1.5.txt 34 KB

  1. ============================================
  2. Django 1.5 release notes - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
  3. ============================================
  4. Welcome to Django 1.5!
  5. These release notes cover the `new features`_, as well
  6. as some `backwards incompatible changes`_ you'll want to be aware of
  7. when upgrading from Django 1.4 or older versions. We've also dropped some
  8. features, which are detailed in :doc:`our deprecation plan
  9. </internals/deprecation>`, and we've `begun the deprecation process for some
  10. features`_.
  11. .. _`new features`: `What's new in Django 1.5`_
  12. .. _`backwards incompatible changes`: `Backwards incompatible changes in 1.5`_
  13. .. _`begun the deprecation process for some features`: `Features deprecated in 1.5`_
  14. Overview
  15. ========
  16. The biggest new feature in Django 1.5 is the `configurable User model`_. Before
  17. Django 1.5, applications that wanted to use Django's auth framework
  18. (:mod:`django.contrib.auth`) were forced to use Django's definition of a "user".
  19. In Django 1.5, you can now swap out the ``User`` model for one that you write
  20. yourself. This could be a simple extension to the existing ``User`` model -- for
  21. example, you could add a Twitter or Facebook ID field -- or you could completely
  22. replace the ``User`` with one totally customized for your site.
  23. Django 1.5 is also the first release with `Python 3 support`_! We're labeling
  24. this support "experimental" because we don't yet consider it production-ready,
  25. but everything's in place for you to start porting your apps to Python 3.
  26. Our next release, Django 1.6, will support Python 3 without reservations.
  27. Other notable new features in Django 1.5 include:
  28. * `Support for saving a subset of model's fields`_ -
  29. :meth:`Model.save() <django.db.models.Model.save()>` now accepts an
  30. ``update_fields`` argument, letting you specify which fields are
  31. written back to the database when you call ``save()``. This can help
  32. in high-concurrency operations, and can improve performance.
  33. * Better `support for streaming responses <#explicit-streaming-responses>`_ via
  34. the new :class:`~django.http.StreamingHttpResponse` response class.
  35. * `GeoDjango`_ now supports PostGIS 2.0.
  36. * ... and more; `see below <#what-s-new-in-django-1-5>`_.
  37. Wherever possible we try to introduce new features in a backwards-compatible
  38. manner per :doc:`our API stability policy </misc/api-stability>`.
  39. However, as with previous releases, Django 1.5 ships with some minor
  40. `backwards incompatible changes`_; people upgrading from previous versions
  41. of Django should read that list carefully.
  42. One deprecated feature worth noting is the shift to "new-style" :ttag:`url` tag.
  43. Prior to Django 1.3, syntax like ``{% url myview %}`` was interpreted
  44. incorrectly (Django considered ``"myview"`` to be a literal name of a view, not
  45. a template variable named ``myview``). Django 1.3 and above introduced the
  46. ``{% load url from future %}`` syntax to bring in the corrected behavior where
  47. ``myview`` was seen as a variable.
  48. The upshot of this is that if you are not using ``{% load url from future %}``
  49. in your templates, you'll need to change tags like ``{% url myview %}`` to
  50. ``{% url "myview" %}``. If you *were* using ``{% load url from future %}`` you
  51. can simply remove that line under Django 1.5
  52. Python compatibility
  53. ====================
  54. Django 1.5 requires Python 2.6.5 or above, though we **highly recommend**
  55. Python 2.7.3 or above. Support for Python 2.5 and below has been dropped.
  56. This change should affect only a small number of Django users, as most
  57. operating-system vendors today are shipping Python 2.6 or newer as their default
  58. version. If you're still using Python 2.5, however, you'll need to stick to
  59. Django 1.4 until you can upgrade your Python version. Per :doc:`our support
  60. policy </internals/release-process>`, Django 1.4 will continue to receive
  61. security support until the release of Django 1.6.
  62. Django 1.5 does not run on a Jython final release, because Jython's latest
  63. release doesn't currently support Python 2.6. However, Jython currently does
  64. offer an alpha release featuring 2.7 support, and Django 1.5 supports that alpha
  65. release.
