@@ -1321,6 +1321,42 @@ class SchemaTests(TransactionTestCase):
+ @isolate_apps("schema")
+ @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == "postgresql", "PostgreSQL specific")
+ @skipUnlessDBFeature(
+ "supports_collation_on_charfield",
+ "supports_non_deterministic_collations",
+ )
+ def test_unique_with_collation_charfield(self):
+ ci_collation = "case_insensitive"
+ def drop_collation():
+ with connection.cursor() as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(f"DROP COLLATION IF EXISTS {ci_collation}")
+ with connection.cursor() as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ f"CREATE COLLATION IF NOT EXISTS {ci_collation} (provider = icu, "
+ f"locale = 'und-u-ks-level2', deterministic = false)"
+ )
+ self.addCleanup(drop_collation)
+ class CiCharModel(Model):
+ field = CharField(max_length=16, db_collation=ci_collation, unique=True)
+ class Meta:
+ app_label = "schema"
+ # Create the table.
+ with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
+ editor.create_model(CiCharModel)
+ self.isolated_local_models = [CiCharModel]
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.get_column_collation(CiCharModel._meta.db_table, "field"),
+ ci_collation,
+ )
+ self.assertIn("field", self.get_uniques(CiCharModel._meta.db_table))
def test_alter_textfield_to_null(self):
#24307 - Should skip an alter statement on databases with