@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from django.db.models import (
Subquery, Sum, Value, When,
from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL
-from django.db.models.functions import Length, Lower
+from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce, Length, Lower
from django.test import TestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature
from .models import (
@@ -664,3 +664,225 @@ class NonAggregateAnnotationTestCase(TestCase):
{'name': 'Paul Bissex', 'max_pages': 0},
{'name': 'Wesley J. Chun', 'max_pages': 0},
+class AliasTests(TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpTestData(cls):
+ cls.a1 = Author.objects.create(name='Adrian Holovaty', age=34)
+ cls.a2 = Author.objects.create(name='Jacob Kaplan-Moss', age=35)
+ cls.a3 = Author.objects.create(name='James Bennett', age=34)
+ cls.a4 = Author.objects.create(name='Peter Norvig', age=57)
+ cls.a5 = Author.objects.create(name='Stuart Russell', age=46)
+ p1 = Publisher.objects.create(name='Apress', num_awards=3)
+ cls.b1 = Book.objects.create(
+ isbn='159059725', pages=447, rating=4.5, price=Decimal('30.00'),
+ contact=cls.a1, publisher=p1, pubdate=datetime.date(2007, 12, 6),
+ name='The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right',
+ )
+ cls.b2 = Book.objects.create(
+ isbn='159059996', pages=300, rating=4.0, price=Decimal('29.69'),
+ contact=cls.a3, publisher=p1, pubdate=datetime.date(2008, 6, 23),
+ name='Practical Django Projects',
+ )
+ cls.b3 = Book.objects.create(
+ isbn='013790395', pages=1132, rating=4.0, price=Decimal('82.80'),
+ contact=cls.a4, publisher=p1, pubdate=datetime.date(1995, 1, 15),
+ name='Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach',
+ )
+ cls.b4 = Book.objects.create(
+ isbn='155860191', pages=946, rating=5.0, price=Decimal('75.00'),
+ contact=cls.a4, publisher=p1, pubdate=datetime.date(1991, 10, 15),
+ name='Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp',
+ )
+ cls.b1.authors.add(cls.a1, cls.a2)
+ cls.b2.authors.add(cls.a3)
+ cls.b3.authors.add(cls.a4, cls.a5)
+ cls.b4.authors.add(cls.a4)
+ Store.objects.create(
+ name='Amazon.com',
+ original_opening=datetime.datetime(1994, 4, 23, 9, 17, 42),
+ friday_night_closing=datetime.time(23, 59, 59)
+ )
+ Store.objects.create(
+ name='Books.com',
+ original_opening=datetime.datetime(2001, 3, 15, 11, 23, 37),
+ friday_night_closing=datetime.time(23, 59, 59)
+ )
+ def test_basic_alias(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(is_book=Value(1))
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'is_book'), False)
+ def test_basic_alias_annotation(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(
+ is_book_alias=Value(1),
+ ).annotate(is_book=F('is_book_alias'))
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'is_book_alias'), False)
+ for book in qs:
+ with self.subTest(book=book):
+ self.assertEqual(book.is_book, 1)
+ def test_basic_alias_f_annotation(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(
+ another_rating_alias=F('rating')
+ ).annotate(another_rating=F('another_rating_alias'))
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'another_rating_alias'), False)
+ for book in qs:
+ with self.subTest(book=book):
+ self.assertEqual(book.another_rating, book.rating)
+ def test_alias_after_annotation(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.annotate(
+ is_book=Value(1),
+ ).alias(is_book_alias=F('is_book'))
+ book = qs.first()
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(book, 'is_book'), True)
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(book, 'is_book_alias'), False)
+ def test_overwrite_annotation_with_alias(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.annotate(is_book=Value(1)).alias(is_book=F('is_book'))
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'is_book'), False)
+ def test_overwrite_alias_with_annotation(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(is_book=Value(1)).annotate(is_book=F('is_book'))
+ for book in qs:
+ with self.subTest(book=book):
+ self.assertEqual(book.is_book, 1)
+ def test_alias_annotation_expression(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(
+ is_book_alias=Value(1),
+ ).annotate(is_book=Coalesce('is_book_alias', 0))
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'is_book_alias'), False)
+ for book in qs:
+ with self.subTest(book=book):
+ self.assertEqual(book.is_book, 1)
+ def test_alias_default_alias_expression(self):
+ qs = Author.objects.alias(
+ Sum('book__pages'),
+ ).filter(book__pages__sum__gt=2000)
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'book__pages__sum'), False)
