overview.txt 15 KB

  1. =========================
  2. Writing and running tests
  3. =========================
  4. .. module:: django.test
  5. :synopsis: Testing tools for Django applications.
  6. .. seealso::
  7. The :doc:`testing tutorial </intro/tutorial05>`, the :doc:`testing tools
  8. reference </topics/testing/tools>`, and the :doc:`advanced testing topics
  9. </topics/testing/advanced>`.
  10. This document is split into two primary sections. First, we explain how to write
  11. tests with Django. Then, we explain how to run them.
  12. Writing tests
  13. =============
  14. Django's unit tests use a Python standard library module: :mod:`unittest`. This
  15. module defines tests using a class-based approach.
  16. Here is an example which subclasses from :class:`django.test.TestCase`,
  17. which is a subclass of :class:`unittest.TestCase` that runs each test inside a
  18. transaction to provide isolation::
  19. from django.test import TestCase
  20. from myapp.models import Animal
  21. class AnimalTestCase(TestCase):
  22. def setUp(self):
  23. Animal.objects.create(name="lion", sound="roar")
  24. Animal.objects.create(name="cat", sound="meow")
  25. def test_animals_can_speak(self):
  26. """Animals that can speak are correctly identified"""
  27. lion = Animal.objects.get(name="lion")
  28. cat = Animal.objects.get(name="cat")
  29. self.assertEqual(lion.speak(), 'The lion says "roar"')
  30. self.assertEqual(cat.speak(), 'The cat says "meow"')
  31. When you :ref:`run your tests <running-tests>`, the default behavior of the
  32. test utility is to find all the test cases (that is, subclasses of
  33. :class:`unittest.TestCase`) in any file whose name begins with ``test``,
  34. automatically build a test suite out of those test cases, and run that suite.
  35. For more details about :mod:`unittest`, see the Python documentation.
  36. .. admonition:: Where should the tests live?
  37. The default :djadmin:`startapp` template creates a ``tests.py`` file in the
  38. new application. This might be fine if you only have a few tests, but as
  39. your test suite grows you'll likely want to restructure it into a tests
  40. package so you can split your tests into different submodules such as
  41. ``test_models.py``, ``test_views.py``, ``test_forms.py``, etc. Feel free to
  42. pick whatever organizational scheme you like.
  43. See also :ref:`testing-reusable-applications`.
  44. .. warning::
  45. If your tests rely on database access such as creating or querying models,
  46. be sure to create your test classes as subclasses of
  47. :class:`django.test.TestCase` rather than :class:`unittest.TestCase`.
  48. Using :class:`unittest.TestCase` avoids the cost of running each test in a
  49. transaction and flushing the database, but if your tests interact with
  50. the database their behavior will vary based on the order that the test
  51. runner executes them. This can lead to unit tests that pass when run in
  52. isolation but fail when run in a suite.
  53. .. _running-tests:
  54. Running tests
  55. =============
  56. Once you've written tests, run them using the :djadmin:`test` command of
  57. your project's ``manage.py`` utility:
  58. .. code-block:: shell
  59. $ ./manage.py test
  60. Test discovery is based on the unittest module's :py:ref:`built-in test
  61. discovery <unittest-test-discovery>`. By default, this will discover tests in
  62. any file named ``test*.py`` under the current working directory.
  63. You can specify particular tests to run by supplying any number of "test
  64. labels" to ``./manage.py test``. Each test label can be a full Python dotted
  65. path to a package, module, ``TestCase`` subclass, or test method. For instance:
  66. .. code-block:: shell
  67. # Run all the tests in the animals.tests module
  68. $ ./manage.py test animals.tests
  69. # Run all the tests found within the 'animals' package
  70. $ ./manage.py test animals
  71. # Run just one test case
  72. $ ./manage.py test animals.tests.AnimalTestCase
  73. # Run just one test method
  74. $ ./manage.py test animals.tests.AnimalTestCase.test_animals_can_speak
  75. You can also provide a path to a directory to discover tests below that
  76. directory:
  77. .. code-block:: shell
  78. $ ./manage.py test animals/
  79. You can specify a custom filename pattern match using the ``-p`` (or
  80. ``--pattern``) option, if your test files are named differently from the
  81. ``test*.py`` pattern:
  82. .. code-block:: shell
  83. $ ./manage.py test --pattern="tests_*.py"
  84. If you press ``Ctrl-C`` while the tests are running, the test runner will
  85. wait for the currently running test to complete and then exit gracefully.
  86. During a graceful exit the test runner will output details of any test
  87. failures, report on how many tests were run and how many errors and failures
  88. were encountered, and destroy any test databases as usual. Thus pressing
  89. ``Ctrl-C`` can be very useful if you forget to pass the :option:`--failfast
  90. <test --failfast>` option, notice that some tests are unexpectedly failing and
  91. want to get details on the failures without waiting for the full test run to
  92. complete.
