====================================== How to customize the ``shell`` command ====================================== The Django :djadmin:`shell` is an interactive Python environment that provides access to models and settings, making it useful for testing code, experimenting with queries, and interacting with application data. Customizing the :djadmin:`shell` command allows adding extra functionality or pre-loading specific modules. To do this, create a new management command that subclasses ``django.core.management.commands.shell.Command`` and overrides the existing ``shell`` management command. For more details, refer to the guide on :ref:`overriding commands `. .. _customizing-shell-auto-imports: Customize automatic imports =========================== .. versionadded:: 5.2 To customize the automatic import behavior of the :djadmin:`shell` management command, override the ``get_auto_imports()`` method. This method should return a sequence of import paths for objects or modules available in the application. For example: .. code-block:: python :caption: ``polls/management/commands/shell.py`` from django.core.management.commands import shell class Command(shell.Command): def get_auto_imports(self): return super().get_auto_imports() + [ "django.urls.reverse", "django.urls.resolve", ] The customization above adds :func:`~django.urls.resolve` and :func:`~django.urls.reverse` to the default namespace, which already includes all models from the apps listed in :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS`. These objects will be available in the ``shell`` without requiring a manual import. Running this customized ``shell`` command with ``verbosity=2`` would show: .. console:: 8 objects imported automatically: from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission, User from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session from django.urls import resolve, reverse If an overridden ``shell`` command includes paths that cannot be imported, these errors are shown when ``verbosity`` is set to ``1`` or higher. Duplicate imports are automatically handled. Note that automatic imports can be disabled for a specific ``shell`` session using the :option:`--no-imports ` flag. To permanently disable automatic imports, override ``get_auto_imports()`` to return ``None``:: class Command(shell.Command): def get_auto_imports(self): return None