@@ -36,6 +36,26 @@ class TestInline(TestDataMixin, TestCase):
cls.holder = Holder.objects.create(dummy=13)
Inner.objects.create(dummy=42, holder=cls.holder)
+ cls.parent = SomeParentModel.objects.create(name='a')
+ SomeChildModel.objects.create(name='b', position='0', parent=cls.parent)
+ SomeChildModel.objects.create(name='c', position='1', parent=cls.parent)
+ cls.view_only_user = User.objects.create_user(
+ username='user', password='pwd', is_staff=True,
+ )
+ parent_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(SomeParentModel)
+ child_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(SomeChildModel)
+ permission = Permission.objects.get(
+ codename='view_someparentmodel',
+ content_type=parent_ct,
+ )
+ cls.view_only_user.user_permissions.add(permission)
+ permission = Permission.objects.get(
+ codename='view_somechildmodel',
+ content_type=child_ct,
+ )
+ cls.view_only_user.user_permissions.add(permission)
def setUp(self):
@@ -227,6 +247,113 @@ class TestInline(TestDataMixin, TestCase):
+ def test_tabular_inline_hidden_field_with_view_only_permissions(self):
+ """
+ Content of hidden field is not visible in tabular inline when user has
+ view-only permission.
+ """
+ self.client.force_login(self.view_only_user)
+ url = reverse(
+ 'tabular_inline_hidden_field_admin:admin_inlines_someparentmodel_change',
+ args=(self.parent.pk,),
+ )
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.assertInHTML('<th class="column-position hidden">Position</th>', response.rendered_content)
+ self.assertInHTML('<td class="field-position hidden"><p>0</p></td>', response.rendered_content)
+ self.assertInHTML('<td class="field-position hidden"><p>1</p></td>', response.rendered_content)
+ def test_stacked_inline_hidden_field_with_view_only_permissions(self):
+ """
+ Content of hidden field is not visible in stacked inline when user has
+ view-only permission.
+ """
+ self.client.force_login(self.view_only_user)
+ url = reverse(
+ 'stacked_inline_hidden_field_in_group_admin:admin_inlines_someparentmodel_change',
+ args=(self.parent.pk,),
+ )
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.assertContains(response, '<div class="form-row field-name field-position">')
+ self.assertInHTML(
+ '<div class="fieldBox field-position hidden">'
+ '<label class="inline">Position:</label>'
+ '<div class="readonly">0</div></div>',
+ response.rendered_content,
+ )
+ self.assertInHTML(
+ '<div class="fieldBox field-position hidden">'
+ '<label class="inline">Position:</label>'
+ '<div class="readonly">1</div></div>',
+ response.rendered_content,
+ )
+ def test_stacked_inline_single_hidden_field_in_line_with_view_only_permissions(self):
+ """
+ Content of hidden field is not visible in stacked inline when user has
+ view-only permission and the field is grouped on a separate line.
+ """
+ self.client.force_login(self.view_only_user)
+ url = reverse(
+ 'stacked_inline_hidden_field_on_single_line_admin:admin_inlines_someparentmodel_change',
+ args=(self.parent.pk,),
+ )
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.assertInHTML(
+ '<div class="form-row hidden field-position">'
+ '<div><label>Position:</label>'
+ '<div class="readonly">0</div></div></div>',
+ response.rendered_content,
+ )
+ self.assertInHTML(
+ '<div class="form-row hidden field-position">'
+ '<div><label>Position:</label>'
+ '<div class="readonly">1</div></div></div>',
+ response.rendered_content,
+ )
+ def test_tabular_inline_with_hidden_field_non_field_errors_has_correct_colspan(self):
+ """
+ In tabular inlines, when a form has non-field errors, those errors
+ are rendered in a table line with a single cell spanning the whole
+ table width. Colspan must be equal to the number of visible columns.
+ """
+ parent = SomeParentModel.objects.create(name='a')
+ child = SomeChildModel.objects.create(name='b', position='0', parent=parent)
+ url = reverse(
+ 'tabular_inline_hidden_field_admin:admin_inlines_someparentmodel_change',
+ args=(parent.id,),
+ )
+ data = {
+ 'name': parent.name,
+ 'somechildmodel_set-TOTAL_FORMS': 1,
+ 'somechildmodel_set-INITIAL_FORMS': 1,
+ 'somechildmodel_set-MIN_NUM_FORMS': 0,
+ 'somechildmodel_set-MAX_NUM_FORMS': 1000,
+ '_save': 'Save',
+ 'somechildmodel_set-0-id': child.id,
+ 'somechildmodel_set-0-parent': parent.id,
+ 'somechildmodel_set-0-name': child.name,
+ 'somechildmodel_set-0-position': 1,
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertInHTML(
+ '<thead><tr><th class="original"></th>'
+ '<th class="column-name required">Name</th>'
+ '<th class="column-position required hidden">Position</th>'
+ '<th>Delete?</th></tr></thead>',
+ response.rendered_content,
+ )
+ self.assertInHTML(
+ '<tr class="row-form-errors"><td colspan="3">'
+ '<ul class="errorlist nonfield"><li>A non-field error</li></ul></td></tr>',
+ response.rendered_content,
+ )
def test_non_related_name_inline(self):
Multiple inlines with related_name='+' have correct form prefixes.