@@ -188,7 +188,11 @@ have to create a new virtual environment, :ref:`install the previously cloned
local copy of Django in editable mode <intro-contributing-install-local-copy>`,
and create a new Django project outside of your local copy of Django. You will
immediately see any changes you make to Django in your new project, which is
-of great help when writing your first patch.
+of great help when writing your first patch, especially if testing any changes
+to the UI.
+You can follow the :doc:`tutorial</intro/tutorial01>` for help in creating a
+Django project.
Running Django's test suite for the first time
@@ -259,7 +263,8 @@ __ https://djangoci.com
For this tutorial and the ticket we're working on, testing against SQLite
is sufficient, however, it's possible (and sometimes necessary) to
:ref:`run the tests using a different database
- <running-unit-tests-settings>`.
+ <running-unit-tests-settings>`. When making UI changes, you will need to
+ :ref:`run the Selenium tests <running-selenium-tests>`.
Working on a feature