+ self.assertSequenceEqual(qs, [self.a4])
+ def test_joined_alias_annotation(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.select_related('publisher').alias(
+ num_awards_alias=F('publisher__num_awards'),
+ ).annotate(num_awards=F('num_awards_alias'))
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'num_awards_alias'), False)
+ for book in qs:
+ with self.subTest(book=book):
+ self.assertEqual(book.num_awards, book.publisher.num_awards)
+ def test_alias_annotate_with_aggregation(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(
+ is_book_alias=Value(1),
+ rating_count_alias=Count('rating'),
+ ).annotate(
+ is_book=F('is_book_alias'),
+ rating_count=F('rating_count_alias'),
+ )
+ book = qs.first()
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(book, 'is_book_alias'), False)
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(book, 'rating_count_alias'), False)
+ for book in qs:
+ with self.subTest(book=book):
+ self.assertEqual(book.is_book, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(book.rating_count, 1)
+ def test_filter_alias_with_f(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(
+ other_rating=F('rating'),
+ ).filter(other_rating=4.5)
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'other_rating'), False)
+ self.assertSequenceEqual(qs, [self.b1])
+ def test_filter_alias_with_double_f(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(
+ other_rating=F('rating'),
+ ).filter(other_rating=F('rating'))
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'other_rating'), False)
+ self.assertEqual(qs.count(), Book.objects.count())
+ def test_filter_alias_agg_with_double_f(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(
+ sum_rating=Sum('rating'),
+ ).filter(sum_rating=F('sum_rating'))
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'sum_rating'), False)
+ self.assertEqual(qs.count(), Book.objects.count())
+ def test_update_with_alias(self):
+ Book.objects.alias(
+ other_rating=F('rating') - 1,
+ ).update(rating=F('other_rating'))
+ self.b1.refresh_from_db()
+ self.assertEqual(self.b1.rating, 3.5)
+ def test_order_by_alias(self):
+ qs = Author.objects.alias(other_age=F('age')).order_by('other_age')
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'other_age'), False)
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [34, 34, 35, 46, 57], lambda a: a.age)
+ def test_order_by_alias_aggregate(self):
+ qs = Author.objects.values('age').alias(age_count=Count('age')).order_by('age_count', 'age')
+ self.assertIs(hasattr(qs.first(), 'age_count'), False)
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, [35, 46, 57, 34], lambda a: a['age'])
+ def test_dates_alias(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(
+ pubdate_alias=F('pubdate'),
+ ).dates('pubdate_alias', 'month')
+ self.assertCountEqual(qs, [
+ datetime.date(1991, 10, 1),
+ datetime.date(1995, 1, 1),
+ datetime.date(2007, 12, 1),
+ datetime.date(2008, 6, 1),
+ ])
+ def test_datetimes_alias(self):
+ qs = Store.objects.alias(
+ original_opening_alias=F('original_opening'),
+ ).datetimes('original_opening_alias', 'year')
+ self.assertCountEqual(qs, [
+ datetime.datetime(1994, 1, 1),
+ datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1),
+ ])
+ def test_aggregate_alias(self):
+ msg = (
+ "Cannot aggregate over the 'other_age' alias. Use annotate() to "
+ "promote it."
+ )
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
+ Author.objects.alias(
+ other_age=F('age'),
+ ).aggregate(otherage_sum=Sum('other_age'))
+ def test_defer_only_alias(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(rating_alias=F('rating') - 1)
+ msg = "Book has no field named 'rating_alias'"
+ for operation in ['defer', 'only']:
+ with self.subTest(operation=operation):
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldDoesNotExist, msg):
+ getattr(qs, operation)('rating_alias').first()
+ @skipUnlessDBFeature('can_distinct_on_fields')
+ def test_distinct_on_alias(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(rating_alias=F('rating') - 1)
+ msg = "Cannot resolve keyword 'rating_alias' into field."
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
+ qs.distinct('rating_alias').first()
+ def test_values_alias(self):
+ qs = Book.objects.alias(rating_alias=F('rating') - 1)
+ msg = (
+ "Cannot select the 'rating_alias' alias. Use annotate() to "
+ "promote it."
+ )
+ for operation in ['values', 'values_list']:
+ with self.subTest(operation=operation):
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(FieldError, msg):
+ getattr(qs, operation)('rating_alias')