  93. If you do not want to wait for the currently running test to finish, you
  94. can press ``Ctrl-C`` a second time and the test run will halt immediately,
  95. but not gracefully. No details of the tests run before the interruption will
  96. be reported, and any test databases created by the run will not be destroyed.
  97. .. admonition:: Test with warnings enabled
  98. It's a good idea to run your tests with Python warnings enabled:
  99. ``python -Wa manage.py test``. The ``-Wa`` flag tells Python to
  100. display deprecation warnings. Django, like many other Python libraries,
  101. uses these warnings to flag when features are going away. It also might
  102. flag areas in your code that aren't strictly wrong but could benefit
  103. from a better implementation.
  104. .. _the-test-database:
  105. The test database
  106. -----------------
  107. Tests that require a database (namely, model tests) will not use your "real"
  108. (production) database. Separate, blank databases are created for the tests.
  109. Regardless of whether the tests pass or fail, the test databases are destroyed
  110. when all the tests have been executed.
  111. You can prevent the test databases from being destroyed by using the
  112. :option:`test --keepdb` option. This will preserve the test database between
  113. runs. If the database does not exist, it will first be created. Any migrations
  114. will also be applied in order to keep it up to date.
  115. As described in the previous section, if a test run is forcefully interrupted,
  116. the test database may not be destroyed. On the next run, you'll be asked
  117. whether you want to reuse or destroy the database. Use the :option:`test
  118. --noinput` option to suppress that prompt and automatically destroy the
  119. database. This can be useful when running tests on a continuous integration
  120. server where tests may be interrupted by a timeout, for example.
  121. The default test database names are created by prepending ``test_`` to the
  122. value of each :setting:`NAME` in :setting:`DATABASES`. When using SQLite, the
  123. tests will use an in-memory database by default (i.e., the database will be
  124. created in memory, bypassing the filesystem entirely!). The :setting:`TEST
  125. <DATABASE-TEST>` dictionary in :setting:`DATABASES` offers a number of settings
  126. to configure your test database. For example, if you want to use a different
  127. database name, specify :setting:`NAME <TEST_NAME>` in the :setting:`TEST
  128. <DATABASE-TEST>` dictionary for any given database in :setting:`DATABASES`.
  129. On PostgreSQL, :setting:`USER` will also need read access to the built-in
  130. ``postgres`` database.
  131. Aside from using a separate database, the test runner will otherwise
  132. use all of the same database settings you have in your settings file:
  133. :setting:`ENGINE <DATABASE-ENGINE>`, :setting:`USER`, :setting:`HOST`, etc. The
  134. test database is created by the user specified by :setting:`USER`, so you'll
  135. need to make sure that the given user account has sufficient privileges to
  136. create a new database on the system.
  137. For fine-grained control over the character encoding of your test
  138. database, use the :setting:`CHARSET <TEST_CHARSET>` TEST option. If you're using
  139. MySQL, you can also use the :setting:`COLLATION <TEST_COLLATION>` option to
  140. control the particular collation used by the test database. See the
  141. :doc:`settings documentation </ref/settings>` for details of these
  142. and other advanced settings.
  143. If using an SQLite in-memory database with SQLite, `shared cache
  144. <https://www.sqlite.org/sharedcache.html>`_ is enabled, so you can write tests
  145. with ability to share the database between threads.
  146. .. admonition:: Finding data from your production database when running tests?
  147. If your code attempts to access the database when its modules are compiled,
  148. this will occur *before* the test database is set up, with potentially
  149. unexpected results. For example, if you have a database query in
  150. module-level code and a real database exists, production data could pollute
  151. your tests. *It is a bad idea to have such import-time database queries in
  152. your code* anyway - rewrite your code so that it doesn't do this.
  153. This also applies to customized implementations of
  154. :meth:`~django.apps.AppConfig.ready()`.
  155. .. seealso::
  156. The :ref:`advanced multi-db testing topics <topics-testing-advanced-multidb>`.
  157. .. _order-of-tests:
  158. Order in which tests are executed
  159. ---------------------------------
  160. In order to guarantee that all ``TestCase`` code starts with a clean database,
  161. the Django test runner reorders tests in the following way:
  162. * All :class:`~django.test.TestCase` subclasses are run first.
  163. * Then, all other Django-based tests (test cases based on
  164. :class:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase`, including
  165. :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase`) are run with no particular
  166. ordering guaranteed nor enforced among them.
  167. * Then any other :class:`unittest.TestCase` tests (including doctests) that may
  168. alter the database without restoring it to its original state are run.
  169. .. note::
  170. The new ordering of tests may reveal unexpected dependencies on test case
  171. ordering. This is the case with doctests that relied on state left in the
  172. database by a given :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase` test, they
  173. must be updated to be able to run independently.
  174. .. note::
  175. Failures detected when loading tests are ordered before all of the above
  176. for quicker feedback. This includes things like test modules that couldn't
  177. be found or that couldn't be loaded due to syntax errors.
