Adam Johnson 2f6b096b83 Fixed #35950 -- Restored refreshing of relations when fields deferred. há 4 dias atrás
_ext 289f48c71b Fixed typo in source file linking Sphinx extension. há 5 meses atrás
_theme ac90529cc5 Fixed docs build with sphinxcontrib-spelling 7.5.0+. há 2 anos atrás
faq da2432ccca Replaced message suggestions from IRC to Discord in contributing docs. há 2 semanas atrás
howto 4c452cc377 Fixed #35535 -- Added template tag decorator simple_block_tag(). há 2 semanas atrás
internals ceecd518b1 Fixed #35530 -- Deprecated request.user fallback in auth.login and auth.alogin. há 6 dias atrás
intro 3d819e2324 Removed reference to "removing older versions of Django" in tutorial. há 5 dias atrás
man b7c7209c67 Updated man page for Django 5.1 alpha. há 6 meses atrás
misc 6f2c7cf6b4 Removed mention of designers in DTL design philosophy. há 10 meses atrás
ref b0d9c1fe32 Updated docs example to clear cached_property without raising AttributeError. há 2 dias atrás
releases 2f6b096b83 Fixed #35950 -- Restored refreshing of relations when fields deferred. há 2 dias atrás
topics 32b9e00b0c Fixed #35964 -- Cleaned up can_order and can_delete formset examples. há 2 dias atrás
Makefile 0977ec671a Added parallelism support via --jobs to docs build Makefile rule. há 6 dias atrás
README.rst 32166a9f7c Refs #25778 -- Updated links to HTTPS. há 4 anos atrás 263f731919 Fixed docs build on Sphinx 8.1+. há 1 mês atrás
contents.txt bca9faae95 Fixed #26020 -- Normalized header stylings in docs. há 8 anos atrás
glossary.txt bca9faae95 Fixed #26020 -- Normalized header stylings in docs. há 8 anos atrás
index.txt 85240139ca Replaced usage of "patch" with more precise terms in faq, howto, and intro docs. há 5 meses atrás
make.bat 6015bab80e Refs #34140 -- Added configurations to run blacken-docs linter and adjusted docs. há 1 ano atrás
requirements.txt 6015bab80e Refs #34140 -- Added configurations to run blacken-docs linter and adjusted docs. há 1 ano atrás
spelling_wordlist 438fc42ac6 Expanded contributor docs on getting feedback from the wider community. há 1 mês atrás


The documentation in this tree is in plain text files and can be viewed using
any text file viewer.

It uses `ReST`_ (reStructuredText), and the `Sphinx`_ documentation system.
This allows it to be built into other forms for easier viewing and browsing.

To create an HTML version of the docs:

* Install Sphinx (using ``python -m pip install Sphinx`` or some other method).

* In this docs/ directory, type ``make html`` (or ``make.bat html`` on
Windows) at a shell prompt.

The documentation in ``_build/html/index.html`` can then be viewed in a web

.. _ReST:
.. _Sphinx: