howto-release-django.txt 26 KB

  1. =====================
  2. How is Django Formed?
  3. =====================
  4. This document explains how to release Django.
  5. **Please, keep these instructions up-to-date if you make changes!** The point
  6. here is to be descriptive, not prescriptive, so feel free to streamline or
  7. otherwise make changes, but **update this document accordingly!**
  8. Overview
  9. ========
  10. There are three types of releases that you might need to make:
  11. * Security releases: disclosing and fixing a vulnerability. This'll
  12. generally involve two or three simultaneous releases -- e.g.
  13. 3.2.x, 4.0.x, and, depending on timing, perhaps a 4.1.x.
  14. * Regular version releases: either a final release (e.g. 4.1) or a
  15. bugfix update (e.g. 4.1.1).
  16. * Pre-releases: e.g. 4.2 alpha, beta, or rc.
  17. The short version of the steps involved is:
  18. #. If this is a security release, pre-notify the security distribution list
  19. one week before the actual release.
  20. #. Proofread the release notes, looking for organization and writing errors.
  21. Draft a blog post and email announcement.
  22. #. Update version numbers and create the release package(s).
  23. #. Upload the package(s) to the ```` server.
  24. #. Verify package(s) signatures, check if they can be installed, and ensure
  25. minimal functionality.
  26. #. Upload the new version(s) to PyPI.
  27. #. Declare the new version in the admin on ````.
  28. #. Post the blog entry and send out the email announcements.
  29. #. Update version numbers post-release.
  30. There are a lot of details, so please read on.
  31. Prerequisites
  32. =============
  33. You'll need a few things before getting started. If this is your first release,
  34. you'll need to coordinate with another releaser to get all these things lined
  35. up, and write to the Ops mailing list requesting the required access and
  36. permissions.
  37. * A Unix environment with these tools installed (in alphabetical order):
  38. * bash
  39. * git
  40. * GPG
  41. * make
  42. * man
  43. * hashing tools (typically ``md5sum``, ``sha1sum``, and ``sha256sum`` on
  44. Linux, or ``md5`` and ``shasum`` on macOS)
  45. * python
  46. * ssh
  47. * A GPG key pair. Ensure that the private part of this key is securely stored.
  48. The public part needs to be uploaded to your GitHub account, and also to the
  49. Jenkins server running the "confirm release" job.
  50. .. admonition:: More than one GPG key
  51. If the key you want to use is not your default signing key, you'll need to
  52. add ``-u`` to every GPG signing command shown below, where
  53. ```` is the email address associated with the key you want
  54. to use.
  55. * A clean Python virtual environment per Django version being released, with
  56. these required Python packages installed:
  57. .. code-block:: shell
  58. $ python -m pip install wheel twine
  59. * Access to `Django's project on PyPI <>`_ to
  60. upload binaries, ideally with extra permissions to `yank a release
  61. <>`_ if necessary. Create a project-scoped token
  62. following the `official documentation <>`_
  63. and set up your ``$HOME/.pypirc`` file like this:
  64. .. code-block:: ini
  65. :caption: ``~/.pypirc``
  66. [distutils]
  67. index-servers =
  68. pypi
  69. django
  70. [pypi]
  71. username = __token__
  72. password = # User-scoped or project-scoped token, to set as the default.
  73. [django]
  74. repository =
  75. username = __token__
  76. password = # A project token.
  77. * Access to `Django's project on Transifex
  78. <>`_, with a Manager role. Generate
  79. an API Token in the `user setting section
  80. <>`_ and set up your
  81. ``$HOME/.transifexrc`` file like this:
  82. .. code-block:: ini
  83. :caption: ``~/.transifexrc``
  84. []
  85. rest_hostname =
  86. token = # API token
  87. * Access to the ```` server to upload files (using ``scp``).
  88. * Access to the Django admin on ```` as a "Site maintainer".
