Browse Source

Fixed #12417 -- Added signing functionality, including signing cookies. Many thanks to Simon, Stephan, Paul and everyone else involved.

git-svn-id: bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
Jannis Leidel 14 years ago

+ 6 - 0

@@ -476,6 +476,12 @@ LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/accounts/profile/'
 # The number of days a password reset link is valid for
+SIGNING_BACKEND = 'django.core.signing.TimestampSigner'
 # CSRF #

+ 178 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+Functions for creating and restoring url-safe signed JSON objects.
+The format used looks like this:
+>>> signed.dumps("hello")
+There are two components here, separatad by a '.'. The first component is a
+URLsafe base64 encoded JSON of the object passed to dumps(). The second
+component is a base64 encoded hmac/SHA1 hash of "$first_component.$secret"
+signed.loads(s) checks the signature and returns the deserialised object.
+If the signature fails, a BadSignature exception is raised.
+>>> signed.loads("ImhlbGxvIg.RjVSUCt6S64WBilMYxG89-l0OA8")
+>>> signed.loads("ImhlbGxvIg.RjVSUCt6S64WBilMYxG89-l0OA8-modified")
+BadSignature: Signature failed: RjVSUCt6S64WBilMYxG89-l0OA8-modified
+You can optionally compress the JSON prior to base64 encoding it to save
+space, using the compress=True argument. This checks if compression actually
+helps and only applies compression if the result is a shorter string:
+>>> signed.dumps(range(1, 20), compress=True)
+The fact that the string is compressed is signalled by the prefixed '.' at the
+start of the base64 JSON.
+There are 65 url-safe characters: the 64 used by url-safe base64 and the '.'.
+These functions make use of all of them.
+import base64
+import time
+import zlib
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from django.utils import baseconv, simplejson
+from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare, salted_hmac
+from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode, smart_str
+from django.utils.importlib import import_module
+class BadSignature(Exception):
+    """
+    Signature does not match
+    """
+    pass
+class SignatureExpired(BadSignature):
+    """
+    Signature timestamp is older than required max_age
+    """
+    pass
+def b64_encode(s):
+    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s).strip('=')
+def b64_decode(s):
+    pad = '=' * (-len(s) % 4)
+    return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s + pad)
+def base64_hmac(salt, value, key):
+    return b64_encode(salted_hmac(salt, value, key).digest())
+def get_cookie_signer(salt='django.core.signing.get_cookie_signer'):
+    modpath = settings.SIGNING_BACKEND
+    module, attr = modpath.rsplit('.', 1)
+    try:
+        mod = import_module(module)
+    except ImportError, e:
+        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
+            'Error importing cookie signer %s: "%s"' % (modpath, e))
+    try:
+        Signer = getattr(mod, attr)
+    except AttributeError, e:
+        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
+            'Error importing cookie signer %s: "%s"' % (modpath, e))
+    return Signer('django.http.cookies' + settings.SECRET_KEY, salt=salt)
+def dumps(obj, key=None, salt='django.core.signing', compress=False):
+    """
+    Returns URL-safe, sha1 signed base64 compressed JSON string. If key is
+    None, settings.SECRET_KEY is used instead.
+    If compress is True (not the default) checks if compressing using zlib can
+    save some space. Prepends a '.' to signify compression. This is included
+    in the signature, to protect against zip bombs.
+    salt can be used to further salt the hash, in case you're worried
+    that the NSA might try to brute-force your SHA-1 protected secret.
+    """
+    json = simplejson.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'))
+    # Flag for if it's been compressed or not
+    is_compressed = False
+    if compress:
+        # Avoid zlib dependency unless compress is being used
+        compressed = zlib.compress(json)
+        if len(compressed) < (len(json) - 1):
+            json = compressed
+            is_compressed = True
+    base64d = b64_encode(json)
+    if is_compressed:
+        base64d = '.' + base64d
+    return TimestampSigner(key, salt=salt).sign(base64d)
+def loads(s, key=None, salt='django.core.signing', max_age=None):
+    """
+    Reverse of dumps(), raises BadSignature if signature fails
+    """
+    base64d = smart_str(
+        TimestampSigner(key, salt=salt).unsign(s, max_age=max_age))
+    decompress = False
+    if base64d[0] == '.':
+        # It's compressed; uncompress it first
+        base64d = base64d[1:]
+        decompress = True
+    json = b64_decode(base64d)
+    if decompress:
+        json = zlib.decompress(json)
+    return simplejson.loads(json)
+class Signer(object):
+    def __init__(self, key=None, sep=':', salt=None):
+        self.sep = sep
+        self.key = key or settings.SECRET_KEY
+        self.salt = salt or ('%s.%s' %
+            (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__))
+    def signature(self, value):
+        return base64_hmac(self.salt + 'signer', value, self.key)
+    def sign(self, value):
+        value = smart_str(value)
+        return '%s%s%s' % (value, self.sep, self.signature(value))
+    def unsign(self, signed_value):
+        signed_value = smart_str(signed_value)
+        if not self.sep in signed_value:
+            raise BadSignature('No "%s" found in value' % self.sep)
+        value, sig = signed_value.rsplit(self.sep, 1)
+        if constant_time_compare(sig, self.signature(value)):
+            return force_unicode(value)
+        raise BadSignature('Signature "%s" does not match' % sig)
+class TimestampSigner(Signer):
+    def timestamp(self):
+        return baseconv.base62.encode(int(time.time()))
+    def sign(self, value):
+        value = smart_str('%s%s%s' % (value, self.sep, self.timestamp()))
+        return '%s%s%s' % (value, self.sep, self.signature(value))
+    def unsign(self, value, max_age=None):
+        result =  super(TimestampSigner, self).unsign(value)
+        value, timestamp = result.rsplit(self.sep, 1)
+        timestamp = baseconv.base62.decode(timestamp)
+        if max_age is not None:
+            # Check timestamp is not older than max_age
+            age = time.time() - timestamp
+            if age > max_age:
+                raise SignatureExpired(
+                    'Signature age %s > %s seconds' % (age, max_age))
+        return value

