소스 검색

Fixed typos in comments and docs.

Min ho Kim 5 년 전

+ 1 - 1

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class RenameContentType(migrations.RunPython):
                 # asking the user what should be done next.
                 content_type.model = old_model
-                # Clear the cache as the `get_by_natual_key()` call will cache
+                # Clear the cache as the `get_by_natural_key()` call will cache
                 # the renamed ContentType instance by its old model name.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ class BaseDatabaseWrapper:
         The usual way to start a transaction is to turn autocommit off.
         SQLite does not properly start a transaction when disabling
         autocommit. To avoid this buggy behavior and to actually enter a new
-        transaction, an explcit BEGIN is required. Using
+        transaction, an explicit BEGIN is required. Using
         force_begin_transaction_with_broken_autocommit=True will issue an
         explicit BEGIN with SQLite. This option will be ignored for other

+ 1 - 1

@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ def urlize(text, trim_url_limit=None, nofollow=False, autoescape=False):
                     trail = closing + trail
                     trimmed_something = True
             # Trim trailing punctuation (after trimming wrapping punctuation,
-            # as encoded entities contain ';'). Unescape entites to avoid
+            # as encoded entities contain ';'). Unescape entities to avoid
             # breaking them by removing ';'.
             middle_unescaped = html.unescape(middle)
             stripped = middle_unescaped.rstrip(TRAILING_PUNCTUATION_CHARS)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ The following checks are run if you use the :option:`check --deploy` option:
 * **security.W017**: :setting:`CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY` is not set to ``True``.
   Using an ``HttpOnly`` CSRF cookie makes it more difficult for cross-site
   scripting attacks to steal the CSRF token. *This check is removed in Django
-  1.11 as the* :setting:`CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY` *setting offers no pratical
+  1.11 as the* :setting:`CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY` *setting offers no practical
 * **security.W018**: You should not have :setting:`DEBUG` set to ``True`` in

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2308,7 +2308,7 @@ QUnit.config.testId = [].concat( urlParams.testId || [] );
 // Exact case-insensitive match of the module name
 QUnit.config.module = urlParams.module;
-// Regular expression or case-insenstive substring match against "moduleName: testName"
+// Regular expression or case-insensitive substring match against "moduleName: testName"
 QUnit.config.filter = urlParams.filter;
 // Test order randomization

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@@ -4090,7 +4090,7 @@ class AdminInlineTests(TestCase):
         response = self.client.post(collector_url, self.post_data)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
         self.assertEqual(Widget.objects.count(), 0)
-        # But after adding the permisson it can.
+        # But after adding the permission it can.
         permissionuser.user_permissions.add(get_perm(Widget, get_permission_codename('add', Widget._meta)))
         self.post_data['widget_set-0-name'] = "Widget 1"
         collector_url = reverse('admin:admin_views_collector_change', args=(self.collector.pk,))

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@@ -1677,7 +1677,7 @@ class UnprefixedDefaultLanguageTests(SimpleTestCase):
     def test_no_redirect_on_404(self):
         A request for a nonexistent URL shouldn't cause a redirect to
-        /<defaut_language>/<request_url> when prefix_default_language=False and
+        /<default_language>/<request_url> when prefix_default_language=False and
         /<default_language>/<request_url> has a URL match (#27402).
         # A match for /group1/group2/ must exist for this to act as a