custom-management-commands.txt 12 KB

  1. ====================================
  2. Writing custom django-admin commands
  3. ====================================
  4. .. module::
  5. Applications can register their own actions with ````. For example,
  6. you might want to add a ```` action for a Django app that you're
  7. distributing. In this document, we will be building a custom ``closepoll``
  8. command for the ``polls`` application from the
  9. :doc:`tutorial</intro/tutorial01>`.
  10. To do this, just add a ``management/commands`` directory to the application.
  11. Django will register a ```` command for each Python module in that
  12. directory whose name doesn't begin with an underscore. For example::
  13. polls/
  16. management/
  18. commands/
  24. In this example, the ``closepoll`` command will be made available to any project
  25. that includes the ``polls`` application in :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS`.
  26. The ```` module will not be available as a management command.
  27. The ```` module has only one requirement -- it must define a class
  28. ``Command`` that extends :class:`BaseCommand` or one of its
  29. :ref:`subclasses<ref-basecommand-subclasses>`.
  30. .. admonition:: Standalone scripts
  31. Custom management commands are especially useful for running standalone
  32. scripts or for scripts that are periodically executed from the UNIX crontab
  33. or from Windows scheduled tasks control panel.
  34. To implement the command, edit ``polls/management/commands/`` to
  35. look like this:
  36. .. code-block:: python
  37. from import BaseCommand, CommandError
  38. from polls.models import Poll
  39. class Command(BaseCommand):
  40. args = '<poll_id poll_id ...>'
  41. help = 'Closes the specified poll for voting'
  42. def handle(self, *args, **options):
  43. for poll_id in args:
  44. try:
  45. poll = Poll.objects.get(pk=int(poll_id))
  46. except Poll.DoesNotExist:
  47. raise CommandError('Poll "%s" does not exist' % poll_id)
  48. poll.opened = False
  50. self.stdout.write('Successfully closed poll "%s"' % poll_id)
  51. .. note::
  52. When you are using management commands and wish to provide console
  53. output, you should write to ``self.stdout`` and ``self.stderr``,
  54. instead of printing to ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` directly. By
  55. using these proxies, it becomes much easier to test your custom
  56. command.
  57. The new custom command can be called using ``python closepoll
  58. <poll_id>``.
  59. The ``handle()`` method takes zero or more ``poll_ids`` and sets ``poll.opened``
  60. to ``False`` for each one. If the user referenced any nonexistent polls, a
  61. :class:`CommandError` is raised. The ``poll.opened`` attribute does not exist
  62. in the :doc:`tutorial</intro/tutorial01>` and was added to
  63. ``polls.models.Poll`` for this example.
  64. The same ``closepoll`` could be easily modified to delete a given poll instead
  65. of closing it by accepting additional command line options. These custom options
  66. must be added to :attr:`~BaseCommand.option_list` like this:
  67. .. code-block:: python
  68. from optparse import make_option
  69. class Command(BaseCommand):
  70. option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
  71. make_option('--delete',
  72. action='store_true',
  73. dest='delete',
  74. default=False,
  75. help='Delete poll instead of closing it'),
  76. )
  77. def handle(self, *args, **options):
  78. # ...
  79. if options['delete']:
  80. poll.delete()
  81. # ...
  82. The option (``delete`` in our example) is available in the options dict
  83. parameter of the handle method. See the :py:mod:`optparse` Python documentation
  84. for more about ``make_option`` usage.
  85. In addition to being able to add custom command line options, all
  86. :doc:`management commands</ref/django-admin>` can accept some
  87. default options such as :djadminopt:`--verbosity` and :djadminopt:`--traceback`.
  88. .. admonition:: Management commands and locales
  89. The :meth:`BaseCommand.execute` method sets the hardcoded ``en-us`` locale
  90. because the commands shipped with Django perform several tasks
  91. (for example, user-facing content rendering and database population) that
  92. require a system-neutral string language (for which we use ``en-us``).
  93. If your custom management command uses another locale, you should manually
  94. activate and deactivate it in your :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle` or
  95. :meth:`~NoArgsCommand.handle_noargs` method using the functions provided by
  96. the I18N support code:
  97. .. code-block:: python
  98. from import BaseCommand, CommandError
  99. from django.utils import translation
  100. class Command(BaseCommand):
  101. ...
  102. can_import_settings = True
  103. def handle(self, *args, **options):
  104. # Activate a fixed locale, e.g. Russian
  105. translation.activate('ru')
  106. # Or you can activate the LANGUAGE_CODE
  107. # chosen in the settings:
  108. #
  109. #from django.conf import settings
  110. #translation.activate(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
  111. # Your command logic here
  112. # ...
  113. translation.deactivate()
  114. Take into account though, that system management commands typically have to
  115. be very careful about running in non-uniform locales, so:
  116. * Make sure the :setting:`USE_I18N` setting is always ``True`` when running
  117. the command (this is one good example of the potential problems stemming
  118. from a dynamic runtime environment that Django commands avoid offhand by
  119. always using a fixed locale).
  120. * Review the code of your command and the code it calls for behavioral
  121. differences when locales are changed and evaluate its impact on
  122. predictable behavior of your command.