+ 30 - 0

@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri, force_unicode
 from django.utils.http import cookie_date
 from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParser
 from django.conf import settings
+from django.core import signing
 from django.core.files import uploadhandler
 from utils import *
@@ -132,6 +133,8 @@ absolute_http_url_re = re.compile(r"^https?://", re.I)
 class Http404(Exception):
+RAISE_ERROR = object()
 class HttpRequest(object):
     """A basic HTTP request."""
@@ -170,6 +173,29 @@ class HttpRequest(object):
         # Rather than crash if this doesn't happen, we encode defensively.
         return '%s%s' % (self.path, self.META.get('QUERY_STRING', '') and ('?' + iri_to_uri(self.META.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))) or '')
+    def get_signed_cookie(self, key, default=RAISE_ERROR, salt='', max_age=None):
+        """
+        Attempts to return a signed cookie. If the signature fails or the
+        cookie has expired, raises an exception... unless you provide the
+        default argument in which case that value will be returned instead.
+        """
+        try:
+            cookie_value = self.COOKIES[key].encode('utf-8')
+        except KeyError:
+            if default is not RAISE_ERROR:
+                return default
+            else:
+                raise
+        try:
+            value = signing.get_cookie_signer(salt=key + salt).unsign(
+                cookie_value, max_age=max_age)
+        except signing.BadSignature:
+            if default is not RAISE_ERROR:
+                return default
+            else:
+                raise
+        return value
     def build_absolute_uri(self, location=None):
         Builds an absolute URI from the location and the variables available in
@@ -584,6 +610,10 @@ class HttpResponse(object):
         if httponly:
             self.cookies[key]['httponly'] = True
+    def set_signed_cookie(self, key, value, salt='', **kwargs):
+        value = signing.get_cookie_signer(salt=key + salt).sign(value)
+        return self.set_cookie(key, value, **kwargs)
     def delete_cookie(self, key, path='/', domain=None):
         self.set_cookie(key, max_age=0, path=path, domain=domain,
                         expires='Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT')