  89. * Access to create a post in the `Django Forum - Announcements category
  90. <>`_ and to send emails to
  91. the following mailing lists:
  92. * `django-users <>`_
  93. * `django-developers <>`_
  94. * `django-announce <>`_
  95. * Access to the ``django-security`` repo in GitHub. Among other things, this
  96. provides access to the pre-notification distribution list (needed for
  97. security release preparation tasks).
  98. Pre-release tasks
  99. =================
  100. A few items need to be taken care of before even beginning the release process.
  101. This stuff starts about a week before the release; most of it can be done
  102. any time leading up to the actual release.
  103. 10 (or more) days before a security release
  104. -------------------------------------------
  105. #. Request the `CVE IDs <>`_ for the security
  106. issue(s) being released. One CVE ID per issue, requested with
  107. ``Vendor: djangoproject`` and ``Product: django``.
  108. #. Generate the relevant (private) patch(es) using ``git format-patch``, one
  109. for the ``main`` branch and one for each stable branch being patched.
  110. A week before a security release
  111. --------------------------------
  112. #. Send out pre-notification exactly **one week** before the security release.
  113. The template for that email and a list of the recipients are in the private
  114. ``django-security`` GitHub wiki. BCC the pre-notification recipients and be
  115. sure to include the relevant CVE IDs. Attach all the relevant patches
  116. (targeting ``main`` and the stable branches) and sign the email text with
  117. the key you'll use for the release, with a command like:
  118. .. code-block:: shell
  119. $ gpg --clearsign --digest-algo SHA256 prenotification-email.txt
  120. #. :ref:`Notify django-announce <security-disclosure>` of the upcoming
  121. security release with a general message such as:
  122. .. code-block:: text
  123. Notice of upcoming Django security releases (3.2.24, 4.2.10 and 5.0.2)
  124. Django versions 5.0.2, 4.2.10, and 3.2.24 will be released on Tuesday,
  125. February 6th, 2024 around 1500 UTC. They will fix one security defect
  126. with severity "moderate".
  127. For details of severity levels, see:
  129. A few days before any release
  130. -----------------------------
  131. #. As the release approaches, watch Trac to make sure no release blockers
  132. are left for the upcoming release.
  133. #. Check with the other mergers to make sure they don't have any uncommitted
  134. changes for the release.
  135. #. Proofread the release notes, including looking at the online version to
  136. :ref:`catch any broken links <documentation-link-check>` or reST errors, and
  137. make sure the release notes contain the correct date.
  138. #. Double-check that the release notes mention deprecation timelines
  139. for any APIs noted as deprecated, and that they mention any changes
  140. in Python version support.
  141. #. Double-check that the release notes index has a link to the notes
  142. for the new release; this will be in ``docs/releases/index.txt``.
  143. #. If this is a :term:`feature release`, ensure translations from Transifex
  144. have been integrated. This is typically done by a separate translation's
  145. manager rather than the releaser, but here are the steps. This process is a
  146. bit lengthy so be sure to set aside 4-10 hours to do this, and ideally plan
  147. for this task one or two days ahead of the release day.
  148. In addition to having a configured Transifex account, the
  149. `tx CLI <>`_ should be available in
  150. your ``PATH``. Then, you can fetch all the translations by running:
  151. .. code-block:: shell
  152. $ python scripts/ fetch
  153. This command takes some time to run. When done, carefully inspect the output
  154. for potential errors and/or warnings. If there are some, you will need to
  155. debug and resolve them on a case by case basis.
  156. The recently fetched translations need some manual adjusting. First of all,
  157. the ``PO-Revision-Date`` values must be manually bumped to be later than
  158. ``POT-Creation-Date``. You can use a command similar to this to bulk update
  159. all the ``.po`` files (compare the diff against the relevant stable branch):
  160. .. code-block:: shell
  161. $ git diff --name-only stable/5.0.x | grep "\.po" | xargs sed -ri "s/PO-Revision-Date: [0-9\-]+ /PO-Revision-Date: $(date -I) /g"
  162. All the new ``.po`` files should be manually and carefully inspected to
  163. avoid committing a change in a file without any new translations. Also,
  164. there shouldn't be any changes in the "plural forms": if there are any
  165. (usually Spanish and French report changes for this) those will need
  166. reverting.
