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- ============================================
- Django 1.3 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
- ============================================
- This page documents release notes for the as-yet-unreleased Django
- 1.3. As such, it's tentative and subject to change. It provides
- up-to-date information for those who are following trunk.
- Django 1.3 includes a number of nifty `new features`_, lots of bug
- fixes, some minor `backwards incompatible changes`_ and an easy
- upgrade path from Django 1.2.
- .. _new features: `What's new in Django 1.3`_
- .. _backwards incompatible changes: backwards-incompatible-changes-1.3_
- What's new in Django 1.3
- ========================
- Class-based views
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Django 1.3 adds a framework that allows you to use a class as a view.
- This means you can compose a view out of a collection of methods that
- can be subclassed and overridden to provide
- Analogs of all the old function-based generic views have been
- provided, along with a completely generic view base class that can be
- used as the basis for reusable applications that can be easily
- extended.
- See :doc:`the documentation on Generic Views</topics/generic-views>`
- for more details. There is also a document to help you :doc:`convert
- your function-based generic views to class-based
- views</topics/generic-views-migration>`.
- Logging
- ~~~~~~~
- Django 1.3 adds framework-level support for Python's logging module.
- This means you can now easily configure and control logging as part of
- your Django project. A number of logging handlers and logging calls
- have been added to Django's own code as well -- most notably, the
- error emails sent on a HTTP 500 server error are now handled as a
- logging activity. See :doc:`the documentation on Django's logging
- interface </topics/logging>` for more details.
- ``unittest2`` support
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Python 2.7 introduced some major changes to the unittest library,
- adding some extremely useful features. To ensure that every Django
- project can benefit from these new features, Django ships with a
- copy of unittest2_, a copy of the Python 2.7 unittest library,
- backported for Python 2.4 compatibility.
- To access this library, Django provides the
- ``django.utils.unittest`` module alias. If you are using Python
- 2.7, or you have installed unittest2 locally, Django will map the
- alias to the installed version of the unittest library. Otherwise,
- Django will use it's own bundled version of unittest2.
- To use this alias, simply use::
- from django.utils import unittest
- wherever you would have historically used::
- import unittest
- If you want to continue to use the base unittest libary, you can --
- you just won't get any of the nice new unittest2 features.
- .. _unittest2: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/unittest2
- Everything else
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Django :doc:`1.1 <1.1>` and :doc:`1.2 <1.2>` added
- lots of big ticket items to Django, like multiple-database support,
- model validation, and a session-based messages framework. However,
- this focus on big features came at the cost of lots of smaller
- features.
- To compensate for this, the focus of the Django 1.3 development
- process has been on adding lots of smaller, long standing feature
- requests. These include:
- * Improved tools for accessing and manipulating the current Site.
- * A :class:`~django.test.client.RequestFactory` for mocking
- requests in tests.
- * A new test assertion --
- :meth:`~django.test.client.Client.assertNumQueries` -- making it
- easier to test the database activity associated with a view.
- .. _backwards-incompatible-changes-1.3:
- Backwards-incompatible changes in 1.3
- =====================================
- PasswordInput default rendering behavior
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Prior to Django 1.3, a :class:`~django.forms.PasswordInput` would render
- data values like any other form. If a form submission raised an error,
- the password that was submitted would be reflected to the client as form
- data populating the form for resubmission.
- This had the potential to leak passwords, as any failed password
- attempt would cause the password that was typed to be sent back to the
- client.
- In Django 1.3, the default behavior of
- :class:`~django.forms.PasswordInput` is to suppress the display of
- password values. This change doesn't alter the way form data is
- validated or handled. It only affects the user experience with
- passwords on a form when they make an error submitting form data (such
- as on unsuccessful logins, or when completing a registration form).