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Taurinus Collective. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Simon Willison. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Drew Perttula. All rights reserved.
+# License:
+#   Python Software Foundation License version 2
+# See the file "LICENSE" for terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF
+# This Baseconv distribution contains no GNU General Public Licensed (GPLed)
+# code so it may be used in proprietary projects just like prior ``baseconv``
+# distributions.
+# All trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective holders.
+Convert numbers from base 10 integers to base X strings and back again.
+Sample usage::
+  >>> base20 = BaseConverter('0123456789abcdefghij')
+  >>> base20.encode(1234)
+  '31e'
+  >>> base20.decode('31e')
+  1234
+  >>> base20.encode(-1234)
+  '-31e'
+  >>> base20.decode('-31e')
+  -1234
+  >>> base11 = BaseConverter('0123456789-', sign='$')
+  >>> base11.encode('$1234')
+  '$-22'
+  >>> base11.decode('$-22')
+  '$1234'
+BASE16_ALPHABET = '0123456789ABCDEF'
+BASE56_ALPHABET = '23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz'
+BASE36_ALPHABET = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+BASE62_ALPHABET = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+class BaseConverter(object):
+    decimal_digits = '0123456789'
+    def __init__(self, digits, sign='-'):
+        self.sign = sign
+        self.digits = digits
+        if sign in self.digits:
+            raise ValueError('Sign character found in converter base digits.')
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<BaseConverter: base%s (%s)>" % (len(self.digits), self.digits)
+    def encode(self, i):
+        neg, value = self.convert(i, self.decimal_digits, self.digits, '-')
+        if neg:
+            return self.sign + value
+        return value
+    def decode(self, s):
+        neg, value = self.convert(s, self.digits, self.decimal_digits, self.sign)
+        if neg:
+            value = '-' + value
+        return int(value)
+    def convert(self, number, from_digits, to_digits, sign):
+        if str(number)[0] == sign:
+            number = str(number)[1:]
+            neg = 1
+        else:
+            neg = 0
+        # make an integer out of the number
+        x = 0
+        for digit in str(number):
+            x = x * len(from_digits) + from_digits.index(digit)
+        # create the result in base 'len(to_digits)'
+        if x == 0:
+            res = to_digits[0]
+        else:
+            res = ''
+            while x > 0:
+                digit = x % len(to_digits)
+                res = to_digits[digit] + res
+                x = int(x / len(to_digits))
+        return neg, res
+base2 = BaseConverter(BASE2_ALPHABET)
+base16 = BaseConverter(BASE16_ALPHABET)
+base36 = BaseConverter(BASE36_ALPHABET)
+base56 = BaseConverter(BASE56_ALPHABET)
+base62 = BaseConverter(BASE62_ALPHABET)
+base64 = BaseConverter(BASE64_ALPHABET, sign='$')

+ 1 - 0

@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ Other batteries included
     * :doc:`Comments <ref/contrib/comments/index>` | :doc:`Moderation <ref/contrib/comments/moderation>` | :doc:`Custom comments <ref/contrib/comments/custom>`
     * :doc:`Content types <ref/contrib/contenttypes>`
     * :doc:`Cross Site Request Forgery protection <ref/contrib/csrf>`
+    * :doc:`Cryptographic signing <topics/signing>`
     * :doc:`Databrowse <ref/contrib/databrowse>`
     * :doc:`E-mail (sending) <topics/email>`
     * :doc:`Flatpages <ref/contrib/flatpages>`