  66. Python 3 support
  67. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  68. Django 1.5 introduces support for Python 3 - specifically, Python
  69. 3.2 and above. This comes in the form of a **single** codebase; you don't
  70. need to install a different version of Django on Python 3. This means that
  71. you can write applications targeted for just Python 2, just Python 3, or single
  72. applications that support both platforms.
  73. However, we're labeling this support "experimental" for now: although it's
  74. received extensive testing via our automated test suite, it's received very
  75. little real-world testing. We've done our best to eliminate bugs, but we can't
  76. be sure we covered all possible uses of Django.
  77. Some features of Django aren't available because they depend on third-party
  78. software that hasn't been ported to Python 3 yet, including:
  79. - the MySQL database backend (depends on MySQLdb)
  80. - :class:`~django.db.models.ImageField` (depends on PIL)
  81. - :class:`~django.test.LiveServerTestCase` (depends on Selenium WebDriver)
  82. Further, Django's more than a web framework; it's an ecosystem of pluggable
  83. components. At this point, very few third-party applications have been ported
  84. to Python 3, so it's unlikely that a real-world application will have all its
  85. dependencies satisfied under Python 3.
  86. Thus, we're recommending that Django 1.5 not be used in production under Python
  87. 3. Instead, use this opportunity to begin :doc:`porting applications to Python 3
  88. </topics/python3>`. If you're an author of a pluggable component, we encourage you
  89. to start porting now.
  90. We plan to offer first-class, production-ready support for Python 3 in our next
  91. release, Django 1.6.
  92. What's new in Django 1.5
  93. ========================
  94. Configurable User model
  95. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  96. In Django 1.5, you can now use your own model as the store for user-related
  97. data. If your project needs a username with more than 30 characters, or if
  98. you want to store user's names in a format other than first name/last name,
  99. or you want to put custom profile information onto your User object, you can
  100. now do so.
  101. If you have a third-party reusable application that references the User model,
  102. you may need to make some changes to the way you reference User instances. You
  103. should also document any specific features of the User model that your
  104. application relies upon.
  105. See the :ref:`documentation on custom User models <auth-custom-user>` for
  106. more details.
  107. Support for saving a subset of model's fields
  108. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  109. The method :meth:`Model.save() <django.db.models.Model.save()>` has a new
  110. keyword argument ``update_fields``. By using this argument it is possible to
  111. save only a select list of model's fields. This can be useful for performance
  112. reasons or when trying to avoid overwriting concurrent changes.
  113. Deferred instances (those loaded by .only() or .defer()) will automatically
  114. save just the loaded fields. If any field is set manually after load, that
  115. field will also get updated on save.
  116. See the :meth:`Model.save() <django.db.models.Model.save()>` documentation for
  117. more details.
  118. Caching of related model instances
  119. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  120. When traversing relations, the ORM will avoid re-fetching objects that were
  121. previously loaded. For example, with the tutorial's models::
  122. >>> first_poll = Poll.objects.all()[0]
  123. >>> first_choice = first_poll.choice_set.all()[0]
  124. >>> first_choice.poll is first_poll
  125. True
  126. In Django 1.5, the third line no longer triggers a new SQL query to fetch
  127. ``first_choice.poll``; it was set by the second line.
  128. For one-to-one relationships, both sides can be cached. For many-to-one
  129. relationships, only the single side of the relationship can be cached. This
  130. is particularly helpful in combination with ``prefetch_related``.
  131. .. _explicit-streaming-responses:
  132. Explicit support for streaming responses
  133. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  134. Before Django 1.5, it was possible to create a streaming response by passing
  135. an iterator to :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse`. But this was unreliable:
  136. any middleware that accessed the :attr:`~django.http.HttpResponse.content`
  137. attribute would consume the iterator prematurely.
  138. You can now explicitly generate a streaming response with the new
  139. :class:`~django.http.StreamingHttpResponse` class. This class exposes a
  140. :class:`~django.http.StreamingHttpResponse.streaming_content` attribute which
  141. is an iterator.