  178. You may randomize and/or reverse the execution order inside groups using the
  179. :option:`test --shuffle` and :option:`--reverse <test --reverse>` options. This
  180. can help with ensuring your tests are independent from each other.
  181. .. _test-case-serialized-rollback:
  182. Rollback emulation
  183. ------------------
  184. Any initial data loaded in migrations will only be available in ``TestCase``
  185. tests and not in ``TransactionTestCase`` tests, and additionally only on
  186. backends where transactions are supported (the most important exception being
  187. MyISAM). This is also true for tests which rely on ``TransactionTestCase``
  188. such as :class:`LiveServerTestCase` and
  189. :class:`~django.contrib.staticfiles.testing.StaticLiveServerTestCase`.
  190. Django can reload that data for you on a per-testcase basis by
  191. setting the ``serialized_rollback`` option to ``True`` in the body of the
  192. ``TestCase`` or ``TransactionTestCase``, but note that this will slow down
  193. that test suite by approximately 3x.
  194. Third-party apps or those developing against MyISAM will need to set this;
  195. in general, however, you should be developing your own projects against a
  196. transactional database and be using ``TestCase`` for most tests, and thus
  197. not need this setting.
  198. The initial serialization is usually very quick, but if you wish to exclude
  199. some apps from this process (and speed up test runs slightly), you may add
  200. those apps to :setting:`TEST_NON_SERIALIZED_APPS`.
  201. To prevent serialized data from being loaded twice, setting
  202. ``serialized_rollback=True`` disables the
  203. :data:`~django.db.models.signals.post_migrate` signal when flushing the test
  204. database.
  205. Other test conditions
  206. ---------------------
  207. Regardless of the value of the :setting:`DEBUG` setting in your configuration
  208. file, all Django tests run with :setting:`DEBUG`\=False. This is to ensure that
  209. the observed output of your code matches what will be seen in a production
  210. setting.
  211. Caches are not cleared after each test, and running ``manage.py test fooapp``
  212. can insert data from the tests into the cache of a live system if you run your
  213. tests in production because, unlike databases, a separate "test cache" is not
  214. used. This behavior :ticket:`may change <11505>` in the future.
  215. Understanding the test output
  216. -----------------------------
  217. When you run your tests, you'll see a number of messages as the test runner
  218. prepares itself. You can control the level of detail of these messages with the
  219. ``verbosity`` option on the command line:
  220. .. code-block:: shell
  221. Creating test database...
  222. Creating table myapp_animal
  223. Creating table myapp_mineral
  224. This tells you that the test runner is creating a test database, as described
  225. in the previous section.
  226. Once the test database has been created, Django will run your tests.
  227. If everything goes well, you'll see something like this:
  228. .. code-block:: shell
  229. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. Ran 22 tests in 0.221s
  231. OK
  232. If there are test failures, however, you'll see full details about which tests
  233. failed:
  234. .. code-block:: shell
  235. ======================================================================
  236. FAIL: test_was_published_recently_with_future_poll (polls.tests.PollMethodTests)
  237. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  238. Traceback (most recent call last):
  239. File "/dev/mysite/polls/tests.py", line 16, in test_was_published_recently_with_future_poll
  240. self.assertIs(future_poll.was_published_recently(), False)
  241. AssertionError: True is not False
  242. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  243. Ran 1 test in 0.003s
  244. FAILED (failures=1)
  245. A full explanation of this error output is beyond the scope of this document,
  246. but it's pretty intuitive. You can consult the documentation of Python's
  247. :mod:`unittest` library for details.
  248. Note that the return code for the test-runner script is 1 for any number of
  249. failed tests (whether the failure was caused by an error, a failed assertion,
  250. or an unexpected success). If all the tests pass, the return code is 0. This
  251. feature is useful if you're using the test-runner script in a shell script and
  252. need to test for success or failure at that level.
  253. .. _speeding-up-tests-auth-hashers:
  254. Speeding up the tests
  255. ---------------------
  256. Running tests in parallel
  257. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  258. As long as your tests are properly isolated, you can run them in parallel to
  259. gain a speed up on multi-core hardware. See :option:`test --parallel`.
  260. Password hashing
  261. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  262. The default password hasher is rather slow by design. If you're authenticating
  263. many users in your tests, you may want to use a custom settings file and set
  264. the :setting:`PASSWORD_HASHERS` setting to a faster hashing algorithm::
  266. "django.contrib.auth.hashers.MD5PasswordHasher",
  267. ]
  268. Don't forget to also include in :setting:`PASSWORD_HASHERS` any hashing
  269. algorithm used in fixtures, if any.
  270. Preserving the test database
  271. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  272. The :option:`test --keepdb` option preserves the test database between test
  273. runs. It skips the create and destroy actions which can greatly decrease the
  274. time to run tests.
  275. Avoiding disk access for media files
  276. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  277. The :class:`~django.core.files.storage.InMemoryStorage` is a convenient way to
  278. prevent disk access for media files. All data is kept in memory, then it gets
  279. discarded after tests run.