+ 48 - 0

@@ -240,6 +240,43 @@ Methods
    Example: ``""``
+.. method:: HttpRequest.get_signed_cookie(key, default=RAISE_ERROR, salt='', max_age=None)
+   .. versionadded:: 1.4
+   Returns a cookie value for a signed cookie, or raises a
+   :class:`~django.core.signing.BadSignature` exception if the signature is
+   no longer valid. If you provide the ``default`` argument the exception
+   will be suppressed and that default value will be returned instead.
+   The optional ``salt`` argument can be used to provide extra protection
+   against brute force attacks on your secret key. If supplied, the
+   ``max_age`` argument will be checked against the signed timestamp
+   attached to the cookie value to ensure the cookie is not older than
+   ``max_age`` seconds.
+   For example::
+          >>> request.get_signed_cookie('name')
+          'Tony'
+          >>> request.get_signed_cookie('name', salt='name-salt')
+          'Tony' # assuming cookie was set using the same salt
+          >>> request.get_signed_cookie('non-existing-cookie')
+          ...
+          KeyError: 'non-existing-cookie'
+          >>> request.get_signed_cookie('non-existing-cookie', False)
+          False
+          >>> request.get_signed_cookie('cookie-that-was-tampered-with')
+          ...
+          BadSignature: ...
+          >>> request.get_signed_cookie('name', max_age=60)
+          ...
+          SignatureExpired: Signature age 1677.3839159 > 60 seconds
+          >>> request.get_signed_cookie('name', False, max_age=60)
+          False
+   See :doc:`cryptographic signing </topics/signing>` for more information.
 .. method:: HttpRequest.is_secure()
    Returns ``True`` if the request is secure; that is, if it was made with
@@ -618,6 +655,17 @@ Methods
     .. _`cookie Morsel`:
     .. _HTTPOnly:
+.. method:: HttpResponse.set_signed_cookie(key, value='', salt='', max_age=None, expires=None, path='/', domain=None, secure=None, httponly=False)
+    .. versionadded:: 1.4
+    Like :meth:`~HttpResponse.set_cookie()`, but
+    :doc:`cryptographic signing </topics/signing>` the cookie before setting
+    it. Use in conjunction with :meth:`HttpRequest.get_signed_cookie`.
+    You can use the optional ``salt`` argument for added key strength, but
+    you will need to remember to pass it to the corresponding
+    :meth:`HttpRequest.get_signed_cookie` call.
 .. method:: HttpResponse.delete_cookie(key, path='/', domain=None)
     Deletes the cookie with the given key. Fails silently if the key doesn't

+ 13 - 0

@@ -1647,6 +1647,19 @@ See :tfilter:`allowed date format strings <date>`.
+.. setting:: SIGNING_BACKEND
+.. versionadded:: 1.4
+Default: 'django.core.signing.TimestampSigner'
+The backend used for signing cookies and other data.
+See also the :doc:`/topics/signing` documentation.
 .. setting:: SITE_ID

+ 9 - 0

@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@ not custom filters. This has been rectified with a simple API previously
 known as "FilterSpec" which was used internally. For more details, see the
 documentation for :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.list_filter`.
+Tools for cryptographic signing
+Django 1.4 adds both a low-level API for signing values and a high-level API
+for setting and reading signed cookies, one of the most common uses of
+signing in Web applications.
+See :doc:`cryptographic signing </topics/signing>` docs for more information.

+ 1 - 0

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Introductions to all the key parts of Django you'll need to know:
+   signing

