@@ -243,6 +243,26 @@ class IncludeTests(SimpleTestCase):
output = outer_tmpl.render(ctx)
self.assertEqual(output, 'This worked!')
+ def test_include_template_iterable(self):
+ engine = Engine.get_default()
+ outer_temp = engine.from_string('{% include var %}')
+ tests = [
+ ('admin/fail.html', 'index.html'),
+ ['admin/fail.html', 'index.html'],
+ ]
+ for template_names in tests:
+ with self.subTest(template_names):
+ output = outer_temp.render(Context({'var': template_names}))
+ self.assertEqual(output, 'index\n')
+ def test_include_template_none(self):
+ engine = Engine.get_default()
+ outer_temp = engine.from_string('{% include var %}')
+ ctx = Context({'var': None})
+ msg = 'No template names provided'
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(TemplateDoesNotExist, msg):
+ outer_temp.render(ctx)
def test_include_from_loader_get_template(self):
tmpl = loader.get_template('include_tpl.html') # {% include tmpl %}
output = tmpl.render({'tmpl': loader.get_template('index.html')})