  142. Since :class:`~django.http.StreamingHttpResponse` does not have a ``content``
  143. attribute, middleware that needs access to the response content must test for
  144. streaming responses and behave accordingly. See :ref:`response-middleware` for
  145. more information.
  146. ``{% verbatim %}`` template tag
  147. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  148. To make it easier to deal with javascript templates which collide with Django's
  149. syntax, you can now use the :ttag:`verbatim` block tag to avoid parsing the
  150. tag's content.
  151. Retrieval of ``ContentType`` instances associated with proxy models
  152. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  153. The methods :meth:`ContentTypeManager.get_for_model() <django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentTypeManager.get_for_model()>`
  154. and :meth:`ContentTypeManager.get_for_models() <django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentTypeManager.get_for_models()>`
  155. have a new keyword argument – respectively ``for_concrete_model`` and ``for_concrete_models``.
  156. By passing ``False`` using this argument it is now possible to retrieve the
  157. :class:`ContentType <django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType>`
  158. associated with proxy models.
  159. New ``view`` variable in class-based views context
  160. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  161. In all :doc:`generic class-based views </topics/class-based-views/index>`
  162. (or any class-based view inheriting from ``ContextMixin``), the context dictionary
  163. contains a ``view`` variable that points to the ``View`` instance.
  164. GeoDjango
  165. ~~~~~~~~~
  166. * :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.LineString` and
  167. :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.MultiLineString` GEOS objects now support the
  168. :meth:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry.interpolate()` and
  169. :meth:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry.project()` methods
  170. (so-called linear referencing).
  171. * The wkb and hex properties of `GEOSGeometry` objects preserve the Z dimension.
  172. * Support for PostGIS 2.0 has been added and support for GDAL < 1.5 has been
  173. dropped.
  174. New tutorials
  175. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  176. Additions to the docs include a revamped :doc:`Tutorial 3</intro/tutorial03>`
  177. and a new :doc:`tutorial on testing</intro/tutorial05>`. A new section,
  178. "Advanced Tutorials", offers :doc:`How to write reusable apps
  179. </intro/reusable-apps>` as well as a step-by-step guide for new contributors in
  180. :doc:`Writing your first patch for Django </intro/contributing>`.
  181. Minor features
  182. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  183. Django 1.5 also includes several smaller improvements worth noting:
  184. * The template engine now interprets ``True``, ``False`` and ``None`` as the
  185. corresponding Python objects.
  186. * :mod:`django.utils.timezone` provides a helper for converting aware
  187. datetimes between time zones. See :func:`~django.utils.timezone.localtime`.
  188. * The generic views support OPTIONS requests.
  189. * Management commands do not raise ``SystemExit`` any more when called by code
  190. from :ref:`call_command <call-command>`. Any exception raised by the command
  191. (mostly :ref:`CommandError <ref-command-exceptions>`) is propagated.
  192. * The dumpdata management command outputs one row at a time, preventing
  193. out-of-memory errors when dumping large datasets.
  194. * In the localflavor for Canada, "pq" was added to the acceptable codes for
  195. Quebec. It's an old abbreviation.
  196. * The :ref:`receiver <connecting-receiver-functions>` decorator is now able to
  197. connect to more than one signal by supplying a list of signals.
  198. * In the admin, you can now filter users by groups which they are members of.
  199. * :meth:`QuerySet.bulk_create()
  200. <django.db.models.query.QuerySet.bulk_create>` now has a batch_size
  201. argument. By default the batch_size is unlimited except for SQLite where
  202. single batch is limited so that 999 parameters per query isn't exceeded.
  203. * The :setting:`LOGIN_URL` and :setting:`LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL` settings now also
  204. accept view function names and
  205. :ref:`named URL patterns <naming-url-patterns>`. This allows you to reduce
  206. configuration duplication. More information can be found in the
  207. :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.login_required` documentation.
  208. * Django now provides a mod_wsgi :doc:`auth handler
  209. </howto/deployment/wsgi/apache-auth>`.