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Cryptographic signing
+.. module:: django.core.signing
+   :synopsis: Django's signing framework.
+.. versionadded:: 1.4
+The golden rule of Web application security is to never trust data from
+untrusted sources. Sometimes it can be useful to pass data through an
+untrusted medium. Cryptographically signed values can be passed through an
+untrusted channel safe in the knowledge that any tampering will be detected.
+Django provides both a low-level API for signing values and a high-level API
+for setting and reading signed cookies, one of the most common uses of
+signing in Web applications.
+You may also find signing useful for the following:
+    * Generating "recover my account" URLs for sending to users who have
+      lost their password.
+    * Ensuring data stored in hidden form fields has not been tampered with.
+    * Generating one-time secret URLs for allowing temporary access to a
+      protected resource, for example a downloadable file that a user has
+      paid for.
+Protecting the SECRET_KEY
+When you create a new Django project using :djadmin:`startproject`, the
+```` file it generates automatically gets a random
+:setting:`SECRET_KEY` value. This value is the key to securing signed
+data -- it is vital you keep this secure, or attackers could use it to
+generate their own signed values.
+Using the low-level API
+.. class:: Signer
+Django's signing methods live in the ``django.core.signing`` module.
+To sign a value, first instantiate a ``Signer`` instance::
+    >>> from django.core.signing import Signer
+    >>> signer = Signer()
+    >>> value = signer.sign('My string')
+    >>> value
+    'My string:GdMGD6HNQ_qdgxYP8yBZAdAIV1w'
+The signature is appended to the end of the string, following the colon.
+You can retrieve the original value using the ``unsign`` method::
+    >>> original = signer.unsign(value)
+    >>> original
+    u'My string'
+If the signature or value have been altered in any way, a
+``django.core.signing.BadSigature`` exception will be raised::
+    >>> value += 'm'
+    >>> try:
+    ...    original = signer.unsign(value)
+    ... except signing.BadSignature:
+    ...    print "Tampering detected!"
+By default, the ``Signer`` class uses the :setting:`SECRET_KEY` setting to
+generate signatures. You can use a different secret by passing it to the
+``Signer`` constructor::
+    >>> signer = Signer('my-other-secret')
+    >>> value = signer.sign('My string')
+    >>> value
+    'My string:EkfQJafvGyiofrdGnuthdxImIJw'
+Using the salt argument
+If you do not wish to use the same key for every signing operation in your
+application, you can use the optional ``salt`` argument to the ``Signer``
+class to further strengthen your :setting:`SECRET_KEY` against brute force
+attacks. Using a salt will cause a new key to be derived from both the salt
+and your :setting:`SECRET_KEY`::
+    >>> signer = Signer()
+    >>> signer.sign('My string')
+    'My string:GdMGD6HNQ_qdgxYP8yBZAdAIV1w'
+    >>> signer = Signer(salt='extra')
+    >>> signer.sign('My string')
+    'My string:Ee7vGi-ING6n02gkcJ-QLHg6vFw'
+    >>> signer.unsign('My string:Ee7vGi-ING6n02gkcJ-QLHg6vFw')
+    u'My string'
+Unlike your :setting:`SECRET_KEY`, your salt argument does not need to stay
+Verifying timestamped values
+.. class:: TimestampSigner
+``TimestampSigner`` is a subclass of :class:`~Signer` that appends a signed
+timestamp to the value. This allows you to confirm that a signed value was
+created within a specified period of time::
+    >>> from django.core.signing import TimestampSigner
+    >>> signer = TimestampSigner()
+    >>> value = signer.sign('hello')
+    >>> value
+    'hello:1NMg5H:oPVuCqlJWmChm1rA2lyTUtelC-c'
+    >>> signer.unsign(value)
+    u'hello'
+    >>> signer.unsign(value, max_age=10)
+    ...
+    SignatureExpired: Signature age 15.5289158821 > 10 seconds
+    >>> signer.unsign(value, max_age=20)
+    u'hello'
+Protecting complex data structures
+If you wish to protect a list, tuple or dictionary you can do so using the
+signing module's dumps and loads functions. These imitate Python's pickle
+module, but uses JSON serialization under the hood. JSON ensures that even
+if your :setting:`SECRET_KEY` is stolen an attacker will not be able to
+execute arbitrary commands by exploiting the pickle format.::
+    >>> from django.core import signing
+    >>> value = signing.dumps({"foo": "bar"})
+    >>> value
+    'eyJmb28iOiJiYXIifQ:1NMg1b:zGcDE4-TCkaeGzLeW9UQwZesciI'
+    >>> signing.loads(value)
+    {'foo': 'bar'}

+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# file for tests to run.

