@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Role
Mergers_ are a small set of people who merge pull requests to the `Django Git
Mergers_ are a small set of people who merge pull requests to the `Django Git
-repository <https://github.com/django/django>`_.
@@ -166,63 +166,135 @@ Technical board
-The technical board is a group of experienced and active committers who steer
-technical choices. Their main concern is to maintain the quality and stability
-of the Django web framework.
+The technical board is a group of experienced contributors who:
-The technical board holds two prerogatives:
-- Making major technical decisions when no consensus is found otherwise. This
- happens on the |django-developers| mailing-list.
-- Veto a grant of commit access or remove commit access. This happens on the
- ``django-core`` mailing-list.
+- provide oversight of Django's development and release process,
+- assist in setting the direction of feature development and releases,
+- take part in filling certain roles, and
+- have a tie-breaking vote when other decision-making processes fail.
-In both cases, the technical board is a last resort. In these matters, it
-fulfills a similar function to the former Benevolent Dictators For Life.
+Their main concern is to maintain the quality and stability of the Django Web
-When the board wants to exercise one of these prerogatives, it must hold a
-private, simple majority vote on the resolution. The quorum is the full
-committee — each member must cast a vote or abstain explicitly. Then the board
-communicates the result, and if possible the reasons, on the appropriate
-mailing-list. There's no appeal for such decisions.
-In addition, at its discretion, the technical board may act in an advisory
-capacity on non-technical decisions.
+The technical board holds the following prerogatives:
+- Making a binding decision regarding any question of a technical change to
+ Django.
+- Vetoing the merging of any particular piece of code into Django or ordering
+ the reversion of any particular merge or commit.
+- Announcing calls for proposals and ideas for the future technical direction
+ of Django.
+- Setting and adjusting the schedule of releases of Django.
+- Selecting and removing mergers and releasers.
+- Participating in the removal of members of the technical board, when deemed
+ appropriate.
+- Calling elections of the technical board outside of those which are
+ automatically triggered, at times when the technical board deems an election
+ is appropriate.
+- Participating in modifying Django's governance (see
+ :ref:`organization-change`).
+- Declining to vote on a matter the technical board feels is unripe for a
+ binding decision, or which the technical board feels is outside the scope of
+ its powers.
+- Taking charge of the governance of other technical teams within the Django
+ open-source project, and governing those teams accordingly.
-`The technical board`_ is an elected group of five committers. They're expected
-to be experienced but there's no formal seniority requirement.
-A new board is elected after each feature release of Django. The election
-process is managed by a returns officer nominated by the outgoing technical
-board. The election process works as follows:
-#. Candidates advertise their application for the technical board to the team.
- They must be committers already. There's no term limit for technical board
- members.
-#. Each team member can vote for zero to five people among the candidates.
- Candidates are ranked by the total number of votes they received.
- In case of a tie, the person who joined the core team earlier wins.
-Both the application and the voting period last between one and two weeks, at
-the outgoing board's discretion.
+`The technical board`_ is an elected group of five experienced contributors
+who demonstrate:
+- A history of technical contributions to Django or the Django ecosystem. This
+ history must begin at least 18 months prior to the individual's candidacy for
+ the technical board.
+- A history of participation in Django's development outside of contributions
+ merged to the `Django Git repository`_. This may include, but is not
+ restricted to:
+ - Participation in discussions on the |django-developers| mailing list or
+ the `Django forum`_.
+ - Reviewing and offering feedback on pull requests in the Django source-code
+ repository.
+ - Assisting in triage and management of the Django bug tracker.
+- A history of recent engagement with the direction and development of Django.
+ Such engagement must have occurred within a period of no more than two years
+ prior to the individual's candidacy for the technical board.
+A new board is elected after each release cycle of Django. The election process
+works as follows:
+#. The technical board direct one of its members to notify the Secretary of the
+ Django Software Foundation, in writing, of the triggering of the election,
+ and the condition which triggered it. The Secretary post to the appropriate
+ venue -- the |django-developers| mailing list and the `Django forum`_ to
+ announce the election and its timeline.
+#. As soon as the election is announced, the `DSF Board`_ begin a period of
+ voter registration. All `individual members of the DSF`_ are automatically
+ registered and need not explicitly register. All other persons who believe
+ themselves eligible to vote, but who have not yet registered to vote, may
+ make an application to the DSF Board for voting privileges. The voter
+ registration form and roll of voters is maintained by the DSF Board. The DSF
+ Board may challenge and reject the registration of voters it believes are
+ registering in bad faith or who it believes have falsified their
+ qualifications or are otherwise unqualified.
+#. Registration of voters close one week after the announcement of the
+ election. At that point, registration of candidates begin. Any qualified
+ person may register as a candidate. The candidate registration form and
+ roster of candidates are maintained by the DSF Board, and candidates must
+ provide evidence of their qualifications as part of registration. The DSF
+ Board may challenge and reject the registration of candidates it believes do
+ not meet the qualifications of members of the Technical Board, or who it
+ believes are registering in bad faith.
+#. Registration of candidates close one week after it has opened. One week
+ after registration of candidates closes, the Secretary of the DSF publish
+ the roster of candidates to the |django-developers| mailing list and the
+ `Django forum`_, and the election begin. The DSF Board provide a voting form
+ accessible to registered voters, and is the custodian of the votes.
+#. Voting is by secret ballot containing the roster of candidates, and any
+ relevant materials regarding the candidates, in a randomized order. Each
+ voter may vote for up to five candidates on the ballot.
+#. The election conclude one week after it begins. The DSF Board then tally the
+ votes and produce a summary, including the total number of votes cast and
+ the number received by each candidate. This summary is ratified by a
+ majority vote of the DSF Board, then posted by the Secretary of the DSF to
+ the |django-developers| mailing list and the Django Forum. The five
+ candidates with the highest vote totals are immediately become the new
+ technical board.
+A member of the technical board may be removed by:
+- Becoming disqualified due to actions taken by the Code of Conduct committee
+ of the Django Software Foundation.
+- Determining that they did not possess the qualifications of a member of the
+ technical board. This determination must be made jointly by the other members
+ of the technical board, and the `DSF Board`_. A valid determination of
+ ineligibility requires that all other members of the technical board and all
+ members of the DSF Board vote who can vote on the issue (the affected person,
+ if a DSF Board member, must not vote) vote "yes" on a motion that the person
+ in question is ineligible.
+.. _`Django forum`: https://forum.djangoproject.com/
+.. _`Django Git repository`: https://github.com/django/django/
+.. _`DSF Board`: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/#board
+.. _`individual members of the DSF`: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/individual-members/
.. _mergers: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#mergers-team
.. _mergers: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#mergers-team
.. _releasers: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#releasers-team
.. _releasers: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#releasers-team
.. _`security team`: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#security-team
.. _`security team`: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#security-team
.. _`the technical board`: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#technical-board-team
.. _`the technical board`: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#technical-board-team
.. _`triage & review team`: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#triage-review-team
.. _`triage & review team`: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/teams/#triage-review-team
+.. _organization-change:
Changing the organization
Changing the organization
-Changes to this document require a four fifths majority of votes cast in a
-core team vote and no veto by the technical board.
+Changes to this document require the use of the `DEP process`_, with
+modifications described in `DEP 0010`_.
+.. _`DEP process`: https://github.com/django/deps/blob/main/final/0001-dep-process.rst
+.. _`DEP 0010`: https://github.com/django/deps/blob/main/accepted/0010-new-governance.rst#changing-this-governance-process