  210. * The :meth:`QuerySet.delete() <django.db.models.query.QuerySet.delete>`
  211. and :meth:`Model.delete() <django.db.models.Model.delete()>` can now take
  212. fast-path in some cases. The fast-path allows for less queries and less
  213. objects fetched into memory. See :meth:`QuerySet.delete()
  214. <django.db.models.query.QuerySet.delete>` for details.
  215. * An instance of :class:`~django.core.urlresolvers.ResolverMatch` is stored on
  216. the request as ``resolver_match``.
  217. * By default, all logging messages reaching the `django` logger when
  218. :setting:`DEBUG` is `True` are sent to the console (unless you redefine the
  219. logger in your :setting:`LOGGING` setting).
  220. * When using :class:`~django.template.RequestContext`, it is now possible to
  221. look up permissions by using ``{% if 'someapp.someperm' in perms %}``
  222. in templates.
  223. * It's not required any more to have ``404.html`` and ``500.html`` templates in
  224. the root templates directory. Django will output some basic error messages for
  225. both situations when those templates are not found. Of course, it's still
  226. recommended as good practice to provide those templates in order to present
  227. pretty error pages to the user.
  228. * :mod:`django.contrib.auth` provides a new signal that is emitted
  229. whenever a user fails to login successfully. See
  230. :data:`~django.contrib.auth.signals.user_login_failed`
  231. * The loaddata management command now supports an `ignorenonexistent` option to
  232. ignore data for fields that no longer exist.
  233. * :meth:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase.assertXMLEqual` and
  234. :meth:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase.assertXMLNotEqual` new assertions allow
  235. you to test equality for XML content at a semantic level, without caring for
  236. syntax differences (spaces, attribute order, etc.).
  237. * RemoteUserMiddleware now forces logout when the REMOTE_USER header
  238. disappears during the same browser session.
  239. * The :ref:`cache-based session backend <cached-sessions-backend>` can store
  240. session data in a non-default cache.
  241. * Multi-column indexes can now be created on models. Read the
  242. :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.index_together` documentation for more
  243. information.
  244. * During Django's logging configuration verbose Deprecation warnings are
  245. enabled and warnings are captured into the logging system. Logged warnings
  246. are routed through the ``console`` logging handler, which by default requires
  247. :setting:`DEBUG` to be True for output to be generated. The result is that
  248. DeprecationWarnings should be printed to the console in development
  249. environments the way they have been in Python versions < 2.7.
  250. * The API for :meth:`django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.message_user` method has
  251. been modified to accept additional arguments adding capabilities similar to
  252. :func:`django.contrib.messages.add_message`. This is useful for generating
  253. error messages from admin actions.
  254. * The admin's list filters can now be customized per-request thanks to the new
  255. :meth:`django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.get_list_filter` method.
  256. Backwards incompatible changes in 1.5
  257. =====================================
  258. .. warning::
  259. In addition to the changes outlined in this section, be sure to review the
  260. :doc:`deprecation plan </internals/deprecation>` for any features that
  261. have been removed. If you haven't updated your code within the
  262. deprecation timeline for a given feature, its removal may appear as a
  263. backwards incompatible change.
  264. Managers on abstract models
  265. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  266. Abstract models are able to define a custom manager, and that manager
  267. :ref:`will be inherited by any concrete models extending the abstract model
  268. <custom-managers-and-inheritance>`. However, if you try to use the abstract
  269. model to call a method on the manager, an exception will now be raised.
  270. Previously, the call would have been permitted, but would have failed as soon
  271. as any database operation was attempted (usually with a "table does not exist"
  272. error from the database).
  273. If you have functionality on a manager that you have been invoking using
  274. the abstract class, you should migrate that logic to a Python
  275. ``staticmethod`` or ``classmethod`` on the abstract class.
  276. Context in year archive class-based views
  277. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  278. For consistency with the other date-based generic views,
  279. :class:`~django.views.generic.dates.YearArchiveView` now passes ``year`` in
  280. the context as a :class:`datetime.date` rather than a string. If you are
  281. using ``{{ year }}`` in your templates, you must replace it with ``{{
  282. year|date:"Y" }}``.