  123. Command objects
  124. ===============
  125. .. class:: BaseCommand
  126. The base class from which all management commands ultimately derive.
  127. Use this class if you want access to all of the mechanisms which
  128. parse the command-line arguments and work out what code to call in
  129. response; if you don't need to change any of that behavior,
  130. consider using one of its :ref:`subclasses<ref-basecommand-subclasses>`.
  131. Subclassing the :class:`BaseCommand` class requires that you implement the
  132. :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle` method.
  133. Attributes
  134. ----------
  135. All attributes can be set in your derived class and can be used in
  136. :class:`BaseCommand`'s :ref:`subclasses<ref-basecommand-subclasses>`.
  137. .. attribute:: BaseCommand.args
  138. A string listing the arguments accepted by the command,
  139. suitable for use in help messages; e.g., a command which takes
  140. a list of application names might set this to '<appname
  141. appname ...>'.
  142. .. attribute:: BaseCommand.can_import_settings
  143. A boolean indicating whether the command needs to be able to
  144. import Django settings; if ``True``, ``execute()`` will verify
  145. that this is possible before proceeding. Default value is
  146. ``True``.
  147. .. attribute::
  148. A short description of the command, which will be printed in the
  149. help message when the user runs the command
  150. ``python help <command>``.
  151. .. attribute:: BaseCommand.option_list
  152. This is the list of ``optparse`` options which will be fed
  153. into the command's ``OptionParser`` for parsing arguments.
  154. .. attribute:: BaseCommand.output_transaction
  155. A boolean indicating whether the command outputs SQL
  156. statements; if ``True``, the output will automatically be
  157. wrapped with ``BEGIN;`` and ``COMMIT;``. Default value is
  158. ``False``.
  159. .. attribute:: BaseCommand.requires_model_validation
  160. A boolean; if ``True``, validation of installed models will be
  161. performed prior to executing the command. Default value is
  162. ``True``. To validate an individual application's models
  163. rather than all applications' models, call
  164. :meth:`~BaseCommand.validate` from :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle`.
  165. Methods
  166. -------
  167. :class:`BaseCommand` has a few methods that can be overridden but only
  168. the :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle` method must be implemented.
  169. .. admonition:: Implementing a constructor in a subclass
  170. If you implement ``__init__`` in your subclass of :class:`BaseCommand`,
  171. you must call :class:`BaseCommand`'s ``__init__``.
  172. .. code-block:: python
  173. class Command(BaseCommand):
  174. def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  175. super(Command, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  176. # ...
  177. .. method:: BaseCommand.get_version()
  178. Return the Django version, which should be correct for all
  179. built-in Django commands. User-supplied commands can
  180. override this method to return their own version.
  181. .. method:: BaseCommand.execute(*args, **options)
  182. Try to execute this command, performing model validation if
  183. needed (as controlled by the attribute
  184. :attr:`requires_model_validation`). If the command raises a
  185. :class:`CommandError`, intercept it and print it sensibly to
  186. stderr.
  187. .. admonition:: Calling a management command in your code
  188. ``execute()`` should not be called directly from your code to execute a
  189. command. Use :ref:`call_command <call-command>` instead.
  190. .. method:: BaseCommand.handle(*args, **options)
  191. The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement this method.
  192. .. method:: BaseCommand.validate(app=None, display_num_errors=False)
  193. Validates the given app, raising :class:`CommandError` for any errors.
  194. If ``app`` is None, then all installed apps are validated.
  195. .. _ref-basecommand-subclasses:
  196. BaseCommand subclasses
  197. ----------------------
  198. .. class:: AppCommand
  199. A management command which takes one or more installed application
  200. names as arguments, and does something with each of them.
  201. Rather than implementing :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle`, subclasses must implement
  202. :meth:`~AppCommand.handle_app`, which will be called once for each application.
  203. .. method:: AppCommand.handle_app(app, **options)
  204. Perform the command's actions for ``app``, which will be the
  205. Python module corresponding to an application name given on
  206. the command line.
  207. .. class:: LabelCommand
  208. A management command which takes one or more arbitrary arguments
  209. (labels) on the command line, and does something with each of
  210. them.
  211. Rather than implementing :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle`, subclasses must implement
  212. :meth:`~LabelCommand.handle_label`, which will be called once for each label.
  213. .. method:: LabelCommand.handle_label(label, **options)
  214. Perform the command's actions for ``label``, which will be the
  215. string as given on the command line.
  216. .. class:: NoArgsCommand
  217. A command which takes no arguments on the command line.
  218. Rather than implementing :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle`, subclasses must implement
  219. :meth:`~NoArgsCommand.handle_noargs`; :meth:`~BaseCommand.handle` itself is
  220. overridden to ensure no arguments are passed to the command.
  221. .. method:: NoArgsCommand.handle_noargs(**options)
  222. Perform this command's actions
  223. .. _ref-command-exceptions:
  224. Command exceptions
  225. ------------------
  226. .. class:: CommandError
  227. Exception class indicating a problem while executing a management
  228. command.
  229. If this exception is raised during the execution of a management
  230. command from a command line console, it will be caught and turned into a
  231. nicely-printed error message to the appropriate output stream (i.e., stderr);
  232. as a result, raising this exception (with a sensible description of the
  233. error) is the preferred way to indicate that something has gone
  234. wrong in the execution of a command.
  235. If a management command is called from code through
  236. :ref:`call_command <call-command>`, it's up to you to catch the exception
  237. when needed.