@@ -65,6 +65,57 @@ Primer <sphinx:rst-primer>`. After that, you'll want to read about the
:ref:`Sphinx-specific markup <sphinx:sphinxmarkup>` that's used to manage
metadata, indexing, and cross-references.
+How the documentation is organized
+The documentation is organized into several categories:
+* :doc:`Tutorials </intro/index>` take the reader by the hand through a series
+ of steps to create something.
+ The important thing in a tutorial is to help the reader achieve something
+ useful, preferably as early as possible, in order to give them confidence.
+ Explain the nature of the problem we're solving, so that the reader
+ understands what we're trying to achieve. Don't feel that you need to begin
+ with explanations of how things work - what matters is what the reader does,
+ not what you explain. It can be helpful to refer back to what you've done and
+ explain afterwards.
+* :doc:`Topic guides </topics/index>` aim to explain a concept or subject at a
+ fairly high level.
+ Link to reference material rather than repeat it. Use examples and don't be
+ reluctant to explain things that seem very basic to you - it might be the
+ explanation someone else needs.
+ Providing background context helps a newcomer connect the topic to things
+ that they already know.
+* :doc:`Reference guides </ref/index>` contain technical reference for APIs.
+ They describe the functioning of Django's internal machinery and instruct in
+ its use.
+ Keep reference material tightly focused on the subject. Assume that the
+ reader already understands the basic concepts involved but needs to know or
+ be reminded of how Django does it.
+ Reference guides aren't the place for general explanation. If you find
+ yourself explaining basic concepts, you may want to move that material to a
+ topic guide.
+* :doc:`How-to guides </howto/index>` are recipes that take the reader through
+ steps in key subjects.
+ What matters most in a how-to guide is what a user wants to achieve.
+ A how-to should always be result-oriented rather than focused on internal
+ details of how Django implements whatever is being discussed.
+ These guides are more advanced than tutorials and assume some knowledge about
+ how Django works. Assume that the reader has followed the tutorials and don't
+ hesitate to refer the reader back to the appropriate tutorial rather than
+ repeat the same material.
Writing style