  283. ``next_year`` and ``previous_year`` were also added in the context. They are
  284. calculated according to ``allow_empty`` and ``allow_future``.
  285. Context in year and month archive class-based views
  286. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  287. :class:`~django.views.generic.dates.YearArchiveView` and
  288. :class:`~django.views.generic.dates.MonthArchiveView` were documented to
  289. provide a ``date_list`` sorted in ascending order in the context, like their
  290. function-based predecessors, but it actually was in descending order. In 1.5,
  291. the documented order was restored. You may want to add (or remove) the
  292. ``reversed`` keyword when you're iterating on ``date_list`` in a template::
  293. {% for date in date_list reversed %}
  294. :class:`~django.views.generic.dates.ArchiveIndexView` still provides a
  295. ``date_list`` in descending order.
  296. Context in TemplateView
  297. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  298. For consistency with the design of the other generic views,
  299. :class:`~django.views.generic.base.TemplateView` no longer passes a ``params``
  300. dictionary into the context, instead passing the variables from the URLconf
  301. directly into the context.
  302. Non-form data in HTTP requests
  303. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  304. :attr:`request.POST <django.http.HttpRequest.POST>` will no longer include data
  305. posted via HTTP requests with non form-specific content-types in the header.
  306. In prior versions, data posted with content-types other than
  307. ``multipart/form-data`` or ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` would still
  308. end up represented in the :attr:`request.POST <django.http.HttpRequest.POST>`
  309. attribute. Developers wishing to access the raw POST data for these cases,
  310. should use the :attr:`request.body <django.http.HttpRequest.body>` attribute
  311. instead.
  312. :data:`~django.core.signals.request_finished` signal
  313. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  314. Django used to send the :data:`~django.core.signals.request_finished` signal
  315. as soon as the view function returned a response. This interacted badly with
  316. :ref:`streaming responses <httpresponse-streaming>` that delay content
  317. generation.
  318. This signal is now sent after the content is fully consumed by the WSGI
  319. gateway. This might be backwards incompatible if you rely on the signal being
  320. fired before sending the response content to the client. If you do, you should
  321. consider using a middleware instead.
  322. OPTIONS, PUT and DELETE requests in the test client
  323. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  324. Unlike GET and POST, these HTTP methods aren't implemented by web browsers.
  325. Rather, they're used in APIs, which transfer data in various formats such as
  326. JSON or XML. Since such requests may contain arbitrary data, Django doesn't
  327. attempt to decode their body.
  328. However, the test client used to build a query string for OPTIONS and DELETE
  329. requests like for GET, and a request body for PUT requests like for POST. This
  330. encoding was arbitrary and inconsistent with Django's behavior when it
  331. receives the requests, so it was removed in Django 1.5.
  332. If you were using the ``data`` parameter in an OPTIONS or a DELETE request,
  333. you must convert it to a query string and append it to the ``path`` parameter.
  334. If you were using the ``data`` parameter in a PUT request without a
  335. ``content_type``, you must encode your data before passing it to the test
  336. client and set the ``content_type`` argument.
  337. .. _simplejson-incompatibilities:
  338. System version of :mod:`simplejson` no longer used
  339. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  340. :ref:`As explained below <simplejson-deprecation>`, Django 1.5 deprecates
  341. ``django.utils.simplejson`` in favor of Python 2.6's built-in :mod:`json`
  342. module. In theory, this change is harmless. Unfortunately, because of
  343. incompatibilities between versions of :mod:`simplejson`, it may trigger errors
  344. in some circumstances.
  345. JSON-related features in Django 1.4 always used ``django.utils.simplejson``.
  346. This module was actually:
  347. - A system version of :mod:`simplejson`, if one was available (ie. ``import
  348. simplejson`` works), if it was more recent than Django's built-in copy or it
  349. had the C speedups, or
  350. - The :mod:`json` module from the standard library, if it was available (ie.