  167. Lastly, commit the changed/added files (both ``.po`` and ``.mo``) and create
  168. a new PR targeting the stable branch of the corresponding release (example
  169. `PR updating translations for 4.2
  170. <>`_).
  171. #. :ref:`Update the django-admin manual page <django-admin-manpage>`:
  172. .. code-block:: shell
  173. $ cd docs
  174. $ make man
  175. $ man _build/man/django-admin.1 # do a quick sanity check
  176. $ cp _build/man/django-admin.1 man/django-admin.1
  177. and then commit the changed man page.
  178. #. If this is the alpha release of a new series, create a new stable branch
  179. from main. For example, when releasing Django 4.2:
  180. .. code-block:: shell
  181. $ git checkout -b stable/4.2.x origin/main
  182. $ git push origin -u stable/4.2.x:stable/4.2.x
  183. At the same time, update the ``django_next_version`` variable in
  184. ``docs/`` on the stable release branch to point to the new
  185. development version. For example, when creating ``stable/4.2.x``, set
  186. ``django_next_version`` to ``'5.0'`` on the new branch.
  187. #. If this is the "dot zero" release of a new series, create a new branch from
  188. the current stable branch in the `django-docs-translations
  189. <>`_ repository. For
  190. example, when releasing Django 4.2:
  191. .. code-block:: shell
  192. $ git checkout -b stable/4.2.x origin/stable/4.1.x
  193. $ git push origin stable/4.2.x:stable/4.2.x
  194. #. Write the announcement blog post for the release. You can enter it into the
  195. admin at any time and mark it as inactive. Here are a few examples: `example
  196. security release announcement`__, `example regular release announcement`__,
  197. `example pre-release announcement`__.
  198. __
  199. __
  200. __
  201. Actually rolling the release
  202. ============================
  203. OK, this is the fun part, where we actually push out a release! If you're
  204. issuing **multiple releases**, repeat these steps for each release.
  205. #. Check `Jenkins`__ is green for the version(s) you're putting out. You
  206. probably shouldn't issue a release until it's green, and you should make
  207. sure that the latest green run includes the changes that you are releasing.
  208. __
  209. #. Cleanup the release notes for this release. Make these changes in ``main``
  210. and backport to all branches where the release notes for a particular
  211. version are located.
  212. #. For a feature release, remove the ``UNDER DEVELOPMENT`` header at the top
  213. of the release notes, remove the ``Expected`` prefix and update the
  214. release date, if necessary (:commit:`example commit
  215. <1994a2643881a9e3f9fa8d3e0794c1a9933a1831>`).
  216. #. For a patch release, remove the ``Expected`` prefix and update the
  217. release date for all releases, if necessary (:commit:`example commit
  218. <34a503162fe222033a1cd3249bccad014fcd1d20>`).
  219. #. A release always begins from a release branch, so you should make sure
  220. you're on an up-to-date stable branch. Also, you should have available a
  221. clean and dedicated virtual environment per version being released. For
  222. example:
  223. .. code-block:: shell
  224. $ git checkout stable/4.1.x
  225. $ git pull
  226. #. If this is a security release, merge the appropriate patches from
  227. ``django-security``. Rebase these patches as necessary to make each one a
  228. plain commit on the release branch rather than a merge commit. To ensure
  229. this, merge them with the ``--ff-only`` flag; for example:
  230. .. code-block:: shell
  231. $ git checkout stable/4.1.x
  232. $ git merge --ff-only security/4.1.x
  233. (This assumes ``security/4.1.x`` is a branch in the ``django-security`` repo
  234. containing the necessary security patches for the next release in the 4.1
  235. series.)
