<string>{595.28997802734375, 841.8900146484375}</string>
+		</array>
+		<key>NSPrintReverseOrientation</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>int</string>
+			<string>0</string>
+		</array>
+		<key>NSRightMargin</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>float</string>
+			<string>18</string>
+		</array>
+		<key>NSTopMargin</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>float</string>
+			<string>18</string>
+		</array>
+	</dict>
+	<key>PrintOnePage</key>
+	<false/>
+	<key>ReadOnly</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>RowAlign</key>
+	<integer>1</integer>
+	<key>RowSpacing</key>
+	<real>36</real>
+	<key>SheetTitle</key>
+	<string>Canevas 1</string>
+	<key>SmartAlignmentGuidesActive</key>
+	<string>YES</string>
+	<key>SmartDistanceGuidesActive</key>
+	<string>YES</string>
+	<key>UniqueID</key>
+	<integer>1</integer>
+	<key>UseEntirePage</key>
+	<false/>
+	<key>VPages</key>
+	<integer>1</integer>
+	<key>WindowInfo</key>
+	<dict>
+		<key>CurrentSheet</key>
+		<integer>0</integer>
+		<key>ExpandedCanvases</key>
+		<array/>
+		<key>Frame</key>
+		<string>{{9, 4}, {694, 874}}</string>
+		<key>ListView</key>
+		<true/>
+		<key>OutlineWidth</key>
+		<integer>142</integer>
+		<key>RightSidebar</key>
+		<false/>
+		<key>ShowRuler</key>
+		<true/>
+		<key>Sidebar</key>
+		<true/>
+		<key>SidebarWidth</key>
+		<integer>120</integer>
+		<key>VisibleRegion</key>
+		<string>{{0, 0}, {559, 735}}</string>
+		<key>Zoom</key>
+		<real>1</real>
+		<key>ZoomValues</key>
+		<array>
+			<array>
+				<string>Canevas 1</string>
+				<real>1</real>
+				<real>1</real>
+			</array>
+		</array>
+	</dict>



Разлика између датотеке није приказан због своје велике величине
+ 2 - 0

+ 2 - 2

@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ reverse order, from the bottom up. Three hooks are available:
 .. image:: _images/middleware.*
    :alt: middleware application order
-   :width: 480
-   :height: 408
+   :width: 481
+   :height: 409
 If you prefer, you can also think of it like an onion: each middleware class
 is a "layer" that wraps the view.

+ 5 - 2

@@ -1186,10 +1186,13 @@ Normal Python unit test classes extend a base class of
 .. _testcase_hierarchy_diagram:
-.. figure:: _images/django_unittest_classes_hierarchy.png
+.. figure:: _images/django_unittest_classes_hierarchy.*
    :alt: Hierarchy of Django unit testing classes (TestCase subclasses)
+   :width: 508
+   :height: 391
-   Hierarchy of Django unit testing classes
+Regardless of the version of Python you're using, if you've installed
+:mod:`unittest2`, :mod:`django.utils.unittest` will point to that library.

Неке датотеке нису приказане због велике количине промена