@@ -32,24 +32,27 @@ class GISFunctionsTests(FuncTestMixin, TestCase):
pueblo_json = '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-104.609252,38.255001]}'
- houston_json = (
+ houston_json = json.loads(
- victoria_json = (
+ victoria_json = json.loads(
- chicago_json = (
+ chicago_json = json.loads(
- # MySQL ignores the crs option.
- if mysql:
- houston_json = json.loads(houston_json)
+ # MySQL and Oracle ignore the crs option.
+ if mysql or oracle:
del houston_json['crs']
- chicago_json = json.loads(chicago_json)
del chicago_json['crs']
+ # Oracle ignores also the bbox and precision options.
+ if oracle:
+ del chicago_json['bbox']
+ del victoria_json['bbox']
+ chicago_json['coordinates'] = [-87.650175, 41.850385]
# Precision argument should only be an integer
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
@@ -75,10 +78,10 @@ class GISFunctionsTests(FuncTestMixin, TestCase):
# WHERE "geoapp_city"."name" = 'Houston';
# This time we include the bounding box by using the `bbox` keyword.
- victoria_json,
geojson=functions.AsGeoJSON('point', bbox=True)
- ).get(name='Victoria').geojson
+ ).get(name='Victoria').geojson,
+ victoria_json,
# SELECT ST_AsGeoJson("geoapp_city"."point", 5, 3) FROM "geoapp_city"