  236. If git refuses to merge with ``--ff-only``, switch to the security-patch
  237. branch and rebase it on the branch you are about to merge it into (``git
  238. checkout security/4.1.x; git rebase stable/4.1.x``) and then switch back and
  239. do the merge. Make sure the commit message for each security fix explains
  240. that the commit is a security fix and that an announcement will follow
  241. (:commit:`example security commit <bf39978a53f117ca02e9a0c78b76664a41a54745>`).
  242. #. Update the version number in ``django/`` for the release.
  243. Please see `notes on setting the VERSION tuple`_ below for details
  244. on ``VERSION`` (:commit:`example commit
  245. <2719a7f8c161233f45d34b624a9df9392c86cc1b>`).
  246. #. If this is a pre-release package also update the "Development Status"
  247. trove classifier in ``setup.cfg`` to reflect this. An ``rc`` pre-release
  248. should not change the trove classifier (:commit:`example commit for alpha
  249. release <eeeacc52a967234e920c001b7908c4acdfd7a848>`, :commit:`example
  250. commit for beta release <25fec8940b24107e21314ab6616e18ce8dec1c1c>`).
  251. #. Otherwise, make sure the classifier is set to
  252. ``Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable``.
  253. #. Tag the release using ``git tag``. For example:
  254. .. code-block:: shell
  255. $ git tag --sign --message="Tag 4.1.1" 4.1.1
  256. You can check your work running ``git tag --verify <tag>``.
  257. #. Push your work and the new tag:
  258. .. code-block:: shell
  259. $ git push
  260. $ git push --tags
  261. #. Make sure you have an absolutely clean tree by running ``git clean -dfx``.
  262. #. Run ``make -f extras/Makefile`` to generate the release packages. This will
  263. create the release packages in a ``dist/`` directory.
  264. #. Generate the hashes of the release packages:
  265. .. code-block:: shell
  266. $ cd dist
  267. $ md5sum *
  268. $ sha1sum *
  269. $ sha256sum *
  270. #. Create a "checksums" file, ``Django-<<VERSION>>.checksum.txt`` containing
  271. the hashes and release information. Start with this template and insert the
  272. correct version, date, GPG key ID (from
  273. ``gpg --list-keys --keyid-format LONG``), release manager's GitHub username,
  274. release URL, and checksums:
  275. .. code-block:: text
  276. This file contains MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 checksums for the source-code
  277. tarball and wheel files of Django <<VERSION>>, released <<DATE>>.
  278. To use this file, you will need a working install of PGP or other
  279. compatible public-key encryption software. You will also need to have
  280. the Django release manager's public key in your keyring. This key has
  281. the ID ``XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`` and can be imported from the MIT
  282. keyserver, for example, if using the open-source GNU Privacy Guard
  283. implementation of PGP:
  284. gpg --keyserver --recv-key XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  285. or via the GitHub API:
  286. curl<<RELEASE MANAGER GITHUB USERNAME>>.gpg | gpg --import -
  287. Once the key is imported, verify this file:
  288. gpg --verify <<THIS FILENAME>>
  289. Once you have verified this file, you can use normal MD5, SHA1, or SHA256
  290. checksumming applications to generate the checksums of the Django
  291. package and compare them to the checksums listed below.
  292. Release packages
  293. ================
  296. MD5 checksums
  297. =============
  300. SHA1 checksums
  301. ==============
  304. SHA256 checksums
  305. ================
  308. #. Sign the checksum file (``gpg --clearsign --digest-algo SHA256
  309. Django-<version>.checksum.txt``). This generates a signed document,
  310. ``Django-<version>.checksum.txt.asc`` which you can then verify using ``gpg
  311. --verify Django-<version>.checksum.txt.asc``.
  312. Making the release(s) available to the public
  313. =============================================
  314. Now you're ready to actually put the release out there. To do this:
  315. #. Upload the checksum file(s):
  316. .. code-block:: shell
  317. $ scp Django-A.B.C.checksum.txt.asc
  318. (If this is a security release, what follows should be done 15 minutes
  319. before the announced release time, no sooner.)