  351. Python 2.6 or greater), or
  352. - A built-in copy of version 2.0.7 of :mod:`simplejson`.
  353. In Django 1.5, those features use Python's :mod:`json` module, which is based
  354. on version 2.0.9 of :mod:`simplejson`.
  355. There are no known incompatibilities between Django's copy of version 2.0.7 and
  356. Python's copy of version 2.0.9. However, there are some incompatibilities
  357. between other versions of :mod:`simplejson`:
  358. - While the :mod:`simplejson` API is documented as always returning unicode
  359. strings, the optional C implementation can return a byte string. This was
  360. fixed in Python 2.7.
  361. - :class:`simplejson.JSONEncoder` gained a ``namedtuple_as_object`` keyword
  362. argument in version 2.2.
  363. More information on these incompatibilities is available in `ticket #18023`_.
  364. The net result is that, if you have installed :mod:`simplejson` and your code
  365. uses Django's serialization internals directly -- for instance
  366. ``django.core.serializers.json.DjangoJSONEncoder``, the switch from
  367. :mod:`simplejson` to :mod:`json` could break your code. (In general, changes to
  368. internals aren't documented; we're making an exception here.)
  369. At this point, the maintainers of Django believe that using :mod:`json` from
  370. the standard library offers the strongest guarantee of backwards-compatibility.
  371. They recommend to use it from now on.
  372. .. _ticket #18023: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/18023#comment:10
  373. String types of hasher method parameters
  374. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  375. If you have written a :ref:`custom password hasher <auth_password_storage>`,
  376. your ``encode()``, ``verify()`` or ``safe_summary()`` methods should accept
  377. Unicode parameters (``password``, ``salt`` or ``encoded``). If any of the
  378. hashing methods need byte strings, you can use the
  379. :func:`~django.utils.encoding.force_bytes` utility to encode the strings.
  380. Validation of previous_page_number and next_page_number
  381. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  382. When using :doc:`object pagination </topics/pagination>`,
  383. the ``previous_page_number()`` and ``next_page_number()`` methods of the
  384. :class:`~django.core.paginator.Page` object did not check if the returned
  385. number was inside the existing page range.
  386. It does check it now and raises an :exc:`~django.core.paginator.InvalidPage`
  387. exception when the number is either too low or too high.
  388. Behavior of autocommit database option on PostgreSQL changed
  389. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  390. PostgreSQL's autocommit option didn't work as advertised previously. It did
  391. work for single transaction block, but after the first block was left the
  392. autocommit behavior was never restored. This bug is now fixed in 1.5. While
  393. this is only a bug fix, it is worth checking your applications behavior if
  394. you are using PostgreSQL together with the autocommit option.
  395. Session not saved on 500 responses
  396. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  397. Django's session middleware will skip saving the session data if the
  398. response's status code is 500.
  399. Email checks on failed admin login
  400. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  401. Prior to Django 1.5, if you attempted to log into the admin interface and
  402. mistakenly used your email address instead of your username, the admin
  403. interface would provide a warning advising that your email address was
  404. not your username. In Django 1.5, the introduction of
  405. :ref:`custom User models <auth-custom-user>` has required the removal of this
  406. warning. This doesn't change the login behavior of the admin site; it only
  407. affects the warning message that is displayed under one particular mode of
  408. login failure.
  409. Changes in tests execution
  410. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  411. Some changes have been introduced in the execution of tests that might be
  412. backward-incompatible for some testing setups:
  413. Database flushing in ``django.test.TransactionTestCase``
  414. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  415. Previously, the test database was truncated *before* each test run in a
  416. :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase`.
  417. In order to be able to run unit tests in any order and to make sure they are
  418. always isolated from each other, :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase` will
  419. now reset the database *after* each test run instead.
  420. No more implicit DB sequences reset
  421. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  422. :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase` tests used to reset primary key
  423. sequences automatically together with the database flushing actions described
  424. above.
  425. This has been changed so no sequences are implicitly reset. This can cause
  426. :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase` tests that depend on hard-coded
  427. primary key values to break.