- If you want restore the pre-Django 1.3 behavior, you need to pass in a
- custom widget to your form that sets the ``render_value`` argument::
- class LoginForm(forms.Form):
- username = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
- password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput(render_value=True))
- Clearable default widget for FileField
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Django 1.3 now includes a ``ClearableFileInput`` form widget in addition to
- ``FileInput``. ``ClearableFileInput`` renders with a checkbox to clear the
- field's value (if the field has a value and is not required); ``FileInput``
- provided no means for clearing an existing file from a ``FileField``.
- ``ClearableFileInput`` is now the default widget for a ``FileField``, so
- existing forms including ``FileField`` without assigning a custom widget will
- need to account for the possible extra checkbox in the rendered form output.
- To return to the previous rendering (without the ability to clear the
- ``FileField``), use the ``FileInput`` widget in place of
- ``ClearableFileInput``. For instance, in a ``ModelForm`` for a hypothetical
- ``Document`` model with a ``FileField`` named ``document``::
- from django import forms
- from myapp.models import Document
- class DocumentForm(forms.ModelForm):
- class Meta:
- model = Document
- widgets = {'document': forms.FileInput}
- .. _deprecated-features-1.3:
- Features deprecated in 1.3
- ==========================
- Django 1.3 deprecates some features from earlier releases.
- These features are still supported, but will be gradually phased out
- over the next few release cycles.
- Code taking advantage of any of the features below will raise a
- ``PendingDeprecationWarning`` in Django 1.3. This warning will be
- silent by default, but may be turned on using Python's `warnings
- module`_, or by running Python with a ``-Wd`` or `-Wall` flag.
- .. _warnings module: http://docs.python.org/library/warnings.html
- In Django 1.4, these warnings will become a ``DeprecationWarning``,
- which is *not* silent. In Django 1.5 support for these features will
- be removed entirely.
- .. seealso::
- For more details, see the documentation :doc:`Django's release process
- </internals/release-process>` and our :doc:`deprecation timeline
- </internals/deprecation>`.`
- ``mod_python`` support
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The ``mod_python`` library has not had a release since 2007 or a commit since
- 2008. The Apache Foundation board voted to remove ``mod_python`` from the set
- of active projects in its version control repositories, and its lead developer
- has shifted all of his efforts toward the lighter, slimmer, more stable, and
- more flexible ``mod_wsgi`` backend.
- If you are currently using the ``mod_python`` request handler, it is strongly
- encouraged you redeploy your Django instances using :doc:`mod_wsgi
- </howto/deployment/modwsgi>`.
- Function-based generic views
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As a result of the introduction of class-based generic views, the
- function-based generic views provided by Django have been deprecated.
- The following modules and the views they contain have been deprecated:
- * :mod:`django.views.generic.create_update`
- * :mod:`django.views.generic.date_based`
- * :mod:`django.views.generic.list_detail`
- * :mod:`django.views.generic.simple`
- Test client response ``template`` attribute
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Django's :ref:`test client <test-client>` returns
- :class:`~django.test.client.Response` objects annotated with extra testing
- information. In Django versions prior to 1.3, this included a
- :attr:`~django.test.client.Response.template` attribute containing information
- about templates rendered in generating the response: either None, a single
- :class:`~django.template.Template` object, or a list of
- :class:`~django.template.Template` objects. This inconsistency in return values
- (sometimes a list, sometimes not) made the attribute difficult to work with.
- In Django 1.3 the :attr:`~django.test.client.Response.template` attribute is
- deprecated in favor of a new :attr:`~django.test.client.Response.templates`
- attribute, which is always a list, even if it has only a single element or no
- elements.
- ``DjangoTestRunner``
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As a result of the introduction of support for unittest2, the features
- of :class:`django.test.simple.DjangoTestRunner` (including fail-fast
- and Ctrl-C test termination) have been made redundant. In view of this
- redundancy, :class:`~django.test.simple.DjangoTestRunner` has been
- turned into an empty placeholder class, and will be removed entirely
- in Django 1.5.