  320. #. Upload the release package(s) to the djangoproject server, replacing
  321. A.B. with the appropriate version number, e.g. 4.1 for a 4.1.x release:
  322. .. code-block:: shell
  323. $ scp Django-*
  324. If this is the alpha release of a new series, you will need to create
  325. **first** the directory A.B.
  326. #. Test that the release packages install correctly using ``pip``. Here's one
  327. simple method (this just tests that the binaries are available, that they
  328. install correctly, and that migrations and the development server start, but
  329. it'll catch silly mistakes):
  330. .. code-block:: shell
  331. $ RELEASE_VERSION='4.1.1'
  332. $ MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $RELEASE_VERSION| cut -c 1-3`
  333. $ python -m venv django-pip-tarball
  334. $ . django-pip-tarball/bin/activate
  335. $ python -m pip install$MAJOR_VERSION/Django-$RELEASE_VERSION.tar.gz
  336. $ django-admin startproject test_tarball
  337. $ cd test_tarball
  338. $ ./ --help # Ensure executable bits
  339. $ python migrate
  340. $ python runserver
  341. <CTRL+C>
  342. $ deactivate
  343. $ cd .. && rm -rf test_tarball && rm -rf django-pip-tarball
  344. $ python -m venv django-pip-wheel
  345. $ . django-pip-wheel/bin/activate
  346. $ python -m pip install$MAJOR_VERSION/Django-$RELEASE_VERSION-py3-none-any.whl
  347. $ django-admin startproject test_wheel
  348. $ cd test_wheel
  349. $ ./ --help # Ensure executable bits
  350. $ python migrate
  351. $ python runserver
  352. <CTRL+C>
  353. $ deactivate
  354. $ cd .. && rm -rf test_wheel && rm -rf django-pip-wheel
  355. #. Run the `confirm-release`__ build on Jenkins to verify the checksum file(s)
  356. (e.g. use ``4.2rc1`` for
  358. __
  359. #. Upload the release packages to PyPI (for pre-releases, only upload the wheel
  360. file):
  361. .. code-block:: shell
  362. $ twine upload dist/*
  363. #. Go to the `Add release page in the admin`__, enter the new release number
  364. exactly as it appears in the name of the tarball
  365. (``Django-<version>.tar.gz``). So for example enter "4.1.1" or "4.2rc1",
  366. etc. If the release is part of an LTS branch, mark it so.
  367. __
  368. If this is the alpha release of a new series, also create a Release object
  369. for the *final* release, ensuring that the *Release date* field is blank,
  370. thus marking it as *unreleased*. For example, when creating the Release
  371. object for ``4.2a1``, also create ``4.2`` with the Release date field blank.
  372. #. Make the blog post announcing the release live.
  373. #. For a new version release (e.g. 4.1, 4.2), update the default stable version
  374. of the docs by flipping the ``is_default`` flag to ``True`` on the
  375. appropriate ``DocumentRelease`` object in the ````
  376. database (this will automatically flip it to ``False`` for all
  377. others); you can do this using the site's admin.
  378. Create new ``DocumentRelease`` objects for each language that has an entry
  379. for the previous release. Update's ``__
  380. file by copying the result generated from running the command
  381. `` robots_txt`` in the current stable branch from the
  382. `django-docs-translations repository`__. For example, when releasing Django
  383. 4.2:
  384. .. code-block:: shell
  385. $ git checkout stable/4.2.x
  386. $ git pull
  387. $ python robots_txt
  388. __
  389. __
  390. #. Post the release announcement to the |django-announce|, |django-developers|,
  391. |django-users| mailing lists, and the Django Forum. This should include a
  392. link to the announcement blog post.
  393. #. If this is a security release, send a separate email to
  394. Provide a descriptive subject, for example,
  395. "Django" plus the issue title from the release notes (including CVE ID). The
  396. message body should include the vulnerability details, for example, the
  397. announcement blog post text. Include a link to the announcement blog post.