  428. The new :attr:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase.reset_sequences` attribute can
  429. be used to force the old behavior for :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase`
  430. that might need it.
  431. Ordering of tests
  432. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  433. In order to make sure all ``TestCase`` code starts with a clean database,
  434. tests are now executed in the following order:
  435. * First, all unittests (including :class:`unittest.TestCase`,
  436. :class:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase`, :class:`~django.test.TestCase` and
  437. :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase`) are run with no particular ordering
  438. guaranteed nor enforced among them.
  439. * Then any other tests (e.g. doctests) that may alter the database without
  440. restoring it to its original state are run.
  441. This should not cause any problems unless you have existing doctests which
  442. assume a :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase` executed earlier left some
  443. database state behind or unit tests that rely on some form of state being
  444. preserved after the execution of other tests. Such tests are already very
  445. fragile, and must now be changed to be able to run independently.
  446. `cleaned_data` dictionary kept for invalid forms
  447. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  448. The :attr:`~django.forms.Form.cleaned_data` dictionary is now always present
  449. after form validation. When the form doesn't validate, it contains only the
  450. fields that passed validation. You should test the success of the validation
  451. with the :meth:`~django.forms.Form.is_valid()` method and not with the
  452. presence or absence of the :attr:`~django.forms.Form.cleaned_data` attribute
  453. on the form.
  454. Behavior of :djadmin:`syncdb` with multiple databases
  455. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  456. :djadmin:`syncdb` now queries the database routers to determine if content
  457. types (when :mod:`~django.contrib.contenttypes` is enabled) and permissions
  458. (when :mod:`~django.contrib.auth` is enabled) should be created in the target
  459. database. Previously, it created them in the default database, even when
  460. another database was specified with the :djadminopt:`--database` option.
  461. If you use :djadmin:`syncdb` on multiple databases, you should ensure that
  462. your routers allow synchronizing content types and permissions to only one of
  463. them. See the docs on the :ref:`behavior of contrib apps with multiple
  464. databases <contrib_app_multiple_databases>` for more information.
  465. Miscellaneous
  466. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  467. * :class:`django.forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField` now returns an empty
  468. ``QuerySet`` as the empty value instead of an empty list.
  469. * :func:`~django.utils.http.int_to_base36` properly raises a
  470. :exc:`~exceptions.TypeError` instead of :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` for
  471. non-integer inputs.
  472. * The ``slugify`` template filter is now available as a standard python
  473. function at :func:`django.utils.text.slugify`. Similarly, ``remove_tags`` is
  474. available at :func:`django.utils.html.remove_tags`.
  475. * Uploaded files are no longer created as executable by default. If you need
  476. them to be executable change :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS` to your
  477. needs. The new default value is `0666` (octal) and the current umask value
  478. is first masked out.
  479. * The :ref:`F() expressions <query-expressions>` supported bitwise operators by
  480. ``&`` and ``|``. These operators are now available using ``.bitand()`` and
  481. ``.bitor()`` instead. The removal of ``&`` and ``|`` was done to be consistent with
  482. :ref:`Q() expressions <complex-lookups-with-q>` and ``QuerySet`` combining where
  483. the operators are used as boolean AND and OR operators.
  484. * In a ``filter()`` call, when :ref:`F() expressions <query-expressions>`
  485. contained lookups spanning multi-valued relations, they didn't always reuse
  486. the same relations as other lookups along the same chain. This was changed,
  487. and now F() expressions will always use the same relations as other lookups
  488. within the same ``filter()`` call.
  489. * The :ttag:`csrf_token` template tag is no longer enclosed in a div. If you need
  490. HTML validation against pre-HTML5 Strict DTDs, you should add a div around it
  491. in your pages.
  492. * The template tags library ``adminmedia``, which only contained the
  493. deprecated template tag ``{% admin_media_prefix %}``, was removed.
  494. Attempting to load it with ``{% load adminmedia %}`` will fail. If your
  495. templates still contain that line you must remove it.