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import time
+from django.core import signing
+from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
+from django.test import TestCase
+class SignedCookieTest(TestCase):
+    def test_can_set_and_read_signed_cookies(self):
+        response = HttpResponse()
+        response.set_signed_cookie('c', 'hello')
+        self.assertIn('c', response.cookies)
+        self.assertTrue(response.cookies['c'].value.startswith('hello:'))
+        request = HttpRequest()
+        request.COOKIES['c'] = response.cookies['c'].value
+        value = request.get_signed_cookie('c')
+        self.assertEqual(value, u'hello')
+    def test_can_use_salt(self):
+        response = HttpResponse()
+        response.set_signed_cookie('a', 'hello', salt='one')
+        request = HttpRequest()
+        request.COOKIES['a'] = response.cookies['a'].value
+        value = request.get_signed_cookie('a', salt='one')
+        self.assertEqual(value, u'hello')
+        self.assertRaises(signing.BadSignature,
+            request.get_signed_cookie, 'a', salt='two')
+    def test_detects_tampering(self):
+        response = HttpResponse()
+        response.set_signed_cookie('c', 'hello')
+        request = HttpRequest()
+        request.COOKIES['c'] = response.cookies['c'].value[:-2] + '$$'
+        self.assertRaises(signing.BadSignature,
+            request.get_signed_cookie, 'c')
+    def test_default_argument_supresses_exceptions(self):
+        response = HttpResponse()
+        response.set_signed_cookie('c', 'hello')
+        request = HttpRequest()
+        request.COOKIES['c'] = response.cookies['c'].value[:-2] + '$$'
+        self.assertEqual(request.get_signed_cookie('c', default=None), None)
+    def test_max_age_argument(self):
+        value = u'hello'
+        _time = time.time
+        time.time = lambda: 123456789
+        try:
+            response = HttpResponse()
+            response.set_signed_cookie('c', value)
+            request = HttpRequest()
+            request.COOKIES['c'] = response.cookies['c'].value
+            self.assertEqual(request.get_signed_cookie('c'), value)
+            time.time = lambda: 123456800
+            self.assertEqual(request.get_signed_cookie('c', max_age=12), value)
+            self.assertEqual(request.get_signed_cookie('c', max_age=11), value)
+            self.assertRaises(signing.SignatureExpired,
+                request.get_signed_cookie, 'c', max_age = 10)
+        finally:
+            time.time = _time

+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# file for tests to run.

+ 116 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import time
+from django.core import signing
+from django.test import TestCase
+from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
+class TestSigner(TestCase):
+    def test_signature(self):
+        "signature() method should generate a signature"
+        signer = signing.Signer('predictable-secret')
+        signer2 = signing.Signer('predictable-secret2')
+        for s in (
+            'hello',
+            '3098247:529:087:',
+            u'\u2019'.encode('utf8'),
+        ):
+            self.assertEqual(
+                signer.signature(s),
+                signing.base64_hmac(signer.salt + 'signer', s,
+                    'predictable-secret')
+            )
+            self.assertNotEqual(signer.signature(s), signer2.signature(s))
+    def test_signature_with_salt(self):
+        "signature(value, salt=...) should work"
+        signer = signing.Signer('predictable-secret', salt='extra-salt')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            signer.signature('hello'),
+                signing.base64_hmac('extra-salt' + 'signer',
+                'hello', 'predictable-secret'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(
+            signing.Signer('predictable-secret', salt='one').signature('hello'),
+            signing.Signer('predictable-secret', salt='two').signature('hello'))
+    def test_sign_unsign(self):
+        "sign/unsign should be reversible"
+        signer = signing.Signer('predictable-secret')
+        examples = (
+            'q;wjmbk;wkmb',
+            '3098247529087',
+            '3098247:529:087:',
+            'jkw osanteuh ,rcuh nthu aou oauh ,ud du',
+            u'\u2019',
+        )
+        for example in examples:
+            self.assertNotEqual(
+                force_unicode(example), force_unicode(signer.sign(example)))
+            self.assertEqual(example, signer.unsign(signer.sign(example)))
+    def unsign_detects_tampering(self):
+        "unsign should raise an exception if the value has been tampered with"
+        signer = signing.Signer('predictable-secret')
+        value = 'Another string'
+        signed_value = signer.sign(value)
+        transforms = (
+            lambda s: s.upper(),
+            lambda s: s + 'a',
+            lambda s: 'a' + s[1:],
+            lambda s: s.replace(':', ''),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(value, signer.unsign(signed_value))
+        for transform in transforms:
+            self.assertRaises(
+                signing.BadSignature, signer.unsign, transform(signed_value))
+    def test_dumps_loads(self):
+        "dumps and loads be reversible for any JSON serializable object"
+        objects = (
+            ['a', 'list'],
+            'a string',
+            u'a unicode string \u2019',
+            {'a': 'dictionary'},
+        )
+        for o in objects:
+            self.assertNotEqual(o, signing.dumps(o))
+            self.assertEqual(o, signing.loads(signing.dumps(o)))
+    def test_decode_detects_tampering(self):
+        "loads should raise exception for tampered objects"
+        transforms = (
+            lambda s: s.upper(),
+            lambda s: s + 'a',
+            lambda s: 'a' + s[1:],
+            lambda s: s.replace(':', ''),
+        )
+        value = {
+            'foo': 'bar',
+            'baz': 1,
+        }
+        encoded = signing.dumps(value)
+        self.assertEqual(value, signing.loads(encoded))
+        for transform in transforms:
+            self.assertRaises(
+                signing.BadSignature, signing.loads, transform(encoded))
+class TestTimestampSigner(TestCase):
+    def test_timestamp_signer(self):
+        value = u'hello'
+        _time = time.time
+        time.time = lambda: 123456789
+        try:
+            signer = signing.TimestampSigner('predictable-key')
+            ts = signer.sign(value)
+            self.assertNotEqual(ts,
+                signing.Signer('predictable-key').sign(value))
+            self.assertEqual(signer.unsign(ts), value)
+            time.time = lambda: 123456800
+            self.assertEqual(signer.unsign(ts, max_age=12), value)
+            self.assertEqual(signer.unsign(ts, max_age=11), value)
+            self.assertRaises(
+                signing.SignatureExpired, signer.unsign, ts, max_age=10)
+        finally:
+            time.time = _time