  398. #. Add a link to the blog post in the topic of the ``#django`` IRC channel:
  399. ``/msg chanserv TOPIC #django new topic goes here``.
  400. Post-release
  401. ============
  402. You're almost done! All that's left to do now is:
  403. #. Update the ``VERSION`` tuple in ``django/`` again,
  404. incrementing to whatever the next expected release will be. For
  405. example, after releasing 4.1.1, update ``VERSION`` to
  406. ``VERSION = (4, 1, 2, 'alpha', 0)``.
  407. #. Add the release in `Trac's versions list`_ if necessary (and make it the
  408. default by changing the ``default_version`` setting in the
  409.'s `trac.ini`__, if it's a final release). The new X.Y
  410. version should be added after the alpha release and the default version
  411. should be updated after "dot zero" release.
  412. __
  413. #. If this was a final release:
  414. #. Update the current stable branch and remove the pre-release branch in the
  415. `Django release process
  416. <>`_ on Trac.
  417. #. Update's download page (`example PR
  418. <>`__).
  419. #. If this was a security release, update :doc:`/releases/security` with
  420. details of the issues addressed.
  421. .. _Trac's versions list:
  422. New stable branch tasks
  423. =======================
  424. There are several items to do in the time following the creation of a new
  425. stable branch (often following an alpha release). Some of these tasks don't
  426. need to be done by the releaser.
  427. #. Create a new ``DocumentRelease`` object in the ````
  428. database for the new version's docs, and update the
  429. ``docs/fixtures/doc_releases.json`` JSON fixture, so people without access
  430. to the production DB can still run an up-to-date copy of the docs site
  431. (`example PR <>`__).
  432. #. Create a stub release note for the new feature version. Use the stub from
  433. the previous feature release version or copy the contents from the previous
  434. feature version and delete most of the contents leaving only the headings.
  435. #. Increase the default PBKDF2 iterations in
  436. ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher`` by about 20%
  437. (pick a round number). Run the tests, and update the 3 failing
  438. hasher tests with the new values. Make sure this gets noted in the
  439. release notes (see the 4.1 release notes for an example).
  440. #. Remove features that have reached the end of their deprecation cycle. Each
  441. removal should be done in a separate commit for clarity. In the commit
  442. message, add a "refs #XXXX" to the original ticket where the deprecation
  443. began if possible.
  444. #. Remove ``.. versionadded::``, ``.. versionadded::``, and ``.. deprecated::``
  445. annotations in the documentation from two releases ago. For example, in
  446. Django 4.2, notes for 4.0 will be removed.
  447. #. Add the new branch to `Read the Docs
  448. <>`_. Since the automatically
  449. generated version names ("stable-A.B.x") differ from the version names
  450. used in Read the Docs ("A.B.x"), `create a ticket
  451. <>`_ requesting
  452. the new version.
  453. #. `Request the new classifier on PyPI
  454. <>`_. For example
  455. ``Framework :: Django :: 3.1``.
  456. #. Update the current branch under active development and add pre-release
  457. branch in the `Django release process
  458. <>`_ on Trac.
  459. Notes on setting the VERSION tuple
  460. ==================================
  461. Django's version reporting is controlled by the ``VERSION`` tuple in
  462. ``django/``. This is a five-element tuple, whose elements
  463. are:
  464. #. Major version.
  465. #. Minor version.
  466. #. Micro version.
  467. #. Status -- can be one of "alpha", "beta", "rc" or "final".
  468. #. Series number, for alpha/beta/RC packages which run in sequence
  469. (allowing, for example, "beta 1", "beta 2", etc.).
  470. For a final release, the status is always "final" and the series
  471. number is always 0. A series number of 0 with an "alpha" status will
  472. be reported as "pre-alpha".
  473. Some examples:
  474. * ``(4, 1, 1, "final", 0)`` → "4.1.1"
  475. * ``(4, 2, 0, "alpha", 0)`` → "4.2 pre-alpha"
  476. * ``(4, 2, 0, "beta", 1)`` → "4.2 beta 1"