@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ from unittest import mock
from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib.auth import management
-from django.contrib.auth.management import create_permissions
+from django.contrib.auth.management import (
+ create_permissions, get_default_username,
from django.contrib.auth.management.commands import (
changepassword, createsuperuser,
@@ -43,7 +45,10 @@ def mock_inputs(inputs):
response = ''
for key, val in inputs.items():
if key in prompt.lower():
- response = val
+ if callable(val):
+ response = val()
+ else:
+ response = val
return response
@@ -460,6 +465,30 @@ class CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase(TestCase):
+ def test_default_username(self):
+ """createsuperuser uses a default username when one isn't provided."""
+ # Get the default username before creating a user.
+ default_username = get_default_username()
+ new_io = StringIO()
+ entered_passwords = ['password', 'password']
+ def return_passwords():
+ return entered_passwords.pop(0)
+ @mock_inputs({'password': return_passwords, 'username': ''})
+ def test(self):
+ call_command(
+ 'createsuperuser',
+ interactive=True,
+ stdin=MockTTY(),
+ stdout=new_io,
+ stderr=new_io,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(new_io.getvalue().strip(), 'Superuser created successfully.')
+ self.assertTrue(User.objects.filter(username=default_username).exists())
+ test(self)
def test_password_validation(self):
Creation should fail if the password fails validation.
@@ -494,6 +523,69 @@ class CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase(TestCase):
+ def test_invalid_username(self):
+ """Creation fails if the username fails validation."""
+ user_field = User._meta.get_field(User.USERNAME_FIELD)
+ new_io = StringIO()
+ entered_passwords = ['password', 'password']
+ # Enter an invalid (too long) username first and then a valid one.
+ invalid_username = ('x' * user_field.max_length) + 'y'
+ entered_usernames = [invalid_username, 'janet']
+ def return_passwords():
+ return entered_passwords.pop(0)
+ def return_usernames():
+ return entered_usernames.pop(0)
+ @mock_inputs({'password': return_passwords, 'username': return_usernames})
+ def test(self):
+ call_command(
+ 'createsuperuser',
+ interactive=True,
+ stdin=MockTTY(),
+ stdout=new_io,
+ stderr=new_io,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ new_io.getvalue().strip(),
+ 'Error: Ensure this value has at most %s characters (it has %s).\n'
+ 'Superuser created successfully.' % (user_field.max_length, len(invalid_username))
+ )
+ test(self)
+ def test_existing_username(self):
+ """Creation fails if the username already exists."""
+ user = User.objects.create(username='janet')
+ new_io = StringIO()
+ entered_passwords = ['password', 'password']
+ # Enter the existing username first and then a new one.
+ entered_usernames = [user.username, 'joe']
+ def return_passwords():
+ return entered_passwords.pop(0)
+ def return_usernames():
+ return entered_usernames.pop(0)
+ @mock_inputs({'password': return_passwords, 'username': return_usernames})
+ def test(self):
+ call_command(
+ 'createsuperuser',
+ interactive=True,
+ stdin=MockTTY(),
+ stdout=new_io,
+ stderr=new_io,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ new_io.getvalue().strip(),
+ 'Error: That username is already taken.\n'
+ 'Superuser created successfully.'
+ )
+ test(self)
def test_validation_mismatched_passwords(self):
Creation should fail if the user enters mismatched passwords.