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from unittest import TestCase
+from django.utils.baseconv import base2, base16, base36, base56, base62, base64, BaseConverter
+class TestBaseConv(TestCase):
+    def test_baseconv(self):
+        nums = [-10 ** 10, 10 ** 10] + range(-100, 100)
+        for converter in [base2, base16, base36, base56, base62, base64]:
+            for i in nums:
+                self.assertEqual(i, converter.decode(converter.encode(i)))
+    def test_base11(self):
+        base11 = BaseConverter('0123456789-', sign='$')
+        self.assertEqual(base11.encode(1234), '-22')
+        self.assertEqual(base11.decode('-22'), 1234)
+        self.assertEqual(base11.encode(-1234), '$-22')
+        self.assertEqual(base11.decode('$-22'), -1234)
+    def test_base20(self):
+        base20 = BaseConverter('0123456789abcdefghij')
+        self.assertEqual(base20.encode(1234), '31e')
+        self.assertEqual(base20.decode('31e'), 1234)
+        self.assertEqual(base20.encode(-1234), '-31e')
+        self.assertEqual(base20.decode('-31e'), -1234)
+    def test_base64(self):
+        self.assertEqual(base64.encode(1234), 'JI')
+        self.assertEqual(base64.decode('JI'), 1234)
+        self.assertEqual(base64.encode(-1234), '$JI')
+        self.assertEqual(base64.decode('$JI'), -1234)
+    def test_base7(self):
+        base7 = BaseConverter('cjdhel3', sign='g')
+        self.assertEqual(base7.encode(1234), 'hejd')
+        self.assertEqual(base7.decode('hejd'), 1234)
+        self.assertEqual(base7.encode(-1234), 'ghejd')
+        self.assertEqual(base7.decode('ghejd'), -1234)
+    def test_exception(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, BaseConverter, 'abc', sign='a')
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(BaseConverter('abc', sign='d'), BaseConverter))

+ 1 - 0

@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ from timesince import *
 from datastructures import *
 from tzinfo import *
 from datetime_safe import *
+from baseconv import *