  496. * Because of an implementation oversight, it was possible to use
  497. :doc:`django.contrib.redirects </ref/contrib/redirects>` without enabling
  498. :doc:`django.contrib.sites </ref/contrib/sites>`. This isn't allowed any
  499. longer. If you're using ``django.contrib.redirects``, make sure
  500. :setting:``INSTALLED_APPS`` contains ``django.contrib.sites``.
  501. Features deprecated in 1.5
  502. ==========================
  503. ``django.contrib.localflavor``
  504. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  505. The localflavor contrib app has been split into separate packages.
  506. ``django.contrib.localflavor`` itself will be removed in Django 1.6, after an
  507. :ref:`accelerated deprecation <localflavor-deprecation-policy>`. The docs
  508. provide :ref:`migration instructions <localflavor-how-to-migrate>`.
  509. The new packages are available :ref:`on Github <localflavor-packages>`. The
  510. core team cannot efficiently maintain these packages in the long term — it
  511. spans just a dozen countries at this time; similar to translations, maintenance
  512. will be handed over to interested members of the community.
  513. ``django.contrib.markup``
  514. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  515. The markup contrib module has been deprecated and will follow an accelerated
  516. deprecation schedule. Direct use of python markup libraries or 3rd party tag
  517. libraries is preferred to Django maintaining this functionality in the
  518. framework.
  519. :setting:`AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE`
  520. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  521. With the introduction of :ref:`custom User models <auth-custom-user>`, there is
  522. no longer any need for a built-in mechanism to store user profile data.
  523. You can still define user profiles models that have a one-to-one relation with
  524. the User model - in fact, for many applications needing to associate data with
  525. a User account, this will be an appropriate design pattern to follow. However,
  526. the :setting:`AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE` setting, and the
  527. :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.get_profile()` method for accessing
  528. the user profile model, should not be used any longer.
  529. Streaming behavior of :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse`
  530. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  531. Django 1.5 deprecates the ability to stream a response by passing an iterator
  532. to :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse`. If you rely on this behavior, switch to
  533. :class:`~django.http.StreamingHttpResponse`. See
  534. :ref:`explicit-streaming-responses` above.
  535. In Django 1.7 and above, the iterator will be consumed immediately by
  536. :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse`.
  537. .. _simplejson-deprecation:
  538. ``django.utils.simplejson``
  539. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  540. Since Django 1.5 drops support for Python 2.5, we can now rely on the
  541. :mod:`json` module being available in Python's standard library, so we've
  542. removed our own copy of :mod:`simplejson`. You should now import :mod:`json`
  543. instead of ``django.utils.simplejson``.
  544. Unfortunately, this change might have unwanted side-effects, because of
  545. incompatibilities between versions of :mod:`simplejson` -- see the
  546. :ref:`backwards-incompatible changes <simplejson-incompatibilities>` section.
  547. If you rely on features added to :mod:`simplejson` after it became Python's
  548. :mod:`json`, you should import :mod:`simplejson` explicitly.
  549. ``django.utils.encoding.StrAndUnicode``
  550. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  551. The :class:`~django.utils.encoding.StrAndUnicode` mix-in has been deprecated.
  552. Define a ``__str__`` method and apply the
  553. :func:`~django.utils.encoding.python_2_unicode_compatible` decorator instead.
  554. ``django.utils.itercompat.product``
  555. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  556. The ``django.utils.itercompat.product`` function has been deprecated. Use
  557. the built-in :func:`itertools.product` instead.
  558. ``cleanup`` management command
  559. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  560. The :djadmin:`cleanup` management command has been deprecated and replaced by
  561. :djadmin:`clearsessions`.
  562. ``daily_cleanup.py`` script
  563. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  564. The undocumented ``daily_cleanup.py`` script has been deprecated. Use the
  565. :djadmin:`clearsessions` management command instead.
  566. ``depth`` keyword argument in ``select_related``
  567. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  568. The ``depth`` keyword argument in
  569. :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.select_related` has been deprecated.
  570. You should use field names instead.